The intent and purpose of this chapter is to define certain words, terms, phrases and headings affecting the scope and nature of accomplishing the intent and purpose of Title 17 of this code. Such words, terms, phrases and headings contained in this chapter and appearing elsewhere in this title shall be deemed to have the meaning ascribed to them, and in all cases shall preempt any dictionarial reference made thereto.
(Prior code § 9103.01; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
The following words, terms, phrases and headings are hereby categorized and defined as set out in this chapter.
(Prior code § 9103.02; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Advisory agency" means the planning commission.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (A)(4); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Appeal board" means the same as city council, including the term "legislative body."
(Prior code § 9103.02 (A)(8); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"City" means the city of Pico Rivera, California.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (A)(12); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"City council" means the elected city council of the city of Pico Rivera, and includes the term "legislative body."
(Prior code § 9103.02(A)(16); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"City engineer" means the city engineer of the city of Pico Rivera, or his or her representative duly authorized to act in his or her stead.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (A)(20); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"City planner" means the director of community development of the city of Pico Rivera, or his or her representative duly authorized to act in his or her stead.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (A)(24); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Community" means the same as city.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (A)(28); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"County engineer" means the county engineer of the county of Los Angeles, or his or her representative duly authorized to act in his or her stead.
(Prior code § 9103.02; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Dedication" means the grant and conveyance of real property, easement or right to the city for public use without payment of compensation by the city.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(8); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Director of community development" means the director of community development of the city of Pico Rivera, or his or her representative duly authorized to act in his or her stead.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (A)(36); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Design" means:
The minimum area, width, grading and general layout of all lots in a subdivision;
Street alignments, grades and widths;
Drainage and sanitary facilities and utilities including alignments and grades thereof;
Location and size of all required easements and rights-of-way;
Fire roads and fire breaks;
Lot size and configuration;
Traffic access;
Land to be dedicated for park or recreational purposes.
Such other specific physical requirements in the plan and configuration of the entire subdivision as may be necessary to ensure consistency with or implementation of the General Plan or any applicable specific plan.
(Prior code § 9102.10; Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Design unit" means a parcel of land shown on a tentative map for which the subdivider requests approval of the design.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(16); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Director of public works" means the director of public works of the city of Pico Rivera, or his or her representative duly authorized to act in his or her stead.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (A)(40); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Division of land" means the same as subdivision.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(20); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Drainage facility" means any drainage device or structure which may be used to control or direct the flow of water and/or alleviate flood hazard, including, but not limited to, berms, channels, culverts, curbs, ditches, gutters, pavement and pipes.
(Prior code § 9103.02(B)(24); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Final map" means a map of a proposed division of land prepared in accordance with the provisions of this title and Article 2, Chapter 2 of the Subdivision Map Act, to be filed in the office of the county recorder.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(28); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Fire chief" means the forester and fire warden of the county of Los Angeles, or his or her representative duly authorized to act in his or her stead.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (A)(44); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Flood hazard" means a potential danger to life, land or improvements due to inundation or stormwater runoff having sufficient velocity to transport or deposit debris, scour the surface soil, dislodge or damage buildings, or erode the banks of watercourses.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(32); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Frontage" means, for design purposes only, the narrowest portion of a lot or parcel which abuts a public or private street or highway to which the lot or parcel has the right of access, which is not in conflict with Title 18 of this code.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(36); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Future street or alley" means a street or alley which is necessary for the future division of lots within a division of land, or for the development of adjacent properties, and which is offered for public use at any indeterminate future time when the city council determines that the acceptance and construction of such street or alley is warranted.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(40); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Geological hazard" means a hazard inherent in the earth, or artificially created, which is dangerous or potentially dangerous to life, property or improvements due to the movement, failure or shifting of earth.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(44); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"General plan" means the Comprehensive General Plan of the city of Pico Rivera duly adopted and in full force and effect.
