The intent and purpose of this chapter is to establish and set forth minimum property development regulations, conditions, requirements and limitations governing the development of property for uses of land in the various zone classifications, as established in Chapters 18.10 through 18.38 of this title.
(Prior code § 9207.01)
The chart and text illustrated in this chapter are hereby adopted and made a part of this chapter.
(Prior code § 9207.02)
The property development regulations chart is divided into twelve basic categories of minimum regulations for the development of property in the various zone classifications. In order to determine the zone in which the regulations apply, application and use of the chart is as follows:
Find the specific "Regulations" column in the chart set forth in Section 18.42.040.
Read across the chart to the zone column in which the regulation sought appears.
If a specific regulation appears in a zone column, this means that it is the minimum regulation required for the particular zone represented by the column in which the regulation appears.
If a specific regulation appears in a zone column with a parenthetic number or numbers, e.g., "10 acres (3, 9)" this means that the minimum regulation required for the particular zone represented by the column in which the regulation appears is also subject to compliance with the special development conditions, requirements and limitations set forth in subsection B of Section 18.42.050.
If only parenthetic numbers appear in a zone column, this means that the specific minimum regulation required for the particular zone represented by the column in which the parenthetic numbers appear is subject to compliance with the special development conditions, requirements or limitations set forth in and corresponding with the numbered conditions of subsection B of Section 18.42.050.
If neither a specific regulation, nor a parenthetic number appears in a zone column, this means that the governing regulation set forth in Section 18.42.040 in the "Regulations" column does not apply to the particular zone represented by the column.
(Prior code § 9207.03)
The basic minimum property development regulations are categorized, enumerated and set forth in Table 18.42.040, the Property Development Regulations Chart, following this section.
Table 18.42.040
(Part 1—R-E, S-F, R-I, PUD, R-M, and M-U and R-40 Overlay Zones)
M-U Overlay
R-40 Overlay
A. Lot Frontage and Access
(1, 3)
B. Size, Area & Frequency of Zone
0.5<2.5 Acres (Gross)
2.5 Acres (Gross)
C. Lot Area
15,000 sq. ft.(8)
6,500 sq. ft. (8)
4,200 sq. ft. (6)
1,500 sq. ft. (6)
2,600 sq. ft. (6)
12,500 sq. ft. (8, 9, 44)
D. Dwelling Unit Density
One per lot (10)
One per lot (11)
One per lot
1—30 DUs2 per acre (12, 13)
1—30 DUs2 per acre
30 DUs per acre (14)
30 DUs per acre (14)
40 DUs per acre
E. Floor Area per Dwelling Unit.
1—6 deleted.
7. Senior citizens housing
500 sq. ft. (15)
500 sq. ft. (15)
500 sq. ft. (15)
F. Lot Size
1. Lot width
a. Corner or reverse corner lot
100 feet (8)
70 feet (8)
40 feet
40 feet
b. Interior lot
100 feet (8)
60 feet (8)
40 feet (42)
25 feet
40 feet (42)
2. Lot depth
150 feet (8)
100 feet (8, 18)
65 feet (42)
G. Yards
1. Front
30 feet (20)
20 feet (20)
20 feet to garage, 15 feet to residence (any portion) Minimum 50% of front setback 20 feet
18 feet to garage, 15 feet to residence (any portion)
25 feet (20, 31)
15 feet (60)
15 feet (60)
2. Side
a. Interior
10 feet (20)
5 feet (20)
4 feet (56)
4 feet (56)
5 feet (20, 23)
10 feet (20, 61)
10 feet (20, 61)
b. Street
20 feet (20)
10 feet (20)
8 feet (56)
8 feet (56)
10 feet (20, 23)
10 feet (20)
10 feet (20)
3. Rear
a. Case I
10 feet (20, 25)
5 feet (20, 25a)
50% minimum 20 feet and 50% minimum 15 feet
50% minimum 20 feet and 50% minimum 15 feet
10 feet (20, 25a)
b. Case II
15 feet (20, 25b)
10 feet (20, 25b)
15 feet (20, 25b)
c. Case III
20 feet (20, 25c)
15 feet (8, 20, 25c)
20 feet (20, 25c)
4. Projections
(8, 27)
(8, 27)
H. Building Heights
24 feet (28)
24 feet (28)
26 feet (28, 29)
26 feet (28, 29)
26 feet (28, 29)
28 feet (28, 29)
60 feet (58)
60 feet (58)
I. Lot Coverage
35% lot area (30)
40% lot area (30)
80% lot area (30)
50% lot area (30)
J. Location and Relationship of Buildings, Structures and Uses
(31a, b, c, d, e, f)
(31f, g, h, i)
(31f, g, i, j)
(31a, b)
(31a, b)
K. Fences, Hedges and Walls
(32a, b, c, d)
(32a, b, c, d)
(32a, b, c, d, e)
(32a, c, h)
(32a, c, h)
L. Objective Design Standards
M. Other Conditions, Requirements
(33—39, 47, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55, 57, 65)
(33—39, 47, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55, 57, 65, 66)
(33, 40, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55, 57, 65)
(33—39, 49, 50, 53, 55, 57, 65)
(33—39, 40, 49, 50, 53, 55, 57, 65)
(33—39, 41, 42, 47, 48, 50, 53, 55, 57, 65)
(34, 35, 36, 37—39, 41, 44, 45, 47, 50, 53, 55, 57, 63, 65)
(34, 35, 36, 37—39, 41, 44, 45, 47, 50, 53, 55, 57, 65, 66)
PUD development criteria to come entirely from Column "A" or Column "B."
