The intent and purpose of this chapter is to define certain words, terms, phrases, and headings affecting the scope and nature of carrying out the intent and purpose of this title. Such words, terms, phrases and headings contained in this chapter and appearing elsewhere in this title, and for the purposes of zoning only, shall be deemed to have the meaning ascribed to them, and in all cases shall preempt any dictionarial reference made thereto.
(Prior code § 9203.01; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
The following words, terms, phrases and headings are categorized and defined as set out in this chapter.
(Prior code § 9203.02; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Accessory," when used in reference to a building, structure or use of land, means one which is clearly incidental and subordinate to the main building, structure or use of land located on the same premises.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(3); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Adult arcade" shall mean a business establishment as defined in Section 5.22.020.
(Ord. 988 § 3, 2002; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Adult retail store" shall mean a business establishment as defined in Section 5.22.020.
(Ord. 988 § 3, 2002; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Adult booth/individual viewing area" shall be defined as set forth in Section 5.22.020.
(Ord. 988 § 3, 2002; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Adult business" shall be defined as set forth in Section 5.22.020.
(Ord. 988 § 3, 2002; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Adult cabaret" shall mean a business establishment as defined in Section 5.22.020.
(Ord. 988 § 3, 2002; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Adult hotel/motel" shall mean a hotel or motel as defined in Section 5.22.020.
(Ord. 988 § 3, 2002; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Adult live entertainment" shall be defined as set forth in Section 5.22.020.
(Ord. 988 § 3, 2002; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Adult modeling studio" shall mean a business establishment as defined in Section 5.22.020.
(Ord. 988 § 3, 2002; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Adult motion picture theater" shall mean a business establishment as defined in Section 5.22.020.
(Ord. 988 § 3, 2002; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Adult-oriented material" shall be defined as set forth in Section 5.22.020.
(Ord. 988 § 3, 2002; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Off-site advertising" means the location of a sign or other advertising on a lot, parcel of land or premises not pertaining to the use of land or serving an advertising purpose for such lot, parcel of land or premises upon which such sign is located.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(6); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"On-site advertising" means the location of a sign or other advertising on the same lot, parcel of land, property or premises with the building, structure and/or use for which such sign or advertising is intended to serve.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(9); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Alley" means a publicly dedicated and improved right-of-way, not exceeding a uniform width of twenty feet, which affords a secondary means of vehicular access from a street or highway to abutting private property. (See Diagram No. 1 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(12); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Amendment" means a change or modification in the wording, context or substance of this Title 18 or any portion thereof, and including the official zone map.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(15); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Antique shop" means a person, firm or corporation predominantly engaged in conducting, managing or carrying on the business of buying, selling or otherwise dealing in antiques. "Antique" means a work of art, collections in illustration of the progress of the arts, works of bronze, marble, terra cotta, parian, pottery, porcelain, objects of ornamental character, educational or intrinsic value, or items referred to as curios and collectibles due to their historical or cultural significance.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(18); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Amateur radio antenna" means an antenna utilized by a federally licensed operator to permit amateur radio communication.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(16.1); Ord. 745 § 1, 1988; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Antenna" means the arrangement of wires or metal rods used in the sending and receiving of electromagnetic waves.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(16); Ord. 745 § 1, 1988; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Antenna height" means the overall vertical length of the antenna and antenna support structure above grade, or, if such system is located on a building, then the overall vertical length includes the height of the building upon which the structure is mounted.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(16.2); Ord. 745 § 1, 1988; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Antenna support structure" means any structure, mast, pole, tripod or tower utilized for the purpose of supporting an antenna or antennas for the purpose of transmission or reception of electromagnetic waves by federally licensed amateur radio or citizens band radio operators.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(16.3); Ord. 745 § 1, 1988; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Apartment" means a building or group of buildings in which each such building contains three or more dwelling units.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(21); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Automated teller machine" means a point of sale terminal designed to facilitate financial transactions. Services provided include, but may not be limited to, cash withdrawals, deposits, transfers, payments and other similar financial transactions. Architectural enhancements or additional landscaping for such units may be required subject to the approval of the zoning administrator.
(Ord. 852 § 2, 1994; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Automobile service station" means a use of land for which a building or group of buildings or other structures have been designed for the purpose of dispensing motor fuels, oils, lubricants and other petroleum products directly to the users of motor vehicles, and including other sales and repair activities which are clearly minor in nature, incidental and subordinate to the scope of the primary function. Activities involving automobile or truck body repairing, painting and/or other major mechanical repairing and servicing of any portion or part of the basic engine unit or drive train assembly of any type whatsoever are not included.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(24))
"Automobile storage" means the temporary storage of "live" (operative) or "dead" (inoperative) automobiles pending transfer to another location and does not involve the business operator assuming title to any of the vehicles. No junk yard, parts salvage or sale, or similar type of use permitted as part of storage operations.
(Ord. 886 § 2, 1996; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Automobile trailer" means a vehicle incapable of movement under its own motor power, designed to be drawn or towed for the purpose of carrying or transporting property, but specifically excluding the use for human habitation or the transportation thereof or for dwelling purposes.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(27); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Automobile wrecking" means the dismantling and/or wrecking of vehicles and/or trailers of any type or kind whatsoever, or parts or portions thereof, including storage and/or sales related thereto.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(30); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Automotive related sales and installation" means retail sales of various automotive accessories such as stereos, telephones, alarms and other similar accessories including installation.
(Ord. 852 § 3, 1994; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Bath house" means an establishment or business which provides the services of all kinds, including all forms and methods of hydrotherapy, unless operated by a medical practitioner or professional physical therapist licensed by the state.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(32); Ord. 610 § 1, 1979; Ord. 611 § 1, 1979; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Block" means all property abutting or having frontage along one side of the right-of-way of a public street or highway between a street or highway and a railroad right-of-way or waterway, terminus or dead-end street or highway, or city boundary. An intersecting street or highway shall only determine the boundary of the block on the side of the street or highway which it intersects. (See Diagram No. 2 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(33); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Boardinghouse" means a residential building having not more than five guest rooms where lodging and meals are provided for compensation, for not more than ten persons, but shall specifically exclude rest homes, convalescent homes, sanitariums or similar such facilities.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(36); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Bona fide charitable institution" means and include those organizations and institutions which qualify for a tax-exempt certificate pursuant to California Revenue and Taxation Code, Section 23701(d).
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(37); Ord. 640 § 1, 1981; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Bona fide political organization" means and includes any political organization which qualifies for a tax-exempt certificate pursuant to California Revenue and Taxation Code, Section 23701(d), or any political group, organization or person whose activities or proceeds are used exclusively for the benefit of a political candidate or issue, and which activities do not include dancing.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(38); Ord. 640 § 1, 1981; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Brewery" means an establishment that ferments and manufactures specialty beers. A brewery may sell alcohol fermented and manufactured on the business's licensed premises for on-sale or off-sale consumption. Tasting rooms may be included in conjunction with the manufacturing.