(Prior code § 9103.02(B)(48); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Headings" means the words, terms and phrases ascribed to the title of Title 17, and to the chapters, sections and/or subsections, and the effect of such headings shall not be deemed to limit, modify, govern or in any manner affect the scope, meaning or intent of this title, or any chapter, section or subsection contained therein.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (A)(48); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Highway" means a thoroughfare of primary importance in the city or state highway system, other than a freeway, which is shown on the circulation element of the General Plan.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(52); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Improvements" means such structures or facilities to be installed or agreed to be installed by a subdivider, on land to be used for public or private alleys, streets, highways or other easements, as a condition precedent to the approval and/or acceptance of a final map or parcel map, including, but not limited to, street surfacing, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street trees, streetlights, traffic-control devices, street signs, sanitary sewers, water mains, and drainage facilities. "Improvements" also refers to any other specific improvements or types of improvements, the installation of which either by the subdivider, by public agencies, by private utilities, by any other entity approved by the local agency, or by a combination thereof, is necessary to ensure consistency with or implementation of the General Plan or any applicable specific plan.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(56); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Lease" means a written agreement or contract conveying an interest or tenancy for a period of time exceeding five years.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(60); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Lot line adjustment" means the adjustment between two or more adjacent parcels where the land taken from one parcel is added to an adjacent parcel, and where a greater number of parcels than originally existed is not thereby created.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(4); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Lot or parcel" means a unit of land identified on a final tract or parcel map, filed in the office of the county recorder, with a separate or distinct number.
(Prior code § 9103.02(B)(64); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Ornamental street lighting" means a system of street lighting composed of individual freestanding light standards.
(Prior code § 9103.02(B)(68); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Parcel map" means a map prepared and recorded in accord with the Subdivision Map Act, Chapter 2, Article 3, Sections 66444 et seq. of the Government Code, and shall be applicable to divisions of land as prescribed in Section 66426 of the Government Code and all divisions of land of four or fewer units except as otherwise specifically provided in this title.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(72); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Person" means any individual, corporation, company, firm, association, partnership, copartnership, joint venture, joint stock company, receiver, syndicate, club, estate, business trust, organization or any entity, or the authorized agent thereof.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(76); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Planning commission" means the planning commission of the city of Pico Rivera.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (A)(52); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Record of survey" means a map prepared in compliance with Section 8762 of the Business and Professions Code, and a record of survey map shall not be used to divide real property or air space.
(Prior code § 9103.02(B)(80); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Section" means a section of this title, unless otherwise specified.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(84); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Shall" is mandatory; "may" is permissive.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(88); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Street" means a public or private right-of-way designed to provide vehicular access to abutting properties.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(92); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Subdivider" means a person, firm, corporation, partnership or association who proposes to divide, divides or causes to be divided real property into a subdivision, for himself or for others, except that employees and consultants of such persons or entities, acting in such capacity, are not "subdividers."
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(96); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Subdivision" means the division, by any subdivider, of any unit or units of improved or unimproved land, or any portion thereof, shown on the latest equalized county assessment roll as a unit or as contiguous units, for the purpose of sale, lease or financing, whether immediate or future, except for leases of agricultural land for agricultural purposes. Property shall be considered as contiguous units, even if it is separated by roads, streets, utility easements or railroad rights-of-way. "Subdivision" includes a condominium project, as defined in Section 1350 of the Business and Professions Code, a community apartment project, as defined in Section 11004 of the Business and Professions Code, or the conversion of five or more existing dwelling units to a stock cooperative, as defined in Section 11003.2 of the Business and Professions Code. Any conveyance of land to a governmental agency, public entity or public utility shall not be considered a division of land for purposes of computing the number of parcels. As used in this section, "agricultural purposes" means the cultivation of food or fiber or the grazing or pasturing of livestock.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(100); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Subdivision Map Act" means Division 2, Title 7 of the Government Code of the state of California.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(104); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Superintendent of streets" means the same as "director of public works."
(Prior code § 9103.02(A)(56); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Tenses" means that the present tense shall include and mean the future tense, and the reciprocal thereof; that the singular tense includes and means the plural tense, and the reciprocal thereof; that the singular number includes and means the plural number, and the reciprocal thereof; and, that the masculine gender includes and means the feminine gender, and the reciprocal thereof.
(Prior code § 9103.02(A)(60); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Tentative map" means a map made for the purpose of showing the design and improvement of a proposed subdivision and the existing conditions in and around it, and need not be based upon an accurate or detailed final survey of the property. "Vesting tentative map" refers to a map which meets the requirements of a tentative map and Government Code Sections 66498.1 to 66498.9.
(Prior code § 9103.02 (B)(108); Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)
"Tract map" means a map prepared and recorded in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act for the subdivision of property into more than four subdivided units except as provided in Government Code Section 66426.
(Ord. 855 § 3, 1994)