Division I of Title 13 of this code shall be known as the "Water Works System of the City of Pico Rivera," and may be cited as such.
(Prior code § 5410)
The waterworks system of the city shall consist of the entire waterworks system of the city, whether located within the city or beyond the boundaries of the city, which has been acquired, constructed and financed by the city, together with all improvements and extensions to the system later constructed or acquired.
(Prior code § 5410.1)
The management and operation of the waterworks system shall remain vested in the city council, and the city council shall, in the exercise of its legislative, discretionary and police powers:
Fix the level and type of services to be supplied to consumers;
Provide for the collection of charges for the same;
Provide rules and regulations in respect to the use of the service;
Determine and fix water rates; and
Do all things necessary and proper to maintain and preserve the waterworks system in good repair and working order.
The administration of the city council policy in respect to the waterworks system and for the management and operation of the same, shall be under the direction and subject to the control of the city manager or duly authorized representative.
(Prior code § 5410.2)
It is unlawful for any person to violate any of the provisions of Division I of this title, or any of the provisions of the hereinafter set forth rules and regulations, as well as any of the provisions of any rules and regulations hereinafter adopted or amended by resolution.
Any person, firm or corporation applying for the service of the waterworks system shall agree in writing to comply with the terms and provisions of Division I of this title, the rules and regulations herein enacted, as well as any rules and regulations hereinafter enacted by resolution, as well as with any amendment or addition to any of the foregoing. Such rules and regulations are as set forth in Chapters 13.04 through 13.24 of this title.
(Prior code § 5430)
All portions and parts of the waterworks system used in supplying water to the consumer shall remain the property of the city, and may be only repaired, replaced or removed as the city shall so direct. Property herein mentioned includes all meters and appliances, service pipe, and lines and mains installed by the city, whether on public property or property of the consumer.
(Prior code § 5430.4)
No water service connection to any premises shall be installed or maintained by the department unless the public water supply is protected as required by state regulations and this section. Backflow preventive devices required hereunder shall be approved by the manager, and shall be installed by and at the expense of the customer. The customer shall regularly test and service such devices to maintain them in satisfactory operating condition, and shall overhaul or replace such devices if they are found to be defective. Records of such tests, repairs and overhauling shall be kept by the customer and made available to the department on request.
Service to any premises may be discontinued by the department after notice if a backflowpreventive device required by this regulation is not installed, tested and maintained, or if any defect is found in an installed backflow-preventive device, or if it is found that a backflow-preventive device has been removed or bypassed, or if unprotected cross-connections exist on the premises, and service will not be restored until such conditions or defects are corrected.
A customer shall not install any quick-closing valve or other equipment or devices which will cause excessive pressure surges in the city's water system.
(Prior code § 5430.10)
All meters shall be installed by the city and shall be only removed, repaired or replaced by the city. No rent or other charge whatsoever shall be made by the consumer for the placing of any meter or appliance upon the consumer's premises. No person shall move, repair, tamper with, injure or destroy any of such meters or appliances other than a representative of the city. The city shall have the right to remove any and all of its facilities installed on a consumer's premises at the termination of service.
Meters, wherever practicable, shall be placed in a meter box in the roadside area, and if not so practicable shall be placed in some other convenient place upon the consumer's premises so that the same, at all times, are accessible for inspection, reading and testing. No person, other than a representative of the city, shall make or maintain any bypass or other connection between the meter and the main, and shall not tamper with the meter in any way.
(Prior code § 5430.6)
The city council may from time to time amend, alter or add additional rules and regulations pertaining to the maintenance and operation and use of the water system. In addition, the city council may, by resolution, adopt such additional rules and regulations pertaining to the maintenance and operation and use of the water system as it deems necessary, including as well charges for the use of the service, which such rules and regulations may be amended, altered, repealed or added to by the city council from time to time as it deems necessary in its discretion. Such resolution shall be adopted in the form and manner that any other resolution of the city council would be adopted.
The manager, with the advice and assistance of the city attorney, is hereby given power and authority to interpret and apply such rules and regulations. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the manager may appeal the decision to the city council, and the decision of the city council shall be final and conclusive thereon.
