All extensions of the water system or distribution system from the city's existing distribution system, required for water service to an applicant, shall be made in accordance with the provisions set forth in this chapter.
(Prior code § 5444.1(a))
The city generally will install distribution system facilities only in public streets, alleys, roads and highways, and on other public and private property where satisfactory rights-of-way can be obtained essentially without involving direct purchase or lease of land by the city.
(Prior code § 5444.1(b))
The city will install a water main in a private street or thoroughfare to provide service to premises along such street or thoroughfare only under the following conditions:
Approval by the city council;
The street or thoroughfare conforms to applicable ordinances of the city or other applicable laws;
Rights-of-way are provided which are satisfactory to the city;
The applicant or applicants shall pay the full cost of the installation;
The city shall have no obligation for maintenance or repair of the surface of such street or thoroughfare, except for the repair or replacement of surfacing required to be cut or removed by the city for the purposes of maintaining, repairing, replacing or removing such mains or attachments.
(Prior code § 5444.1(c))
In order to expedite the installation of mains, service connections and fire hydrants, each applicant for extension of the distribution system shall provide the city with street plans approved by the city engineer showing established sewers, paving, curbs and other features.
It is preferable to install water mains, fire hydrants, water service and related facilities after curbs have been constructed. If curbs are not to be constructed at the time or in the near future, the applicant must obtain from the city engineer's office and furnish to the city the approved location of curbs.
The city will not install mains, service connections and fire hydrants or related services in new tracts unless streets are well-defined by lot stakes, curb stakes or visible centerline stakes properly set at the applicant's expense.
Such streets must be down to a subgrade approved by the city engineer before mains, services, fire hydrants or related services are installed. If such facilities are installed and thereafter have to be raised or lowered or otherwise relocated because of failure of the applicant to supply correct information as to location or grade of curbs, property lines, etc., all costs of making such changes must be paid by the applicant.
If an applicant permits streets to be paved before mains, fire hydrants, service connections or related facilities are installed, he or she shall pay the costs of cutting and replacing pavement necessitated by installation of such facilities.
(Prior code § 5444.1(d))
When facilities in addition to those required for extension under the city's normal design standards are required especially to provide capacity, pressure or storage exclusively for the requested service, the applicant shall pay the added cost of such facilities in addition to other regularly applicable charges under these regulations.
(Prior code § 5444.1(f))
When service required by an applicant requires replacing an existing main with one of larger size, the applicant may be required to pay the full cost of such replacement.
(Prior code § 5444.1(g))
All charges provided by these regulations applicable to an extension or enlargement of water distribution facilities shall be paid in advance by the applicant therefor before such extensions or enlargements are made by the city, except where arrangements for payments have otherwise been made with the city.
If, upon completion of such installation, the actual cost is greater than the amount deposited, the applicant shall pay the difference to the city. If, however, the actual cost is less than the amount deposited, the difference shall be refunded by the city to the applicant.
(Prior code § 5444.1(h))
If the city should elect to construct facilities of greater capacity than required by the service requested, the city shall assume any additional cost involved, as determined by the manager.
(Prior code § 5444.1(i))
All extensions of the city's water distribution system, however provided for, shall become property of the city and under control of the city.
Title to any facilities constructed by others shall be transferred to the city upon acceptance of such facilities by the city.
(Prior code § 5444.1(e))
The following charges for main extensions, set out in Sections 13.16.110 through 13.16.150, shall be paid in addition to all other applicable charges under the regulations of the city, including charges for service connections, meter installation, etc.
(Prior code § 5444.2(part))
An applicant for a main extension, other than in a new subdivision or development, from an existing main to a premises to be served, shall pay the current cost to the city of a main of a size determined by the city to be adequate to serve the premises.
(Prior code § 5444.2(a))
Applicants for main extensions to serve a new subdivision or development shall pay the full installed cost of mains of adequate size to serve the subdivision or development, as determined by the city, and in addition may be required to pay the full cost of any extension from the nearest main of adequate size of the city's distribution system.
Any and all service connections, including fire hydrant connections installed or required to be installed within the new subdivision, shall be installed only in the manner, under the circumstances and upon the payment of any charges therefor, as provided in these regulations.
(Prior code § 5444.2(b))
An applicant for service requiring main extensions may have the extensions and service connections installed by him or her under private contract, where authorized by the city. Such facilities installed by an applicant must be installed in accordance with the terms and conditions of an agreement between the applicant and the city. All costs of the city in connection with such facilities installed under private contract shall be paid by the applicant.
The material installed and the work performed must comply with the plans and specifications furnished by the city, and shall be subject to city inspection at all times. The applicant shall pay in advance the charges for engineering and inspection services, materials, and general and administrative expenses and other costs, in accordance with the accounting practices of the city.
Upon completion of the installation in accordance with the agreement, title to the facilities shall be transferred to the city by the applicant upon acceptance of such facilities by the city.
(Prior code § 5444.2(c))
Before approving an application for water service connection to any water main which has been constructed at no cost to the property to be served thereby, the manager shall require payment of the connection charge or fees established by the city council for the lot or parcel to be connected. If the shape of the lot or parcel is other than the usual rectangular shape, or unusual in area, the manager may modify the connection charge or frontage charge to require a payment commensurate with the benefits to be received.
The city council shall establish and determine the connection charges required by this chapter pursuant to resolution, or per refund agreement establishing that such charge or fee approximates or equals the applicant's share of the cost of constructing the water main and is necessary for the purpose of reimbursing the city or others pursuant to refund agreement with the city.
(Prior code § 5444.2(e))
When, by reason of remoteness from the city's water distribution system, an applicant is requested by the city to pay an amount of money in excess of that required to cover water main installation charges or connection charges for the applicant's property, the city may enter into a refund agreement providing for the refund of that money which the city may collect as water main connection charges from subsequent consumers connecting to the water main. Such refund agreement shall be in effect for a period of ten years from the date the main is placed in service, after which time the city shall be released of any further obligations to make refunds to the applicant.
(Prior code § 5444.2(d))