These densities will be subject to general plan standards.
(Part 2—P-A, C-N, C-C, C-G, C-M, I-L and I-G Zones)
A. Lot Frontage and Access
(1, 3)
(1, 3, 4)
(1, 3)
(1, 3)
(1, 3)
(1, 3)
(1, 3)
B. Size, Area and Frequency of Zone
1—1/2 acres (5, 7)
4—20 acres (7)
10 acres (7)
3 acres (7)
5 acres (7)
10 acres (7)
C. Lot Area
10,000 sq. ft.
12,000 sq. ft.
D. Dwelling Unit Density
E. Floor Area Per Dwelling Unit
1. Senior Citizens Housing
F. Lot Size
1. Lot width
a. Corner or reverse lot
b. Interior lot
2. Lot depth
120 feet
150 feet
G. Yards
1. Front
15 feet (20, 22)
15 feet (20, 22)
15 feet (20, 22)
15 feet (20, 22)
20 feet (20, 22)
25 feet (20, 21, 22)
25 feet (20, 21, 22)
2. Side
a. Interior
(20, 23, 24)
(8, 20, 23, 24)
(23, 24)
(23, 24)
(23, 24)
(23, 24)
b. Street
(23, 24)
(23, 24)
(8, 20, 23, 24)
(23, 24)
(23, 24)
(23, 24)
(23, 24)
3. Rear
(23, 26)
(23, 26)
(23, 26)
(23, 26)
(23, 26)
(23, 26)
(23, 26)
a. Case I
b. Case II
c. Case III
4. Projections
H. Building Height
42 feet (28)
24 feet (28)
38 feet (28)
42 feet (28, 48)
38 feet (28, 48)
38 feet (28, 48)
38 feet (28, 48)
I. Lot Coverage
60% lot area (30)
45% lot area (30)
60% lot area (30)
60% lot area (30)
60% lot area (30)
60% lot area (30)
60% lot area (30)
J. Location and Relationship of Buildings, Structures and Uses
(31-e, f, g)
(31-e, f, g)
(31-e, f, g)
(31-e, f, g)
(31-e, f, g)
(31-e, f, g)
(31-e, f, g)
K. Fences, Hedges and Walls
(32-a, c, d, f, i)
(32-a, c, d, f, i)
(32-a, c, d, f, i)
(32-a, c, d, f, i)
(32-a, c, d, f, i)
(32-a, c, d, f, i)
(32-a, c, d, f, i)
L. Objective Design Standards
M. Other Conditions, Requirements and Use Limitations
(33—39, 43, 44, 45, 50, 51, 53, 55, 57, 65, 66)
(33—39, 44, 45, 50, 51, 53, 55, 57, 65)
(34—39, 44, 45, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57, 65, 66)
(34—39, 44, 45, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57, 65, 66)
(34—39, 44, 45, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57)
(34—39, 44, 45, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 65, 66)
(34—39, 44, 45, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 65, 66)
(Prior code § 9207.04; Ord. 559 § 1, 1977; Ord.664 § 3, 1983; Ord. 764 § 3, 1989; Ord. 765 §§ 21—23, 1989; Ord. 785 § 8, 1990; Ord. 823 § 4, 1993; Ord. 834 § 2, 1993; Ord. 852 § 44, 1994; Ord. 856 § 5, 1994; Ord. 880 § 3, 1996; Ord. 887 § 3, 1996; Ord. 922 § 6, 1999; Ord. 1049 § 6, 2008; Ord. 1083 § 11, 2014; Ord. 1089 § 11, 2014; Ord. 1116 §§ 20, 21, 2018; Ord. 1126 § 10, 2018; Ord. 1174 § 7, 2023; Ord. 1182, 3/12/2024)
The regulations governing development of property set forth in Table 18.42.040, the Property Development Regulations Chart, as may be applicable, shall be subject to the provisions of this section, as follows:
Relationship to Chart. Special development conditions, requirements and limitations governing property development regulations indicated by a parenthetic number appearing in the zone column of the Property Development Regulations Chart, correspond to the specific numbered conditions, requirements or limitations set forth in subsection B of this section.