(Prior code § 5430.16; Ord. 1076 § 10, 2013)
Every consumer shall, at his or her own risk and expense, furnish, install and maintain, in good and safe condition, all apparatus and appliances which may be required for receiving, controlling, applying and utilizing water furnished by the city. Where any part of the consumer's installation is found to be unsafe or hazardous, or where the consumer wilfully wastes water in any manner, the water may be shut off without notice until such unsafe or hazardous or wasteful practices have been discontinued, or until such repairs or modifications have been made to the satisfaction of the city.
Any damage occurring to the meters or other pipes or appliances owned by the city which is caused by carelessness, neglect or unsafe apparatus of the consumer shall be paid for by the consumer on presentation of a bill therefor. The city does not assume the responsibility of inspection of the consumer's installation, and assumes no liability; nor shall the city be responsible for any damage occurring on the premises or elsewhere by reason of open faucets, faulty fixtures, broken pipe or for any other unsafe condition or apparatus at or after the service is turned on, nor for any damage resulting from the turning off of water service.
(Prior code § 5430.2)
If any person fails to comply with the provisions of Section 13.08.040, the water operations manager shall be advised of such failure. If the person thereafter does not correct such noncompliance within a reasonable time after notification from the city manager to do so, the city manager shall have the right, after giving notice, to discontinue service to such person.
Except in case of emergency, the city manager shall not discontinue the service of any persons except on written five-day notice thereof advising such person in what particular there has been a violation or noncompliance for which service will be discontinued if the violation or noncompliance has not been remedied. This notice, however, may be dispensed with by the city manager, in his or her discretion, in the event of an emergency demanding immediate curtailment of the service in order to protect public life or property.
(Prior code § 5430.1)
The city or its duly authorized agents or contractual agent shall at all times have the right of ingress to and egress from the consumer's premises at all reasonable hours for any purpose reasonably connected with the furnishing of water and the exercise of any and all rights secured to it by law or the rules and regulations enacted under Division I of this title. A customer shall provide and maintain reasonable access for city representatives to all service connections, meters, backflowprevention devices, or other facilities pertinent to water service installed on the consumer's premises.
(Prior code § 5430.11)
An official identification card shall be carried or worn by all employees who, in line of duty, may be required to enter upon private premises. Every employee, upon ceasing to be employed in the department, shall surrender and deliver to the proper official all identification cards and credentials of the department.
(Prior code § 5430.13; Ord. 694 § 19, 1985)
No person, as owner or occupant of any premises supplied with city water, shall refuse admittance to or hinder or prevent inspection by an authorized employee of the division when on official business, and if any person, as owner or occupant of such premises does so refuse, hinder or prevent, the water to such premises may be shut off.
(Prior code § 5430.14)
It is unlawful to damage or interfere with or to place any object, material, dirt or debris, garbage or rubbish cans or accumulation of any kind upon or about any fire hydrant, gate valve, manhole, meter or meter box, shutoff valve or valve box so as to prevent free and immediate access to same at all times.
(Prior code § 5430.12)
It is unlawful for any person, other than those designated and authorized by proper authority, to tap, open, connect with, operate or otherwise tamper with any main, pipe, valve, meter or fire hydrant, or any other equipment which forms a part of the water system of the city.
(Prior code § 5430.5)
No person shall install or maintain, or permit to be installed or maintained, any connection or cross-connection between the water supply system of the city and any other source of water supply whatsoever, without the approval of the city manager. Water service may be discontinued to any premises upon which there is found to be another source of water supply or a possible cross-connection. Such service shall not be restored until such cross-connection has been eliminated or backflow devices satisfactory to the city have been installed. The expense and maintenance of backflow devices and the cost of eliminating cross-connections shall be paid by the consumer or owner of the premises.
(Prior code § 5430.9)
The manager shall direct that the continuance of service to any consumer having apparatus or appliances, the operation of which in the judgment of the manager would be detrimental to the water service being furnished by the city to its other consumers in the immediate vicinity, or detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare, be terminated.
(Prior code § 5430.3)
No consumer shall provide water regularly to any person, company or corporation other than the occupant or occupants of the premises of such consumer, nor shall any consumer knowingly permit leaks or waste of water.
(Prior code § 5430.8)
No person may re-sell any of the water received by him or her from the city to any other person, or for any other purpose, or on other premises than specified in his or her application for service.
(Prior code § 5430.7)
The city may refuse water service or may discontinue service at any time if found necessary in order to protect the city against abuse or fraud.
(Prior code § 5430.15)