There is hereby established an overlay zone which shall hereinafter be known as the "M-U Overlay zone" and which shall function and serve as set out in this chapter.
(Ord. 1089 § 7, 2014)
The mixed-use overlay zone is intended to allow an integrated mix of residential and commercial land uses located close to one another, either within a single building, on the same parcel, or on adjacent parcels.
The mixed-use overlay zone has the following major objectives:
Promote a compatible mix of residential, commercial and service uses with strong functional relationships.
Implement the city's housing element by facilitating residential development on identified "housing opportunity sites," and enabling the development of affordable housing consistent with the requirements of State Government Code Article 10.6 (65580) and the city of Pico Rivera Housing Element.
Contribute to the city's mix of housing types.
Facilitate well-designed mixed-use development projects that promote pedestrian access and activity and allow residents to live close to where they work.
Stimulate economic development and reinvestment by allowing property owners to respond with flexibility to market opportunities.
(Ord. 1089 § 7, 2014)
Relationship between Base Zone Standards and Overlay Zone Standards. For properties within the mixed-use overlay zone, the regulations allow mixed-use development as an alternative to the stand-alone base zone development allowed under the base (underlying) zone standards.
Base Zone Standards.
New projects may be developed in compliance with the existing underlying base zone, provided that all standards and requirements of the underlying base zone are met.
Regulations, development standards, and requirements in the underlying base zone shall continue to apply to those projects that are currently developed according to the existing standards.
For legal nonconforming uses (i.e., uses that do not comply with the provisions of the base zone), the provisions in Chapter 18.54 (Nonconforming Uses) shall apply.
Option to Apply Mixed-Use Overlay Zone Standards. The owner or developer of any property within the mixed-use overlay zone may choose to exercise the mixed-use overlay zone standards or continue to utilize the standards of the underlying zone. An applicant may choose to develop standalone commercial or multi-family developments within the mixed-use overlay zone.
(Ord. 1089 § 7, 2014)
Regulations governing permitted uses of land in the M-U overlay zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.40, Land Use Regulations, of this title.
(Ord. 1089 § 7, 2014)
Regulations governing the development of property for uses in the M-U overlay zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.42, Property Development Regulations of this title.
(Ord. 1089 § 7, 2014)
Regulations governing off-street parking requirements for uses and development of property in the M-U overlay zone are calculated per the land use proposed to be developed as specifically set forth in Chapter 18.44, Off-Street Parking and Loading of this title.
(Ord. 1089 § 7, 2014)
Regulations governing permitted signs and advertising for uses and development of property in the M-U overlay zone are permitted per the land use zone specifically set forth in Chapter 18.46, Signs and Advertising of this title.
(Ord. 1089 § 7, 2014)