(Ord. 1126 § 7, 2018)
"Building" means a roofed structure supported by columns or walls, built for the shelter or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels, vehicles or other property of any kind or type whatsoever, but excluding any and all forms of other vehicles which could be used for human habitation even though immobilized or mobilized.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(39))
"Building area" means that portion of land surface upon which may be physically occupied by a building or structure. (See Diagram No. 3 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(42); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Building coverage" means that certain portion of land surface which is or may be occupied by a building, but excluding roof eaves or cantilevered roof projections which do not extend beyond three feet from a supporting wall or column, and those permitted projections as set forth in Chapter 18.42 of this title; in addition as balconies, roof decks, patios, swimming pools, and cabanas with protective roof covering and with one side remaining open are defined as part of the outdoor living space, these structures do not count as part of the building coverage. (See Diagram No. 3 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(45); Ord. 765 § 2, 1989; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Building height" means the vertical distance measured from the average finished land grade to the highest point of the building, including any roof attachments or projections. (See Diagram No. 3 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(48); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Building laws" means the various laws and provisions contained in Chapter 12.44 and Chapters 15.04 through 15.40 of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(51); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Main building" means a building in which there is conducted the principal use of a lot or parcel of land upon which it is located.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(54); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Building-mounted" means mounted to the side of a building or to another structure such as a water tank, billboard, church steeple, transmission tower, freestanding sign, etc.
(Ord. 892 § 3, 1997; Ord. 893 § 3, 1997; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Building official" means the director of building and planning of the city of Pico Rivera, or representative duly authorized to act in his or her stead.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(57); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Building setback" means that certain portion of land upon which no portion of any building or structure shall be located, and shall include yards. (See Diagram No. 3 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(60); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Building site" means the ground area of a lot or parcel of land upon which a building or group of buildings may be erected, together with all yards and other open spaces as required by this title, and the provisions of Chapter 12.44 and Chapters 15.04 through 15.40 of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(63); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Business" or "commerce" means the purchase, sale or other transaction involving the handling or disposition of any article, service, substance or commodity for livelihood or profit, or the management of office buildings, offices, recreational or amusement enterprises, or the maintenance and use of offices, buildings and premises by professions and trade rendering services.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A) (66); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Camper" means a structure designed to be mounted upon a motor vehicle, and may provide facilities and be used for human habitation only for temporary camping or other recreational purposes, but specifically excluding use thereof for dwelling occupancy.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(69); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Carport" means a building open on one or more sides used or intended to be used for the shelter, parking and/or storage of an automobile or vehicle.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(72); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Certificate of zoning compliance" means a certificate issued by the city planner which certifies that a development or plans therefor comply with all applicable provisions of this title.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(75); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Check cashing establishments" are defined under the California Civil Code Section 1789.31 as a person or entity that for compensation engages, in whole or in part, in the business of cashing checks, warrants, drafts, money orders, or other commercial paper serving the same purpose as a check. It also includes a person or entity that defers deposits whereby the entity refrains from depositing a personal check written by a customer until a specific date pursuant to a written agreement, as described in Section 1789.33 of the California Civil Code. Check cashing does not include a state or federally chartered bank, savings association, credit union, or industrial loan company nor a retail seller engaged primarily in the business of selling consumer goods, including consumables, to retail buyers, that cashes checks or issues money orders for a fee not exceeding two dollars as a service to its customer that is incidental to its main purpose or business.
(Ord. 1057 § 7, 2009; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Child care center" means the same as day care center.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(78); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Citizen band antenna" means an antenna utilized by a citizen band radio communications system.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(82); Ord. 745 § 1, 1988; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"City" means the city of Pico Rivera, California.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(84); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"City council" means the elected city council of the city of Pico Rivera.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(87); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"City engineer" means the city engineer of the city of Pico Rivera, or representative duly authorized to act in his or her stead.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(90); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"City planner" means the city planner of the city of Pico Rivera, or representative duly authorized to act in his or her stead.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(93); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Coin-operated game" means any amusement machine or skill-testing device which is operated or put into operation in whole or in part by the insertion of a coin, token or similar object. This definition does not include coin-operated weighing machines, stamp vending machines, photograph, music or motion picture machines, or any coin-operated vending or other machine vending personal property, food or drink or performing cleaning, repair or other services.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(94); Ord. 652 § 2, 1982; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Colocation" means the locating of wireless telecommunications equipment from more than one provider on a single building-mounted, roof-mounted or monopole-mounted structure.
(Ord. 892 § 3, 1997; Ord. 893 § 3, 1997; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Community" means the same as "city."
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(96); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Community care facility" means any facility, place, or building that is maintained and operated to provide nonmedical residential care, day treatment, adult day care, or foster family agency services for children, adults, or children and adults, including, but not limited to, the physically handicapped, mentally impaired, incompetent persons, and abused or neglected children, and includes the types of facilities listed in the California Health and Safety Code Sections 1500 through 1518 (California Community Care Facilities Act).
(Ord. 1083 § 4, 2014; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Compatible use" means a use of land that may not be specifically listed as a permitted use in any zone, but which, upon review and written determination by the zoning administrator, is similar to and possesses the characteristics of those uses first permitted in a zone that it would be most closely associated and identifiable therewith.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(99); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Concurrent sale of alcoholic beverages and motor vehicle fuels" means the sale of alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine and motor vehicle fuels including gasoline on the same lot, parcel, premises or location.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(100); Ord. 751 § 2, 1989; Ord. 752 § 2, 1989; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Condominium" means the same as set forth in Section 783 of the Civil Code of the state of California.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(102); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Conforming building" means a building which has been designed and constructed in full compliance with the city building laws relative to its use and the zone in which it is located.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(105); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Conforming use" means a use of land which fully conforms to the provisions of this title with respect to the zone in which it is located.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(108); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Private dance" means a dance conducted by the persons legally residing in a private residence for themselves, their immediate family, relatives and guests, and which is not for profit or a commercial purpose, and to which the public is not admitted or allowed to participate, and to which the public is not invited or solicited by any form of invitation or advertisement, and for which no admission is required or accepted, and for which no offering, contribution, collection, consideration, or anything of value is required, requested or accepted for admission or participation.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(317); Ord. 640 § 1, 1981; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Public dance" means any dance other than a "private dance."
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(322); Ord. 640 § 1, 1981; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Day care center" means an establishment providing facilities and conducting such programs for the daytime care of children, properly licensed by the county and state, and conducted in accordance with county and state regulations applicable thereto.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(111); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Design review board" means the design review board of the city of Pico Rivera.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(114); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Digital billboard" means any sign, signboard, or outdoor advertising display utilizing digital message technology where the message, copy, or graphic on the sign changes more than once every two minutes, but no more than once every four seconds.
(Ord. 1142 § 2, 2021)
"Director of building and planning" means the director of building and planning of the city of Pico Rivera, or representative duly authorized to act in his or her stead.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(117); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Director of public works" means the director of public works of the city of Pico Rivera, or representative duly authorized to act in his or her stead.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(120); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Distribution plant" means a warehousing facility and operation wherein only storage of products takes place and where no manufacturing or fabrication of any type whatsoever occurs, and is limited only to the dissemination of such stored products through acceptable transportation modes and means where such products are of a transient nature only. Storage and/or parking of commercial vehicles limited to "private carrier" vehicles and storage of occupant owned trailers. A distribution plant does not include a fulfillment center or parcel hub.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(123); Ord. 852 § 4, 1994; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014; Ord. 1149 § 2, 2021)
"Drapery shop" means an establishment primarily engaged in the retail sale of draperies, curtains and related products including ancillary on-site production of drapes and curtains made to order for individual retail customers.
