There is hereby established a zone which shall hereinafter be known as the "PUD planned residential unit development zone," and which shall function and serve as set out in this chapter.
(Prior code § 9205.05)
The intent and purpose of the PUD zone is to principally designate and distinguish certain areas within the community that can best be utilized to attain the following:
To create a better living environment;
To promote the achievement of residential land use amenities that could not otherwise be obtained under more conventional methods and development;
To achieve greater design flexibility of residential acreage than could otherwise be possible through the application of more conventional residential zone regulations;
To encourage well-planned developments through more creative, innovative and imaginative planning principles, practice and techniques;
To reserve a greater proportion of open-space land for recreation, conservation, park and other similar kinds of use facilities than is otherwise required by more conventional residential zone regulations;
To provide for a more efficient, appropriate and desirable use of land which is sufficiently unique in its physical characteristics and other circumstances to warrant special methods of development;
To provide areas of natural scenic beauty, vistas, landmarks, promontories and other environmental features through integrated land planning, design, and unified control of physical development patterns; and
To set forth use regulations and property development regulations that will best assure that the intent and purpose of this chapter are carried out.
(Prior code § 9205.05 (A))
The PUD zone is a land use classification which, in part, assists in the implementation of the residential land use, housing and environmental elements of the general plan. It is a zone classification designed to be applied on selective areas of the community where the land is of sufficient size, shape and configuration, and possesses the characteristics to warrant a planned residential unit development.
Application of the PUD zone must clearly qualify in accordance with the intent and purpose established herein, and must also be protected from the encroachment of land uses and development that would tend to oversaturate land capabilities.
Uses of land and development which do not qualify and which are not specifically permitted in the PUD zone are hereby expressly prohibited.
(Prior code § 9205.05 (B))
Regulations governing permitted uses of land in the PUD zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.40 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.05 (C))
Regulations governing the development of property for uses in the PUD zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.42 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.05 (D))
Regulations governing off-street parking requirements for uses and development of property in the PUD zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.44 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.05 (E))
Regulations governing permitted signs and advertising for uses and development of property in the PUD zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.46 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.05 (F))
The regulations set forth in this title, and those set forth in Title 17 of this code governing planned residential unit developments in the PUD zone, are deemed to be minimum and not all-inclusive. The design review board, planning commission and/or city council may establish conditions or requirements as may be deemed necessary to maintain, preserve, protect, perpetuate and promote not only the public health, safety, environment and general welfare, but the integrity of the PUD zone as well.
(Prior code § 9205.05 (G))
The scope and complexity of development shall be of such a nature so as to effect an integral land-planning unit that provides achievement in conformity with the intent and purpose of the PUD zone. The overall plan of development shall be comprehensive, embracing all interrelationships of land, buildings, and other environmental features and characteristics, and shall attain a whole, three-dimensional concept. The development must also be well-related to existing and planned land uses and circulation patterns (both pedestrian and vehicular) of adjoining properties, and must not constitute a disruptive element with regard to adjacent community neighborhood areas. Internal vehicular circulation systems shall not be a dominant feature in the overall design, but must, however, be so designed for the efficient and safe movement and flow of vehicles without having a disruptive influence on the characteristics, features, activities and functions of the facilities to be provided.
(Prior code § 9205.05 (H))
In the PUD zone, environmental design features shall be compatible and consistent with the elements, goals and objectives of the general plan. Recreational facilities must be located throughout the development in order to obtain maximum dispersion and be in close proximity to all dwelling units, or easily accessible thereto. Various community facilities shall be grouped in areas well-related to open spaces, designed as focal points of overall development features, and easily accessible thereto by the residents of the development.
(Prior code § 9205.05 (I))
The conditional use permit granted for establishment of a planned residential unit development shall include an approved progress schedule indicating the development of open-space lands related to the construction of residential dwelling units. Such progress schedule shall become a condition of conditional use permit approval.
Planned residential unit development projects proposed to be developed in more than one phase shall be designed so that each successive phase will independently comply with the regulations specified herein.
The conditional use permit may include approval of development in more than one phase, provided the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the planning commission that the proposed development will be a better project within the intent and purpose of the PUD zone. In event more than one phase is approved, the applicant shall provide a tentative tract map and plan of development indicating the cumulative allocation and utilization of land for each successive phase of development.
(Prior code § 9205.05 (J))