Development Conditions, Requirements and Limitations Enumerated. Special development conditions, requirements and limitations for the development of property set forth in Table 18.42.040, the Property Development Regulations Chart, are as follows:
Note 1. 
Every lot shall have and maintain frontage along a publicly dedicated and improved street, and shall have unobstructed access to such street or to a publicly dedicated and improved alley.
Note 2. 
Every lot shall be provided with a means of access to a publicly dedicated and improved street. For purposes of the R-I and PUD zoned districts, the front property line shall be considered that portion of property from which vehicular access is taken.
Note 3. 
In the case when development occurs on a corner or reverse corner lot that has frontage along a major, secondary, collector or local street, or any combination thereof, as designated and defined in the circulation element of the general plan, the front lot line and permitted vehicular access to such lot shall be determined by that portion of the lot congruent with the right-of-way of the street designated as having the highest classification of traffic-generating capacity. All other lot lines shall be relative to such determined front lot as set forth herein.
Note 4. 
Whenever property located in this zone classification abuts property located in the O-S, R-E, S-F, PUD or R-M zone, such property shall be separated therefrom by a publicly dedicated and improved alley.
Note 5. 
Frequency of the C-N zone shall not be established or applied on any property located within a radius of one thousand feet of another C-N zone.
Note 6. 
This requirement shall apply only to an individually owned lot upon which a single-family dwelling unit is located.
Note 7. 
The number of acres set forth shall be the minimum, except, in the case where a range is indicated, it shall be the minimum and/or maximum in order to establish or apply this zone classification on any property or a combination of properties.
Note 8. 
See Section 18.08.110 of this title for regulations governing lots of record.
Note 9. 
Except in selected areas of the community where it has been clearly demonstrated and established through the zone reclassification process that such areas possess those characteristics more closely associated with single-family residential neighborhoods, lots may contain less than twelve thousand five hundred square feet of lot area, but in no case shall the lot area be less than six thousand square feet.
Note 10. 
Any lot having a lot area greater than the minimum required herein may be developed with more than one detached single-family dwelling unit. A lot qualifying for such additional dwelling unit development shall contain not less than fifteen thousand square feet of lot area for each such dwelling unit thereafter. In no case shall there be more than a total of four such dwelling units, and such development thereof shall be subject to a precise plan of design, as set forth in Article I of Chapter 18.48 of this title.
Note 11. 
Any lot having a lot area greater than the minimum required herein may be developed with more than one detached single-family dwelling unit. A lot qualifying for such additional dwelling unit development shall contain not less than six thousand square feet of lot area for the first single-family dwelling unit and not less than five thousand square feet of lot area for each such dwelling unit thereafter. In no case shall there be more than a total of four such dwelling units, and such development thereof shall be subject to a precise plan of design, as set forth in Article I of Chapter 18.48 of this title.
Note 12. 
The total number of dwelling units permitted shall not exceed or be less than the following distribution of dwelling unit densities:
Not less than fifteen percent of the total number of dwelling units permitted shall be developed at a density of eight dwelling units per acre;
Not less than twenty-five percent of the total number of dwelling units permitted shall be developed at a density of fourteen dwelling units per acre; and
Not more than sixty percent of the total number of dwelling units permitted shall be developed at a density of twenty dwelling units per acre.
Note 13. 
When implementing the dwelling unit densities as hereinabove provided, such densities shall be distributed throughout the planned residential unit development project in order to obtain the maximum amount of dispersion. In no case shall there be more than twenty dwelling units grouped or clustered on any given acre of land within the project. Contiguous lots and/or attached dwelling units which are grouped or clustered in any manner so as to form or appear to form a single building or dwelling structure may be permitted; provided, however, that such grouping or clustering shall not contain more than six dwelling units and/or lots, nor shall the horizontal dimension of such building or dwelling structure exceed eighty feet.
Note 14. 
The number of dwelling units permitted shall be subject to the following distribution of dwelling unit densities:
Lots containing six thousand square feet but not more than eight thousand five hundred square feet of lot area shall not be developed with more than one dwelling unit for each three thousand square feet of lot area. Such lots shall be designated by the zone classification symbol "R-M-3000."