(Ord. 852 § 5, 1994; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Drive-in business establishment" means any business or portion thereof (other than an automobile service station) catering activities and functions directly to the occupant of a vehicle where such occupant is not required to leave the vehicle for a rendered service.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(126); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Driveway" means improved vehicular access from a public street or alley to off-street parking facilities.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(129); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Dwelling" means a building designed and constructed exclusively for residential human habitation purposes, but specifically excluding hotels, motels and similar such commercial facilities.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(132); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Multiple-family dwelling" means a building designed and constructed exclusively for the occupancy by three or more families living independently of each other, and containing three or more separate dwelling units.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(135); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Single-family dwelling" means a detached building located on a separate lot or parcel of land, designed and constructed exclusively for the use and occupancy by one family for living purposes.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(138); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Two-family dwelling" means a building designed and constructed exclusively for the use and occupancy by not more than two families living independently of each other, and containing not more than two separate dwelling units. This term may and shall also mean and be referred to as "duplex."
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(141); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Dwelling unit" means a room or group or combination of rooms having kitchen and bathroom facilities in a building designed exclusively for the use and occupancy by one or more persons constituting a family or household for living and sleeping purposes.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(144); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Second dwelling unit" means a second permanent dwelling that is accessory to a primary dwelling on the same site. A secondary unit provides complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation.
(Ord. 1083 § 4, 2014; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Private educational institution" means a school or other institution in which instruction or general academic instruction in the several branches of learning is taught, controlled and operated solely by a private agency, and may include elementary and secondary levels of academic education, colleges and universities, as may be governed by the regulations of the State Education Code.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(147); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Public educational institution" means the same as private educational institution, except that such public institution is controlled and operated by a public agency.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(150); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Electric distribution substation" means an assembly of equipment, including microwave facilities, which is part of a system for distribution of electric power where electric energy is received at a subtransmission voltage for general consumer use.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(153); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Electric generating facility" means an assembly of equipment, including microwave facilities, which is part of a system for the transmission of electric power where electric energy is received at very high voltage from its source of generation by means of a network of high-voltage lines and transformed to lower subtransmission voltage for purposes of supplying electric power to large individual consumers, interchange connections with other power producing agencies, or electric distribution substations for transformation to lower voltage for distribution to smaller individual users.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(156); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Emergency shelter" means a facility that provides immediate and short term housing and supplemental services to homeless per-sons or families. Supplemental services may include food, counseling, and access to other social programs.
(Ord. 1083 § 4, 2014; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Energy support facilities" means an installation containing prime movers, electric generators, auxiliary equipment, fuel storage, and microwave facilities, incorporated as part of the installation for converting mechanical and chemical energy into electric energy.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(159); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Family" means one or more persons related or unrelated, living together as a single integrated household in a dwelling unit.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(162); Ord. 1083 § 4, 2014; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Family day care home" means a home which regularly provides care, protection and supervision of fourteen or fewer children in the provider's own home for periods of less than twenty-four hours per day while the parents or guardians are away per California Health and Safety Code Section 1596.78 and includes the following:
"Large family day care home" means a home which provides family day care to seven to fourteen children including children under the age of ten who reside at home.
"Small family day care home" means a home which provides family day care to eight or fewer children including children under the age of ten who reside at home.
(Ord. 765 § 3, 1989; Ord. 1089 §§ 3, 6, 2014)
"Farm" means the noncommercial use of property for the purposes of cultivating, raising and producing agricultural crops, including orchards and field and gardening crops, and in which such crops may be produced on a wholesale basis only, and shall specifically exclude the raising of animals, poultry and/or fowl or any livestock whatsoever.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(165); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Fence" means a vertical structure that, when erected, may separate and/or enclose a space open from the ground to the sky, and which permits the passage of more than seventy-five percent light, air and ventilation through its vertical surface.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(168); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Financial institutions" means establishments primarily engaged in accepting monetary deposits from the general public, lending funds, financial transactions, financial liquidations, making mortgage and real-estate loans, and change in ownership of financial assets and/or in facilitating financial transactions. These establishments must be federally or state chartered.
(Ord. 934 § 4, 1999; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Fire chief" means the forester and fire warden of the county of Los Angeles, or representative duly authorized to act in his or her stead.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(171); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Gross floor area" means the total space in a building enclosed by exterior walls.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(174); Ord. 765 § 4, 1989; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Net floor area" means the total space in a building enclosed by exterior walls, excluding the exterior walls, stairwells, elevator shafts, equipment rooms, utility rooms, common hallways, restrooms and other similar areas as determined by the zoning administrator.
(Ord. 765 § 5, 1989; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Flower tower" means a structure that integrates a monopole into a tapered light pole or similar utility pole, utilizing curved support arms for the antennas.
(Ord. 892 § 3, 1997; Ord. 893 § 3, 1997; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Fortunetelling business" means and includes every person engaged in the activity of, or advertising by sign, circular, handbill, newspaper, periodical, magazine or other publication, or by any other means whatsoever, the telling of fortunes, forecasting of futures or furnishing any information not otherwise obtainable by the ordinary processes of knowledge, for or without pay, by means of any occult or psychic power, faculty or force, clairvoyance, clairaudience, cartomancy, psychology, psychometry, phrenology, spirits, mediumship, seership, prophecy, augury, astrology, palmistry, necromancy, mind-reading, telepathy or other craft, art, science, cards, talisman, charm, potion, magnetism, magnetized article or substance, gypsy cunning or foresight, crystal gazing, oriental mysteries or magic of any kind or nature, or engaging in, practicing or carrying on any art, profession or business, the advertisement and practice of which is regulated by Titles 17 and 18 of this code. However, excluded from the provisions of this section are:
Entertaining the public by demonstrations of mindreading, mental telepathy, thought conveyance, or the giving of horoscopic readings, at public places and in the presence of and within the hearing of other persons and at which no questions are answered, as part of such entertainment, except in a manner to permit all persons present at such public place to hear such answers, when not conducted in connection with the business of telling fortunes;
Conducting or participating in any religious ceremony or service, when such person holds a certificate of ordination as a minister, missionary, medium, healer or clairvoyant from any bona fide church or religious association maintaining a church and holding regular services and having a creed or set of religious principles that is recognized by all churches of like faith; provided, further, that the fees, gratuities, emoluments and profits thereof shall be regularly accounted for and paid solely to or for the benefit of the church or religious association; provided, further, that the person holding a certificate of ordination from such bona fide church or religious association, as set forth in this section, shall, before practicing the profession specified in this title, file with the city clerk a certified copy of his or her certificate of ordination with his or her name, age and street address in this city where he or she intends to carry on the business. Such bona fide church or religious association, as defined in this section, may, however, pay to its ministers, missionaries, mediums or workers a salary or compensation based upon a percentage basis, provided that the agreement between the church and the minister, missionary, medium or worker is embodied in a resolution and transcribed in the minutes of such church or religious association;
The art of reading tea leaves in any bona fide, regularly established restaurant, for the purpose of amusement to the patrons of the restaurant, where no charge for such readings is made.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A) (176); Ord. 710 § 2, 1985; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Foster care home" means a single-family residential dwelling appropriately licensed for the daytime care of not more than six children at any one time, with or without compensation.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(177); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Frontage" means that portion of a lot or parcel of land which abuts the right-of-way of an improved public street. (See Diagram No. 6 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(180); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Fuel cell generator" means a public utility facility operating a fuel cell that generates electricity by converting the chemical energy in fuel directly into current electricity by means of an electro-chemical process, and includes an inverter that converts direct current electricity to alternating current electricity.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(183); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Fulfillment center" means a facility where goods or products are stored on-site temporarily for distribution to consumers or end-users, either directly or through a parcel hub. Fulfillment centers may include automated systems, office space, and a pick and pack area to be used by employees for sorting and packaging goods and products for delivery from available, on-site inventory.
