Unless expressly stated otherwise, or where the context implies a different meaning, the following definitions shall apply in this chapter:
means the person to whom a permit pertaining to roadside trees has been issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
"Roadside tree area"
means that area of dedicated roadway, street or highway within the city, set apart and designated for the use of the public as a thoroughfare for traffic, whether or not improved, from easement line to easement line, and includes the sidewalks, center and side plots thereof.
"Roadside trees"
means those trees located in the roadside tree area.
"Tree" or "trees"
means and includes all varieties of trees, shrubs and other ornamental or woody vegetation.
(Prior code §§ 7201.01 — 7201.04, 7202.01)
No person, other than a city officer or contractual agent of the city, shall plant, cut down, pull up, burn, destroy, remove, trim, skin, deface or remove the outer trunk surface or bark of any roadside tree, or trim or prune such roadside tree so as to deface, injure, destroy or endanger the life or uniform growth of such roadside tree, without a permit therefor issued by the director of public works, or his or her authorized agent.
(Prior code § 7202.02)
The director of public works or his or her authorized agent shall impose all necessary and reasonable conditions to provide for the uniform growth and development of roadside trees and may, in addition, and impose time limits in respect to the performance of such work, as well as cash deposits to guarantee the faithful performance of the work.
(Prior code § 7202.03)