The provisions of this chapter apply to permits for the laying, constructing, reconstructing or repairing of curbs, sidewalks, gutters, driveways, street surfaces, retaining walls, storm drains, culverts, streetlights or lighting systems, or other appurtenant structures.
(Prior code § 7105.01)
Before a permittee performs any work covered by this chapter, he or she shall obtain from the city engineer the approved lines and grades therefor.
(Prior code § 7105.03)
If, in the opinion of the city engineer, the work proposed to be done requires the making of plans or the setting of stakes, or both, the city engineer may require the application be accompanied by the necessary plans, which plans shall be prepared by a competent engineer.
(Prior code § 7105.02)
The city engineer shall establish the standards for construction, reconstruction or repairing of curbs, gutters, driveways, street surfaces, retaining walls, storm drains, culverts, streetlights or lighting systems, or other appurtenant structures.
(Prior code § 7105.04)
A driveway shall not be constructed or maintained where fences, buildings, natural grade, or any other obstacle will prevent a vehicle from being stored entirely off the public right-of-way after entering such driveway.
A driveway shall not be constructed unless all other driveways which have been abandoned or cause a violation of subsection A of this section have been removed and replaced with full-height curb and gutter, and the sidewalk repaired to city standards.
(Ord. 838 § 1, 1993)
The width of an individual driveway shall be considered as being the net width thereof, exclusive of side slopes and returns, measured along the line of the curb or centerline of the highway. The width of an individual driveway shall be not less than ten feet and shall not exceed in width:
Thirty feet, if the driveway serves only residences or apartments;
Thirty feet for lots or parcels of land less than one hundred feet wide;
Thirty feet or twenty percent of the front frontage of the lot or parcel of land, whichever is greater, but not to exceed sixty feet, when the driveway serves other than residences or apartments on a lot or parcel of land not less than one hundred feet wide.
(Ord. 838 § 1, 1993)
The aggregate width of the total number of driveways serving any single lot or parcel of land from any one highway shall not exceed:
Fifty percent of the frontage, if the driveway serves only residences and apartments;
Sixty percent of the frontage in other cases.
(Ord. 838 § 1, 1993)
The minimum intervening distance between the side slopes or returns of adjacent driveways servicing the same lot or parcel shall be twenty-two feet. In the case of adjacent driveways serving two adjoining lots or parcels, the intervening distance between the side slopes or returns shall be at least two feet; otherwise a common or continuous driveway will be required.
A driveway, including the side slopes, shall not be constructed:
Between the prolonged intersecting property lines of any streets; or
Between the points of curvature of any curb return having a radius of twenty-five feet or less.
In applying the provisions of subsection B of this section, the condition producing the greater length of curb between the specified control points in the particular case shall govern.
(Ord. 838 § 1, 1993)
A driveway, including the side slopes, shall not be constructed between the points of curvature of any curb return except in the case of a curb return having a radius of twenty-five feet or more. Then driveways may encroach at each end thereof for a distance not greater than one-eighth of the total arc length of return, leaving in the clear at least three-quarters of such arc length, if such encroachment does not conflict with other requirements of this section.
Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions, a driveway shall not encroach on any curb return beyond or ahead of any traffic-regulating device located on or adjacent thereto.
(Ord. 838 § 1, 1993)
Where topographical or traffic conditions are such that a modification of these provisions is necessary for the promotion of traffic safety, and the city engineer so finds, he or she may permit a deviation from the provisions to the extent which he or she finds necessary.
(Ord. 838 § 1, 1993)
If any stakes set by the city engineer for any work covered by these provisions are disturbed or destroyed by cause directly attributable to the permittee's delay in making use of the stakes, the city engineer shall set the additional stakes and shall charge the cost thereof to the permittee.
(Ord. 838 § 1, 1993)