(Ord. 1149 § 3, 2021)
"Game arcade" means any number of coin-operated games of skill or amusement where such constitutes the primary use of the premises, or four or more coin-operated games of skill or amusement when accessory to another use at the same place of business.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(184); Ord. 652 § 2, 1982; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Garage" means an entirely enclosed accessory building, either attached to or detached from a main building, designed and to be solely used for the shelter, parking and/or storage of automobiles.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(186); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Garage sale/yard sale" means any sale held for the purpose of selling, trading or otherwise disposing of unwanted, used household furnishings, personal goods or other tangible properties of the person holding such sale and conducted on premises in a residential zone. This includes moving sales, estate sales, rummage sales, community yard sales, neighborhood yard sales and the like.
(Ord. 765 § 5, 1989; Ord. 1066 § 5, 2011; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Gas metering and control station" means a facility operated by a public utility to measure, regulate and limit pressure in a natural gas transmission or distribution pipeline system.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(189); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"General plan" means the Comprehensive General Plan of the City of Pico Rivera, duly adopted and in full force and effect.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(192); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Grade" means the average of the finished ground level or elevation of a lot or parcel of land.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(195); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Guest house" means a dwelling designed and constructed for the use and occupancy by guests only, containing a dwelling unit without kitchen facilities, and not rented or leased under any circumstances whatsoever.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(198); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Hazardous waste" means any waste, or combination of wastes, which because of its quantity, concentration, physical or chemical characteristic may cause, or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or may pose a substantial risk or potential hazard to human health or environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise managed. Hazardous waste may be toxic, corrosive, flammable or an irritant. Hazardous waste includes a wide range of wastes from household wastes such as pesticides, paint and industrial wastes such as cleaning solvents and plating shop waste. Hazardous waste includes all materials defined as hazardous waste in Appendix 1D of the Los Angeles County hazardous waste management plan dated September 1988.
(Ord. 785 § 2, 1990; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Headings" means the words, terms and phrases ascribed to this title, and chapters, sections, and/or subsections, and the effect of such headings shall not be deemed to limit, modify, govern or in any manner effect the scope, meaning or intent of this title or any chapter, section or subsection contained therein.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(201); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Health officer" means the health officer of the county of Los Angeles, or representative duly authorized to act in his or her stead.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(204); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Highway" means the same as street.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(207); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Home occupation" means the use of a residential dwelling for the purposes of maintaining a mailing address for business and business license purposes only, which is clearly incidental to the residential use and which does not change the character of or adversely affect the permitted uses of the zone in which it is located.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(210); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Hospital" means an institution specializing in clinical, temporary and emergency care services of a medical or surgical nature to human patients and injured persons, licensed in accordance with the laws of the state, providing facilities and services in surgery, obstetrics and other general medical care practices, and may include diagnostic, pharmaceutical and research facilities under the direct control of the hospital administration.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(213); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Animal hospital" means the same as "hospital," except that it shall be controlled and operated by a veterinarian licensed by the state and shall apply to the treatment of animals only.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(216); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Hotel" means a commercial building or group of buildings designed, constructed and used for the purpose of occupancy by transient persons, containing six or more guestrooms or suites of rooms, or a combination thereof, and which may contain other incidental commercial uses and services as may be permitted in the zone in which it is located, but excluding dwelling units.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A) (219); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Integrated household" means one or more persons living together who function as a united group.
(Ord. 1083 § 4, 2014; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Household pets" mean domesticated dogs, cats, canaries, parrots, and such other similar kindred birds and animals as may be kept as household pets.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(222); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Kitchen" means any room or space within a building designed and used for the purposes of cooking, storage and/or preparation of food.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(225); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Landscaping" means a mixture of organic and inorganic plant elements including any combination of trees, turf, artificial turf, shrubs, vines, groundcover and seasonal color may be planted within landscaped areas. In addition, landscape treatment may include walkways and lighting. Hardscape consisting of planting borders, decorative stones, fountains and similar decorative features shall also be permissible, provided that these features are incorporated within the organic plant elements.
(Ord. 830 § 2, 1993; Ord. 1089 §§ 4, 6, 2014)
"Livestock" means and includes all types, kinds and species of domesticated animals, poultry and fowl whatsoever.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(228); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Live/work development" means an integrated housing unit and work space designed to accommodate joint residential occupancy and work/business activity. The "live" component must be a permitted dwelling unit, and the "work" component conducted by a person or persons making the dwelling unit their principle residence.
(Ord. 1089 § 5, 2014)
"Lot" means a parcel of real property shown, delineated and designated as a numbered lot on a parcel or tract map or record of survey recorded in the office of county recorder of Los Angeles County, containing not less than the minimum area and dimensions required by the zone in which it is located, and abutting at least one improved street or highway. The provisions of Section 18.08.100 of this title shall also apply. (See Diagram No. 5 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(231); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Lot area" means the total area within the lot lines of a lot, excluding any street rights-of-way. (See Diagram No. 5 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(234); Ord. 765 § 6, 1989; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Corner lot" means a lot located at and abutting the intersecting rights-of-way of two or more streets. (See Diagram No. 4 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(237); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Lot coverage" means the amount of land surface of a lot permitted to be covered by all buildings, as regulated by the zone in which such is located. (See Diagram No. 5 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(240); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Lot depth" means the horizontal distance measured between the midpoints of the front and rear lot lines. (See Diagram No. 5 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(243); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Interior lot" means a lot other than a corner or reverse corner lot. (See Diagram No. 4 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(246); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Key lot" means an interior lot where its side lot line is congruent with the rear lot line of a reverse corner lot, whether or not it is or may be separated therefrom by an alley. (See Diagram No. 4 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(249); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Landlocked lot" means a lot having no frontage along a public street or access from a private street. (See Diagram No. 4 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(252); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Front lot line" means, in the case of an interior lot, that boundary of the lot congruent with the street or highway; and, in the case of a corner or reverse corner lot, the shortest boundary of such lot congruent with the street or highway. (See Diagram No. 5 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(255); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Rear lot line" means that boundary of a lot which is opposite and most distant from the front lot line and may consist of one or more lot lines. (See Diagram No. 5 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(258); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Side lot line" means any other lot lines of a lot which are not a front or rear lot line. (See Diagram No. 5 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(261); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Lot of record" means a lot as shown on maps in the office of the county recorder of Los Angeles County which legally existed prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this zoning code.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(264); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Reverse corner lot" means a corner lot where its rear lot line is congruent with the side lot line of a key lot, whether or not it is or may be separated therefrom by an alley. (See Diagram No. 4 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(267); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Through lot" means any lot not having a rear lot line but which has two front lot lines opposite each other. (See Diagram No. 4 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(270); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Lot width" means the horizontal distance measured between the midpoints of the side lot lines. (See Diagram No. 5 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(273); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Marquee" means a permanent cantilevered roof structure attached to and solely supported by a building wall and which projects over public rights-of-way.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(276); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Massage parlor" means an establishment or business which provides the services of massage and body manipulation, including exercises, heat and light treatments of the body, and all forms and methods of physiotherapy, unless operated by a medical practitioner or professional physical therapist licensed by the state.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(277); Ord. 610 § 1, 1979; Ord. 611 § 1, 1979; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"May" means permissive.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(279); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Medical laboratories" means establishments primarily engaged in providing professional analytic or designated services to the patient of a physician.
