There is hereby established a zone which shall hereinafter be known as the "O-S open space zone," and which shall function and serve as set out in this chapter.
(Prior code § 9205.02)
The intent and purpose of the O-S zone are:
To principally designate and classify certain lands within the city for providing both interim and permanent open-space areas;
To recognize those other open-space lands generally oriented to public interests and owned or controlled by a governmental or quasi-public agency;
To recognize and restrict development and uses to such functions that primarily serve the interest of the community as a whole; and
To function and serve as the instrument by which the preservation and conservation of open space areas can be attained.
(Prior code § 9205.02(A))
The O-S zone is a land use classification which, in part, assists in the implementation of the environmental and public facilities elements of the general plan. It is a zone classification designed to be applied on land as a separational transition between heavy and light land use intensities, and for the purpose of providing permanent open-space lands such as public schools, parks, recreational facilities, and other publicly oriented uses.
Application of the O-S zone must be clearly defined within the scope and purpose qualifying land for an open-space function, and must be protected from the encroachment of land uses and development not performing such overall function and purpose.
Uses of land which do not qualify and which are not specifically permitted in the O-S zone are hereby expressly prohibited.
(Prior code § 9205.02(B))
Regulations governing permitted uses of land in the O-S zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.40 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.02(C))
Because of the unique character and nature of the O-S zone, the use and development of property therein shall be determined by and subject to a precise plan of design as set forth in Chapter 18.48 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.02(D))
Regulations governing off-street parking requirements for uses and development of property in the O-S zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.44 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.02 (E))
Regulations governing permitted signs and advertising for uses and development of property in the O-S zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.46 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.02 (F))