Definitions in this chapter shall govern the construction of the provisions of Division I of Title 13 of this code unless otherwise apparent from the context.
(Prior code § 5420)
"Applicant" means the person or persons, firm, association, corporation or governmental agency of record applying for water service.
(Prior code § 5420.1)
"Approved water supply" means a potable water supply of safe, sanitary quality which is approved for human consumption by the authorities having jurisdiction thereof.
(Prior code § 5420.2)
"Billing period" means the time interval between two consecutive meter-reading dates used for billing purposes.
(Prior code § 5420.3)
"City manager" means the city manager of the city of Pico Rivera.
(Prior code § 5420.4)
"Commercial service" means water service for premises devoted primarily to business or professional activities.
(Prior code § 5420.5)
"Cost" means the actual cost to the city, including all labor, material, supplies, equipment and miscellaneous items, together with any applicable indirect overhead and general charges, in accordance with the accounting practices of the department.
(Prior code § 5420.6)
"Cross-connection" means any actual or potential connection, arrangement or installation of piping, structures or devices whereby it is possible for any used, unclean, polluted or contaminated water, mixture, gas or substance to enter any portion of any approved water supply.
(Prior code § 5420.7)
"Customer" means any person, persons, firms, associations, corporations or governmental agencies of record supplied or entitled to be supplied with water service by the city in accordance with established rates and charges of the city.
(Prior code § 5420.8)
"Date of presentation" means the date on which a bill or notice is mailed or delivered by the department to the customer.
(Prior code § 5420.9)
"Department" means the water public works department of the city responsible for operating the city's water system.
(Prior code § 5420.10; Ord. 694 § 18, 1985)
"Distribution mains" means distribution pipelines located in streets, highways, public ways or private rights-of-way, exclusive of service connections, which are used to serve the general public with water.
(Prior code § 5420.11)
"Distribution system" means the network of conduits used for the delivery of water by the city to the customer's connection.
(Prior code § 5420.12)
"Domestic service" means single-family or multiple-family dwellings predominantly for residential household and related purposes, as distinguished from commercial and industrial purposes.
(Prior code § 5420.13)
"Easement" means a right-of-way in which the water service has the right to install and maintain water mains or waterworks, or both.
(Prior code § 5420.14)
"Employee" means any person designated by the city manager to perform work and labor for provision of water service by the city.
(Prior code § 5420.15)
"Flat-rate service" means unmetered service for which the charges are based on the type of service or number of units served.
(Prior code § 5420.16)
"Highway" means any public highway, street, road, alley, lane, court or walk, or other public easement, and above and below the same, which now exists or which may hereafter exist in any incorporated territory of the city.
(Prior code § 5420.17)
"Industrial service" means water service for premises where the use is primarily in manufacturing or processing activities.
(Prior code § 5420.18)
"Main extension" means the extension of water mains beyond existing facilities, exclusive of service connections.
(Prior code § 5420.19)
"Main line valve" means any valve used to control the flow of water in a distribution water main, or to a fire hydrant, but does not include the valve to a service connection.
(Prior code § 5420.20)
"Manager" means the city manager of the city of Pico Rivera, or his or her authorized representative.
(Prior code § 5420.21)
"Metered service" means water service for which charges are based on measured quantities of water.
(Prior code § 5420.22)
"Metered service connection" means service connection including meter and meter box.
(Prior code § 5420.23)
"Minimum charge" means a charge for all types and classes of meters.
(Prior code § 5420.24)
"Person" means any individual, person, firm, partnership or public or private corporation.
(Prior code § 5420.25)
"Potable" means suitable water for drinking purposes.
(Prior code § 5420.26)
"Premises" means integrated land area, including improvements thereon, undivided by public thoroughfares or water distribution mains of the department, and where all parts of the premises are operated under the same management and for the same purpose.
(Prior code § 5420.27)
"Private fire-protection service" means water service to premises solely for fire-protection service.
(Prior code § 5420.28)
"Quantitative charge" means a charge based on the amount of water used, measured in cubic feet.
(Prior code § 5420.29)
"Rates" means the rates or amount established by resolution to be charged for water service supplied to customers.
(Prior code § 5420.30)
"Service connection" means the pipeline or conduit, including valves and other equipment installed in place, necessary for conducting water from the city's water main to the meter or meter location installed on or near the property line, but does not include the meter box.
(Prior code § 5420.31)
"Temporary service" means water service for construction work and other uses where service is required only for a limited time, generally not to exceed six months.
(Prior code § 5420.32)
"Transmission water mains" means those lines from source facilities to the distribution facility and may be either pressure or gravity mains.
(Prior code § 5420.33)
"Water division" means that certain division, branch or function of the city within the department of public works which cares for, maintains and operates pumps, plants, mains and all necessary facilities for the acquiring, distributing and selling of water within the city.
(Prior code § 5420.34)
"Water mains" means any pipeline or conduit laid along or approximately parallel with and in any highway, easement, or within the grantee's property, for the transmission or distribution of water, but does not include service connections or service laterals.
(Prior code § 5420.35)
"Water service" means the availability of water to a premises through facilities of the city and any water supplied through such facilities.
(Prior code § 5420.37)
"Water system" means all facilities under administration and control of the city, whether located within or beyond the boundaries of the city, to provide water service, including, but not limited to, the following facilities: Fire hydrants, main extensions, main line valves, meters, meter boxes, motors, pumps, reservoirs, service connections, transmission water mains, water mains, wells, and any and all appurtenant devices.
(Prior code § 5420.36)
"Water utility" means any person, firm, private, quasi-public or public agency of record, supplying or purporting to supply, other than at wholesale, water for any purpose other than irrigation or water replenishment to more than one retail customer or stockholder. The term "water utility" includes a corporation delivering water only to its stockholders, whether such corporation or such stockholders own the water delivered. This Division I does not apply to the supply of water:
At wholesale;
To water utilities; or
For underground water replenishment; or
For underground water conservation.
(Prior code § 5420.38)