(Ord. 857 § 3, 1994; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Microcell" means a small wireless telecommunication sending and receiving base station, typically involving one or two small antennas less than one square foot in size attached to an existing utility pole, traffic signal or light pole within the public right-of-way that is typically connected to either a fiber optic cable located along the public right-of-way, or a wire telephone line.
(Ord. 892 § 3, 1997; Ord. 893 § 3, 1997; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Mixed use development" means the combination of commercial and residential uses in the same structure, where the residential component and residential component is located either above, (vertical mixed-use) or behind (horizontal mixed-use) the non-residential component.
(Ord. 1089 § 5, 2014)
"Mobilehome" means a vehicle, other than a motor vehicle, designed and equipped to contain one or more dwelling units to be used without a permanent foundation, and which is in excess of either eight feet in width or in excess of forty feet in length.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(282); Ord. 664 § 1, 1983; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Mobile home" means a structure, transportable in one or more sections, which, when erected on a site, measures eight body feet or more in width and thirty-two body feet or more in length, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling, with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, air conditioning and electrical systems contained therein.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(283); Ord. 664 § 2, 1983; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Foundational mobilehome" means:
A mobilehome which is installed on a permanent foundation and is manufactured and certified as being in compliance with the National Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974; or
A mobile home or modular housing unit or manufactured housing unit, or any comparable housing unit not built on-site which is installed on a permanent foundation system.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(284); Ord. 664 § 3, 1983; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Mobilehome park" means a lot or parcel of land designed and used exclusively for the residential occupancy of mobilehomes.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(285); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Monopole" means a structure composed of a single spire used to support antennas and related communication equipment.
(Ord. 892 § 3, 1997; Ord. 893 § 3, 1997; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"More-restrictive uses" means, as employed in this title, those uses of land first permitted in the lowest numerical order of the sequence of zones as set forth in Section 18.08.030 and Chapters 18.10 through 18.38 of this title. All other uses of land first permitted in the next subsequent numerical order of the sequence of zones shall be considered less restrictive; i.e., the uses of land first permitted in the C-C zone are most restrictive, and those uses of land first permitted in the C-G zone are least restrictive.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(288); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Motel" means a commercial building or group of buildings designed, constructed and used for the purpose of occupancy by transient persons, containing separate guestrooms, suites of rooms, guest houses, dwelling units, or any combination thereof, where not more than twenty percent of the total number of facilities provided are dwelling units, and where the name and address of all guests, their vehicle make, year, license number and state of registration are obtained and recorded pursuant to the State Health and Safety Code, and where all utility services are provided by a single master metering system only.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(291); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Motorhome" means a vehicle capable of movement under its own power, designed and constructed exclusively as a motor vehicle, providing facilities for human habitation and used for recreation and vacation purposes only, but specifically excluding any use thereof for a dwelling occupancy.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(294); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Nonconforming use" means a use of land, building, and/or a condition that legally existed at the time the ordinance codified in this zoning code was adopted, but which, because of this zoning code application thereto, no longer conforms or complies with the regulations of the zone classification in which such use, building and/or condition exists, or is located or no longer conforms or complies with any other provisions hereof applicable thereto.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(297); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Landscape plant material only nurseries" means those plant nurseries which are primarily retail in character, but allowing associated wholesale and growing operations which are clearly subordinate to the primary use. In no case shall the wholesale or growing operations encompass more than thirty percent of the gross lot area of nursery use.
(Ord. 765 § 7, 1989; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Wholesale nurseries" means a use for the growing and raising of plants for wholesaling purposes only with no retail sales of plant materials allowed except as permitted by Chapter 18.61, Temporary Uses.
(Ord. 765 § 7, 1989; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Off-site hazardous waste facility" means operations involving the handling, treatment, storage or disposal of a hazardous waste in one or more of the following situations:
The hazardous waste is transported via commercial railroad, a public-owned road or public waters, where adjacent land is not owned or leased to, the producer of the waste;
The hazardous waste is at a site which is not owned by, or leased to, the producer of the waste;
The hazardous waste is at a site which receives hazardous waste from more than one producer.
(Ord. 785 § 3, 1990; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Off-sale alcoholic beverage establishments" means any establishment which has obtained an alcoholic beverage control license type 20 (off-sale beer and wine) or type 21 (off-sale general), selling alcoholic beverages in an unopened container for consumption off the premises. Typical off-sale uses include, but are not limited to, the following establishments: food markets, supermarkets, drugstores, liquor stores and convenience markets.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(298); Ord. 751 § 2, 1989; Ord. 752 § 2 1989; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"On-site hazardous waste facility" means operations involving handling, treatment, storage or disposal of hazardous waste on land owned by, or leased to, a waste producer, and which receives hazardous waste produced only by that producer. An operation that occurs after waste is transported by commercial railroad, or on public waters or on a public road is considered to be an on-site operation only if the producer of the waste owns or leases at least ninety percent of the linear site and the area where the hazardous wastes are generated are on the same contiguous property.
