No person shall hold manage, conduct, carry on or participate in any parade, march or procession of any kind, or any other similar activity, or bear or play any musical instrument upon any public street or alley in the city without first having applied for and obtained a permit therefor from the sheriff, with the approval of the city clerk, as provided in this chapter.
(Prior code § 4247; Ord. 694 § 13, 1985)
Any person desiring to do any of the acts specified in Section 12.52.010 of this chapter shall file an application with the city clerk upon a form to be supplied by the city without charge to the applicant, setting forth the following information in regard to the proposed event:
The name and address of the applicant;
The purpose;
The date and time;
The place and/or route.
(Prior code § 4247.1)
All applications filed pursuant to Section 12.52.020 shall be acted upon by the city clerk within a reasonable time from the date of filing.
Should the clerk, after an investigation of the applicant and the facts contained in the application, determine that the applicant has stated true facts in his or her application and the event as proposed will not interfere unduly with the use of the streets and will not tend to cause a breach of the public peace, he or she shall issue a permit, with the approval of the sheriff endorsed thereon, designating the time, place and route of such event.
(Prior code § 4247.2)
In the event the application is denied, the applicant may file with the clerk a statement and the reasons why it is believed the clerk or sheriff acted improperly. The city council, at its next regular meeting held after the date on which such appeal is filed with the city clerk, shall hear the appeal, and determination of the city council thereon shall be final.
(Prior code § 4247.3)