There is hereby established a zone which shall hereinafter be known as the "CPD commercial planned development zone," and which shall function and serve as set out in this chapter.
(Prior code § 9205.12)
The intent and purpose of the CPD zone is to provide for a more efficient, appropriate and desirable commercial use of land which integrates environmental land planning, design and physical characteristics sufficiently unique, creative, innovative and imaginative in nature and scope, and to provide for the unified control of architectural design features and a method by which existing deteriorating commercial activity can be revitalized through both private and public interests.
(Prior code § 9205.12 (A))
In order to qualify for application of the CPD zone, land must first be recognized in the commercial land use element of the general plan, be of sufficient size, shape and configuration for the division of land and interests in common, and demonstrate a clear need for revitalization and commercial land use distributions that cannot be adequately provided for in the P-A, C-N, C-C or C-G Zones.
Uses of land which do not qualify and are not specifically permitted in the CPD zone are hereby expressly prohibited.
(Prior code § 9205.12 (B))
Regulations governing permitted uses of land in the CPD zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.40 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.12 (C))
Because of the unique character and nature of the CPD zone, the use and development of property herein shall be determined by and subject to a conditional use permit as set forth in Chapter 18.56 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.12 (D))
Regulations governing off-street parking requirements for uses and development of property in the CPD zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.44 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.12 (E))
Regulations governing permitted signs and advertising for uses and development of property in the CPD zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.46 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.12 (F))
Development shall comply with the regulations of the water efficient landscaping provisions set forth in Chapter 18.45 and Section 18.44.050B(22) of this code.
(Ord. 823 § 7, 1993)