(Ord. 785 § 4, 1990; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"On-sale alcoholic beverage establishments" means any establishment wherein alcoholic beverages are sold, served or given away for consumption on the premises including, but not limited to, any facility which has obtained an alcoholic beverage control license type 40 (on-sale beer eating place), type 41 (on-sale beer and wine eating place), type 42 (on-sale general bar), type 51 (club), type 52 (veteran club) and type 63 (beer and wine hospital). Typical on-sale uses include, but are not limited to, the following establishments: beer bars, restaurants, ballrooms, dance bars, piano bars, billiard and/or game parlors, night clubs, or other private clubs, and veterans clubs.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(299); Ord. 751 § 2, 1989; Ord. 752 § 2, 1989; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Outdoor living space" means any usable area designed and/or to be used for outdoor living, recreation or landscaping which shall be unobstructed and unoccupied from the ground upward to the sky except for landscape materials. In addition, outdoor living space may include an unenclosed balcony, roof deck, patio, swimming pool and open cabana in single-family zones as long as one side of the structure remains entirely open. Rear and side yard areas located within the space devoted to outdoor living may be included within outdoor living space, except where such side and/or rear yard is less than twice the required yard width and except for single-family zones where the minimum dimensions of rear and side yard widths necessary to be included in the outdoor living space computation shall be ten feet regardless of special side or rear yard setback requirements. Driveways, rubbish storage areas, pedestrian accessways to buildings, and off-street parking spaces shall not be considered as outdoor living space except for single-family zones where driveways, and pedestrian accessways may be included in the outdoor living space computation, provided that they are located in the rear of the required front yard setback line. Rubbish storage areas may not be included in the computation of outdoor living space.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(300); Ord. 765 § 8, 1989; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Packaging" means the packaging or repackaging of previously manufactured end products into a final package or unit.
(Ord. 852 § 6, 1994; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Parcel hub" means a facility used for the processing, sorting, and/or re-distribution of parcels or products from one mode of transport to vehicles with rated capacities less than ten thousand pounds, for delivery directly to consumers or end-users and includes, but is not limited to, a last mile facility.
(Ord. 1149 § 3, 2021)
"Parcel of land" means the same as "Lot."
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(303); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Personal service shops and associated retail sales" means establishments primarily engaged in the retail sale of specialized lines of merchandise, not elsewhere classified.
(Ord. 852 § 7, 1994; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Places of public assembly" means a use of land, building and/or portion of a building used for the gathering and/or assembly of fifty or more persons for purposes such as, but not limited to, deliberation, educational instruction, entertainment, amusement, awaiting transportation, and on-premises consumption of foods and beverages (including alcoholic beverages).
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(306); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Planned residential unit development" or the acronym "PUD," as may hereinafter be referred to in Titles 17 and 18 of this code, means the development and arrangement of single-family residential dwellings on property, subdivided interest in commonly owned property, and in which such dwellings are either detached and located on separate lots or clustered in a group of two or more attached dwellings each of which is located on separate but contiguous lots, and in which such dwellings are distinct, noncommunicating, and separated by either open space or by individual exterior walls or partition walls, and which comply with the provisions of Section 18.08.030 and Chapters 18.10 through 18.38 of this title.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(309); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Planning commission" means the planning commission of the city of Pico Rivera.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(312); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Porte cochere" means an accessory roofed structure open on two or more sides and attached to the side or wall of a dwelling through which vehicles pass, and designed for the convenience of loading and unloading of passengers and property from a vehicle, but shall not be construed in any way as providing required off-street parking facilities or outdoor living space.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(315); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Precise plan of design" means a discretionary application that is processed administratively by the zoning administrator per Chapter 18.48 of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code.
(Ord. 892 § 3, 1997; Ord. 893 § 3, 1997; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Professional offices" means offices maintained and used as a place of business, conducted and operated by persons engaged in the recognized professions, and others whose business activity consists principally of rendering services rather than the dispensing of commodities.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(318); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Property line" means the boundary of a lot closed by lot lines. (See Diagram No. 5 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(321); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Public utility service yard" means any building, lot, parcel of land or premises used for offices and warehousing, storage, servicing and maintenance of vehicles and equipment, testing and development of materials and equipment, and including microwave and communications facilities and associated equipment in the conduct of public utility servicing and business.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(323); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Rabbits and small animals" means and includes hares, hamsters, chinchillas, guinea pigs, domestic mice and rats, and any other types of rodents and similar animal species whatsoever.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(326); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Ranch" means a noncommercial use of property for the purposes of raising and producing livestock for personal use and enjoyment thereof, but shall specifically exclude a farm.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A) (327); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Recycling area (areas for recycling)" means space allocated for collecting and loading of recyclable materials. Such areas shall have the ability to accommodate receptacles for recyclable materials. Recycling areas shall be accessible and convenient for those who deposit as well as those who collect and load any recyclable materials placed therein.
(Ord. 912 § 5, 1998; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Recycling facility" means an activity which collects used "recyclable materials" for the receipt, storage, separation, sorting, processing and/or distribution purposes. No less than 95% of all materials collected by a recycling facility shall be "recycled materials." A recycling facility does not include storage containers or processing activity located on the premises of a residential, commercial, manufacturing or public facility use that is used solely for the recycling of material generated by said residential, commercial, industrial or public facility.
(Ord. 912 § 5, 1998; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
A "certified recycling facility" means any activity certified or registered by the California Department of Conservation and/or Integrated Waste Management Board as meeting the requirements of the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act of 1986. For this chapter, recycling facility shall mean a certified or registered recycling facility.
(Ord. 912 § 5, 1998; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Recycling collection facility" means a facility established to receive presorted redeemable beverage containers from residents and consumers for redemption. Recyclable beverage containers are not collected from vendors. These facilities are composed of reverse vending machine(s), collection storage unit(s) or a mobile recycling unit.
Reverse Vending Machine(s). "Reverse vending machine(s)" are automated mechanical devices which accept one or more empty beverage containers made of glass, plastic, aluminum, bimetal, and other beverage containers meeting the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act of 1986; issuance of a cash refund or a redeemable credit slip with a value not less than the container's redemption value as determined by the state is permitted. A reverse vending machine may sort and crush containers mechanically; provided, that the entire process is enclosed within the machine.
Collection Storage Unit(s). "Collection storage unit(s)" are storage containers manufactured specifically for the purpose of receiving redeemable beverage containers and redeemable paper without the use of power-driven processing equipment. Collection storage units fitted with reverse vending machines will be considered as collection storage unit facilities.
A "mobile recycling unit" is an automobile, truck, trailer, or van licensed by the Department of Motor Vehicles which is used for the collection of recyclable (redeemable) beverage containers. A "mobile recycling unit" shall also mean metal bins, or containers transported by truck, vans or trailer that are used for the collection of recycled materials.
(Ord. 912 § 5, 1998; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Recyclable materials" means the nature and class of materials, including:
Stationery, scrap, index and ledger paper;
Brown paper;
Computer cards and paper;
Corrugated cardboard;
Phone books;
Bottle glass and plastic bottles;
Scrap metal, including, but not limited to, copper wire and pipe, tin cans, aluminum cans, foil and window frames;
Recyclable motor vehicle oil;
Nonbiodegradable recyclable materials as deemed appropriate by the planning commission; and
Materials, containers and other items determined to be recyclable by the Department of Conservation or California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act of 1986, and the city of Pico Rivera.
Recyclable materials shall not include hazardous and/or biodegradable materials, including, but not limited to, food, beverages, drugs, cosmetics, hazardous chemicals, poisons, medical and dental waste, syringes, needles, pesticides, batteries and other similar materials.
