There is hereby established a zone which shall hereinafter be known as the "C-C community commercial zone," and which shall function and serve as set out in this chapter.
(Prior code § 9205.10)
The intent and purpose of the C-C zone is to recognize and designate areas within the city for providing a variety and range of retail stores and service establishments limited to primarily serve the general community trading area.
(Prior code § 9205.10 (A))
The C-C zone is a land use classification which, in part, assists in the implementation of the commercial land use element of the general plan. It is a zone classification designed to be applied in selected areas of the community most suitable for individual retail commercial establishments, as well as shopping center complexes, wherein the development of mixed commercial uses would be appropriate and compatible for public convenience, and when such uses cannot and should not be dispersed in smaller, more intimate commercial areas.
Application of the C-C zone must be clearly defined and limited to restrictive shopping center complexes catering to individual ownership or distribution, and protected from the encroachment of general commercial uses that rely heavily on a trading area outside the corporate boundaries of the city.
Uses of land which do not qualify and which are not specifically permitted in the C-C zone are hereby expressly prohibited.
(Prior code § 9205.10 (B))
Regulations governing permitted uses of land in the C-C zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.40 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.10 (C))
Regulations governing the development of property for uses in the C-C zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.42 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.10 (D))
Regulations governing the development of property for off-street parking for uses in the C-C zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.44 of this title
(Prior code § 9205.10 (E))
Regulations governing permitted signs and advertising for uses and development of property in the C-C zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.46 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.10 (F))