The intent and purpose of this chapter is to establish general provisions dealing with certain elements of zoning that cannot otherwise be effectively provided elsewhere in this title, and attempt to eliminate the degree of uncertainty which may tend to arise from time to time.
(Prior code § 9204.01)
Except as provided for in this title, no building or other structure shall be erected, reconstructed, structurally altered, nor shall any building, other structure or land be used for any purpose whatsoever except as may be specifically provided for and allowed in this title. The regulations contained in this title shall be deemed to be minimum and not all inclusive.
(Prior code § 9204.08)
The intent and purpose of Chapters 18.10 through 18.38 is to establish, designate and classify zones which divide and segregate the city into various categories of land use development, and which are also shown on and made a part of the Official Zone Map.
(Prior code § 9205.01)
In order to classify, divide, segregate, regulate and restrict the uses of land, buildings and other structures, location, height and size of buildings and other structures, yards, courts and other open spaces, amount of land coverage, population concentration and density, and the environmental quality, sixteen classes of use zones, as set forth in Chapters 18.10 through 18.38 are hereby established and made a part of this title.
(Prior code § 9204.02; Ord. 799 § 2, 1991)
The zoning maps and zone classifications of the city of Pico Rivera heretofore established, existing and in effect as a part of Ordinance No. 1 commencing with Section 9310 et seq., as amended, are hereby converted and shall hereafter be in effect and exist pursuant to and as a part of this zoning code and shall hereafter be known by the zoning symbols and designations in accordance with the following conversion table:
B Buffer Zone (publicly owned or controlled land only)
O-S Open Space Zone
B Buffer Zone (privately owned land only)
P Parking Zone
R-A Single-Family Residential Limited Agriculture Zone
R-E Single-Family Residential Estate Zone
R-1 Single-family Residential Zone
S-F Single-Family Residential Zone
R-1 PD Residential Planned Development Zone
S-F Single-family Residential Zone
PUD Planned Residential Unit Development Zone
R-2 Limited Multiple-Family Residential Zone
R-M 3000 Multiple-Family Residential Variable Density Zone
R-3 Multiple-Family Residential Zone
R-M 3000, Multiple-Family Residential Variable Density Zone
R-4 Unlimited Multiple-Family Residential Zone
R-M 3000 Multiple-Family Residential Variable Density Zone
R-M Residential Multiple-Family Zone
R-M 3000 Multiple-Family Residential Variable Density Zone
Civic Center District
Civic Center Zone
P-A Professional Administrative Zone
P-A Professional and Administrative Zone
C-N Neighborhood Commercial Zone
C-H Restricted Highway Business Zone
C-C Community Commercial Zone
C-2 General Commercial Zone
C-G General Commercial Zone
CPD Commercial Planned Development Zone
R-D Research and Development Zone
M-1 Light Manufacturing Zone
I-L Limited Industrial Zone
M-2 General Manufacturing Zone
I-G General Industrial Zone
R-D Research and Development Zone
C-M Commercial Manufacturing Zone
(Prior code § 9204.10)
A further refinement of the land use element, and other such elements which may be applicable hereto, of the comprehensive general plan, a comprehensive land use plan, which may consist of one or more diagrams, known as "The Official Zone Map of the City of Pico Rivera," is hereby adopted and made a part of this title pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 4, Division 1, Title 7 of the Government Code of the state of California.
(Prior code § 9201.04)
For the purposes of more readily identifying areas on the Official Zone Map, such map may, for convenience, be divided into parts and each such part be subdivided into units, and such parts and units may be separately employed for the purposes of amending the map or for any official reference thereto.
(Prior code § 9204.04)
The location and boundaries of the various zones, as contained in Chapters 18.10 through 18.38, shall be as shown and delineated on "The Official Zone Map of the City of Pico Rivera."
(Prior code § 9204.03)
Changes in and/or the establishment of zone boundaries shall be made by ordinance amending the provisions of this title, and by amending the Official Zone Map, as set forth in Article IV of Chapter 18.62, and such amendment or amendments shall become a part of this title.
(Prior code § 9204.05)
Wherever uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of any zone, the following rules shall apply:
Where such zone boundaries are indicated as approximately following public street and alley right-of-way or lot lines, such right-of-way or lot lines shall be construed to be such zone boundaries;
In the case of unsubdivided property, and where a zone boundary divides a lot or parcel of land, the location of such zone boundary or boundaries, unless otherwise indicated by dimensions, shall be determined by use of the scale appearing on the Official Zone Map;
Where a public street or alley is officially vacated or abandoned, the area comprising such vacated street or alley shall automatically acquire the zone classification of the property to which it reverts.
(Prior code § 9204.06)
Any legally existing lot of record which is vacant and/or otherwise unimproved and is only considered to be substandard by reason of lot area, shall be considered to be in compliance with the lot area requirements of the zone classification with respect to development thereof.
(Prior code § 9204.09)
Any property which, for any reason whatsoever, is not designated on the Official Zone Map as being classified in any of the zone classifications as established in Chapters 18.10 through 18.38, shall be deemed to be unclassified and shall not be developed or used for any purpose whatsoever except as may otherwise be so determined pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 18.54 of this title.
Any land hereinafter annexed to the city shall be deemed to be unclassified in a zone pursuant to the provisions of Article IV of Chapter 18.62 of this title, or prezoned pursuant to the provisions of Section 65859, Article 2, Chapter 4, Division 1, Title 7 of the Government Code of the state of California.
(Prior code § 9204.07)