(Ord. 912 § 5, 1998; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Recycling plant" otherwise known as a "processing plant," means a totally enclosed building or structure within which the receipt, storage, processing, and/or collection for redistribution or sale of presorted paper, iron, metal, glass, plastic, newspaper, and other nonbiodegradable recyclable materials deemed appropriate by the planning commission, can occur for the purpose of reutilization of such materials. Recyclable materials may not be directly purchased from consumers. Purchases from drop-off collection program operators, curbside program operators, community service program operators, vendors, recycling centers and other similarly managed agencies are permitted. Hazardous and biodegradable materials including, but not limited to, food, beverages, drugs, cosmetics, hazardous chemicals, poisons, medical wastes, syringes, needles, pesticides, and other similar materials shall not be brought into or handled by a recycling plant. “Processing” means the preparation of recycled material for efficient shipment by such means as baling, briquetting, compacting, conversion, flattening, grinding, crushing, separation, sorting, shredding, smelting, cleaning, or any other similar activity.
(Ord. 912 § 5, 1998; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Recycling station" means a totally enclosed facility operation designed and operated to receive, purchase, store and redistribute presorted recyclable materials not intended for disposal. Purchases from consumers, drop-off collection program operators, curbside program operators, community service program operators, vendors, and other similar entities are permitted. No processing is allowed; the outdoor temporary storage of prepackaged or enclosed recycled materials is permitted if screened from public view.
(Ord. 912 § 5, 1998; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Religious place of worship" means any facility operated for the principal use of worship and organized religious services by a religious organization including, but not limited to, churches, temples, mosques or synagogues. Permitted ancillary uses include business offices, multi-purpose rooms, classrooms for religious instruction and daycare centers.
(Ord. 968 § 5, 2001; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Residence" means the same as "single-family dwelling."
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(330); Ord. 912 § 6, 1998; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Residential" means a group of dwellings clustered in an area or areas of the city, or other areas in the city so designated therefor as shown on the general plan, and as may be referred to from time to time relative to housing for human habitation and occupancy.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(333); Ord. 912 § 6, 1998; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Residential zone" means any property within the city which carries a zoning designation permitting the location of a residence, including R-E single-family residential estate zone, S-F single-family residential zone, PUD planned residential unit development zone, R-M multiple-family residential variable density zone and those portions of Specific Plan 301 which allow for residential housing.
(Ord. 988 § 3, 2002; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Restaurant" means a bona fide public eating place, as specifically defined in Section 23038 of the State Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, effective November 8, 1967.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(336); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Rest home" means the use of land for a convalescent home, guest home, or any other facility operating similar to a boardinghouse for the temporary housing of and caring for ambulatory, aged, infirm or invalid persons, and in which nursing, dietary and incidental convalescent and medical care is furnished to residents thereof, and where no housing is furnished for persons suffering from contagious or communicable diseases, and where no surgery, physical therapy, maternity or other similar treatments are performed that are customarily provided in a hospital.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(339); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Retail store" means a building in which a commercial business is located and conducting the selling of goods, wares or other merchandise, where fifty-one percent or more of the dollar volume gross receipts are retail sales to the ultimate consumer.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(342); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Roof" means a supported structure designed and constructed in such a manner so as to cover a space, preventing the vertical passage through its surface of fifty percent or more light, air and ventilation.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(345); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Roof-mounted" means located above the eave line of a building.
(Ord. 892 § 3, 1997; Ord. 893 § 3, 1997; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Room" means all subdivided portions of the interior of a dwelling unit, excluding bathrooms, kitchens, closets, hallways, entries and service porches.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(348); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"School" shall mean any institution of learning for minors, whether public or private, offering instruction in those courses of study required by the California Education Code and/or which is maintained pursuant to standards set by the Board of Education of the State of California. This definition includes a nursery school, kindergarten, elementary school, middle or junior high school, senior high school, or any special institution of education under the jurisdiction of the California Department of Education. For the purposes of this section, "school" does not include a vocational or professional institution of higher education, including a community or junior college, college, or university.
(Ord. 988 § 3, 2002; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Screening" means the effect of locating the object(s) to be screened behind a building, wall, fence, landscaping, berm, and/or other specially designed device so that view of the object(s) from adjoining and nearby public rights-of-way and private properties is precluded or minimized.
(Ord. 892 § 3, 1997; Ord. 893 § 3, 1997; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Self-storage facilities" means facilities offering enclosed storage with individual access that are rented and/or leased for personal effects and household goods, including mini-storage. A facility may contain various sized, individual compartmentalized and controlled access stalls or spaces. This use excludes workshops, warehousing, hobby shops, manufacturing, or other commercial activity.
(Ord. 1018 § 6, 2006; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014; Ord. 1156 § 3, 2022)
"Senior citizen housing" means housing or dwelling units established for exclusive occupancy by persons sixty-two years of age or older and/or by physically handicapped persons of adult age, or by a spouse of any such person. Resident manager(s) of adult age may also reside therein.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(350); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Front yard setback" means an open yard area from the ground to the sky, extending across the full width of a lot between the front lot line and a line parallel with the distance thereto measured at right angles to the front lot line, and equal to the required depth as regulated by each applicable zone classification. (See Diagram No. 6 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(351); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Rear yard setback" means an open yard area from the ground to the sky, extending across the full width of a lot between the rear lot line or lines and a line or lines parallel with and distant therefrom measured at right angles to the rear lot line or lines a distance equal to the required depth as regulated by each applicable zone classification. (See Diagram No. 6 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(354); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Side yard setback" means an open yard area from the ground to the sky extending across the full depth of a lot between the front and rear yard setbacks and between the side lot line and a line parallel with and distant therefrom measured at right angles to the side lot line, and equal to the required width as regulated by each applicable zone classification. (See Diagram No. 6 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(357); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Sexually-oriented merchandise" shall be defined as set forth in Section 5.22.020.
(Ord. 988 § 3, 2002; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Sign" means a display board, screen, structure, object, or portion thereof, used to announce, declare, demonstrate, display and/or otherwise advertise and attract the attention of the public, constructed of any material whatsoever, and maintained, erected, installed, painted and/or placed on a building or structure or property for the principal purpose of identification of property, business, services, the sale of goods and wares or any other merchandise, fully intended to serve as the principal means of advertisement and identification.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(360); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Sign area" means the combined total of each sign face consisting of the surface space within a single contiguous rectangle containing words, letters, figures, or symbols, together with any frame, material or color forming an integral part of the display but excluding support structures, face of building, and incidental parts not drawing attention to the subject matter.
(Ord. 802 § 6, 1991; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Sign structure" means a structure which supports or is capable of supporting any sign. A sign structure may be a single pole or may or may not be an integral part of the building.
(Ord. 802 § 6, 1991; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Single-room occupancy unit," also known as an efficiency unit and considered a type of transitional housing, means housing consisting of single-room dwelling units typically with no more than four hundred square feet of habitable space that is the primary residence of its occupant or occupants. The unit must contain either food preparation or sanitary facilities (and may contain both). An accessory structure (i.e., garage) does not qualify as an SRO.
(Ord. 1083 § 4, 2014; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Specified anatomical areas" shall be defined as set forth in Section 5.22.020.
(Ord. 988 § 3, 2002; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Specified sexual activities" shall be defined as set forth in Section 5.22.020.
(Ord. 988 § 3, 2002; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"State" means the state of California.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(363); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Stealth design" means the installation of structures or equipment in such a manner as to architecturally blend into a building or other structure so as not to be seen or recognized. As applied to wireless telecommunication facilities, examples would include structures disguised as church or clock towers, roof-mounted equipment located behind a parapet wall that appears as a normal architectural appendage, or building-mounted panels that are architecturally compatible with the existing structure and painted to match the building. Visible roof-mounted panel antennas or monopole type structures are not considered to be of stealth design.
(Ord. 892 § 3, 1997; Ord. 893 § 3, 1997; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Story" means that portion of the entire interior space between the exterior walls of a building and between the upper surface of any floor and the surface of a ceiling and floor next above.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(366); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Public street" means a publicly owned or controlled way which affords the principal means of vehicular access to abutting private property.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(369); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Private street" means a privately owned or controlled way which affords the principal means of vehicular access to abutting private property.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(372); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Street right-of-way" means the legal boundary separating a street from abutting private property. (See Diagram No. 6 at the end of this chapter.)
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(375); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Structure" means anything constructed or built, any edifice or building of any kind whatsoever, or any piece of work artificially built or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner, or anything else so constructed or built in the ground or erected, which requires location on the ground, or is attached to something located on the ground or in the ground.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(378); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Structural alteration" means any change in the supporting members of a building or structure, such as, but not limited to, foundations, bearing walls, nonbearing walls, partition walls, columns, beams, floor, ceiling or roof joists, girders, rafters or trusses, or any change or addition in the dimensions of a building or structure.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(381); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Superintendent of streets" means the director of public works.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(384); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Supportive housing" means housing with no limit on length of stay, that is occupied by the target population, and that is linked to on-site or off-site services that assist the supportive housing resident in retaining the housing, improving his or her health status, and maximizing his or her ability to live and, when possible, work in the community.
(Ord. 1083 § 4, 2014; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Tenses" means that the present tense includes and means the future tense, and the reciprocal thereof; that the singular tense includes and means the plural, and the reciprocal thereof; that the singular number includes and means the plural number, and the reciprocal thereof; and, that the masculine gender includes and means the feminine gender, and the reciprocal thereof.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(387); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Trade schools" means a business conducted for profit consisting of a place for training and instruction in a specific field, skill, trade or occupation including business colleges, vocational schools and similar facilities.
(Ord. 765 § 9, 1989; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Trade schools, industrial oriented" means a business consisting of a place for training and instruction in a specific field, skill, trade or occupation for which employment would be conducted in an industrial setting or would use equipment normally associated with industrial businesses including, but not limited to, welding, machining, material handling and processing, metal working and heavy equipment repair.
(Ord. 973 § 4, 2001; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Trailer" means any wheeled vehicle incapable of movement under its own power, designed to be drawn or towed by a motor vehicle for the purpose of carrying or transporting property and/or chattels of any kind whatsoever, but specifically excluding the use for human habitation and/or the transporting thereof.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(390); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Transitional housing" and "transitional housing development" means buildings configured as rental housing developments, but operated under program requirements that call for the termination of assistance and recirculation of the assisted unit to another eligible program recipient at some predetermined future point in time, which shall be no less than six months.
(Ord. 1083 § 4, 2014; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Unclassified use" means any use of land or building or both which is not specifically designated or contained in Section 18.08.030 and Chapters 18.10 through 18.38 as a use of land permitted in a zone classification, but which requires the issuance of a conditional use permit or precise plan of design pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 18.56 and Article I of Chapter 18.48, respectively, of this title.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(393); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Variance" means the procedure by which major and/or minor modifications of the property development regulations of a zone classification may be granted by the planning commission and/or city council pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 18.06 of this title.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(396); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Vehicle" means and includes automobile, truck, tank truck, tractor, trailer, wagon, cart, and any and all other contrivances used or capable of being used as a means of transportation of persons or property that move or roll on one or more wheels.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A) (399); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Wall" means a vertical structure forming a physical barrier, when erected, enclosing a space open from the ground to the sky, and which prevents the passage of less than twenty-five percent air and ventilation through its vertical surface.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(402); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Common wall" means a wall five feet or greater in length designed and/or constructed in such a manner so as to form a physical barrier separation between two or more spaces in a building or buildings.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(405); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Warehouse" means a building storage facility wherein the operation thereof is limited to only the storage of stock and products for subsequent distribution, and expressly excludes manufacturing or fabrication of any type whatsoever and storage and/or parking of commercial transportation vehicles limited to "private carrier" vehicles and storage of occupant owned trailers. A warehouse does not include a fulfillment center or parcel hub.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(408); Ord. 852 § 8, 1994; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014; Ord. 1149 § 2, 2021)
"Window sign" means a professionally painted, attached, glued or otherwise affixed sign within fifteen feet of a window designed to be viewed from adjoining streets or parking lot entrances, relating to the business name, services rendered, sales and available products.
(Ord. 802 § 6, 1991; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Wholesale sales" means establishments or places of business primarily engaged in selling merchandise to retailers; to industrial, commercial, institutional, farm, construction contractors or professional business users; or to other wholesalers. Includes the on-site storage of material and branch or sales offices (but not retail sales or stores).
(Ord. 852 § 9, 1994; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Wireless communications" means a broad range of telecommunication services that enables people and devices to communicate regardless of location, via radio frequency signals. Current wireless communication technologies include cellular communications, personal communication services (PCS) and enhanced specialized mobile radio (ESMR). These technologies all utilize a system of interconnecting geographic areas (cells), each containing an antenna. As used in this title, the term does not include radio and television signals, noncommercial antennas (such as amateur radio antennas), and noncommercial satellite dishes.
(Ord. 892 § 3, 1997; Ord. 893 § 3, 1997; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Wireless telecommunications facility" means an unmanned facility which consists of equipment for the reception, switching and transmission of radio frequency signals. Such facility may include elevated transmitting and receiving antennae, base station equipment and interconnection equipment. Facility types include roof-mounted, building-mounted or freestanding structures. Such facilities form the infrastructure to support wireless communications.
(Ord. 892 § 3, 1997; Ord. 893 § 3, 1997; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Yard" means any open space unoccupied or unobstructed, except for natural landscaping materials, from the ground surface above to the sky, and also except for occupied or obstructed projections as may be permitted elsewhere in this title.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(411); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Zone" means the land use category or classification as set forth in Section 18.08.030 and Chapters 18.10 through 18.38 of this title.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(414); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Zone reclassification" means a change in the zone classification of property pursuant to the provisions of Article IV of Chapter 18.62 of this title.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(417); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Zoning administrator" means the zoning administrator of the city of Pico Rivera, or representative duly authorized to act in his or her stead.
(Prior code § 9203.02(A)(420); Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)
"Zoning consistency review," or ZCR, means the standard planning review form for ministerial applications. They are used to determine whether nondiscretionary construction or installation proposals are in accordance with the Pico Rivera zoning ordinance.
(Ord. 892 § 3, 1997; Ord. 893 § 3, 1997; Ord. 1089 § 6, 2014)