Lots containing eight thousand five hundred square feet but not exceeding twelve thousand five hundred square feet of lot area shall not be developed with more than one dwelling unit for each two thousand five hundred square feet of lot area. Such lots shall be designated by the zone classification symbol "R-M-2500."
Lots containing twelve thousand five hundred square feet but not exceeding twenty thousand square feet of lot area shall not be developed with more than one dwelling unit for each two thousand square feet of lot area. Such lots shall be designated by the zone classification symbol "R-M-2000."
Lots containing twenty thousand square feet of lot area or more may be developed with any combination of dwelling unit densities as hereinabove set forth in paragraphs a, b and c of this subsection, and may also include but shall not be developed with more than one dwelling unit for each one thousand four hundred fifty square feet of lot area. Any such lot qualifying or approved for the exclusive development of one dwelling unit for each one thousand four hundred fifty square feet of lot area shall be designated by the zone classification symbol "R-M-1450."
Apartment or residential complex designed, built, maintained for and occupied exclusively by senior citizens and/or physically handicapped persons may be developed to a greater density than otherwise permitted herein, such maximum density to be determined and prescribed by conditional use permit.
Note 15. 
Each apartment or dwelling unit in a complex developed specifically and exclusively for occupancy by senior citizens and/or physically handicapped persons.
Note 16. 
Note 17. 
Note 18. 
Lots fronting on and/or backing up to a major or secondary highway, railroad or flood control right-of-way shall have a lot depth of not less than one hundred thirty feet.
Note 19. 
Every lot shall have a lot width and depth as hereinafter required:
Lots containing six thousand to eight thousand five hundred square feet of lot area shall have a lot width of not less than sixty feet, and a lot depth of not less than one hundred feet. Corner or reverse corner lots shall have a lot width of not less than sixty-five feet. Lots fronting on or backing up to a major or secondary highway, or railroad or flood control right-of-way shall have a lot depth of not less than one hundred twenty feet.
Lots containing more than eight thousand five hundred up to twelve thousand five hundred square feet of lot area shall have a lot width of not less than eighty-five feet and a lot depth of not less than one hundred feet. Corner or reverse corner lots shall have a lot width of not less than ninety-five feet. Lots fronting on or backing up to a major or secondary highway, or railroad or flood control right-of-way shall have a lot depth of not less than one hundred thirty feet.
Lots containing more than twelve thousand five hundred to twenty thousand square feet of lot area shall have a lot width of not less than one hundred feet and a lot depth of not less than one hundred twenty-five feet.
Lots containing more than twenty thousand square feet of lot area shall have a lot width of not less than one hundred twenty-five feet and a lot depth of not less than one hundred sixty feet.
Note 20. 
Yards and Open Spaces—Generally. Except as may otherwise be permitted in the provisions hereof, every required yard or open-space area shall be maintained completely open and unobstructed from the ground to the sky, excluding natural landscape material. No such yard or open-space area provided for the purpose of complying with the regulations contained herein shall be considered in any way as providing required yards or open-space area for any other building or adjoining lot which is also subject to the provisions herein.
Every residential front yard shall be fully landscaped and irrigated with the exception of driveways leading to required parking and walkways not exceeding six feet in width. Landscaping shall be continuously provided and maintained free of all weeds, debris, overgrown vegetation and dead plant material. Every residential property shall have eighteen months from the adoption of the ordinance to comply with this section.
Nonconforming conditions shall comply with setback provisions set forth in Section 18.54.060 of this title.
Note 21. 
In the case of a subdivision, the required front yards of lots along a block may be varied so as to maintain an average front yard of twenty-five feet, but in no case shall a front yard be less than fifteen feet.
Note 22. 
This requirement shall also be subject to the following provisions:
Every required front yard shall be fully landscaped, and a complete landscape plan, showing the landscape design, schedule of plant material, location, and method of permanent irrigation, shall be prepared, submitted to and approved by the director of building and planning, and such landscaping shall be installed and planted according to such approved plan, and shall thereafter be continuously and permanently maintained. Off-street parking facilities may be located in any required yard area, except that the parking facilities shall not be closer than ten feet from the street property line.
Whenever the side lot line of a lot located in this zone abuts the side or rear lot line of a lot located in the O-S, R-E, S-F, PUD or R-M zone, there shall be a front yard building setback equal to the yard required for the abutting lot, but in no case shall such front yard building setback be less than ten feet. This front yard building setback requirement shall apply whether or not an alley intervenes.
Note 23. 
Whenever a building exceeds two stories in height, an additional five feet of yard area shall be provided for each story more than two.
Note 24. 
No minimum side yard building setback shall be required, except as may hereinafter respectively apply or be required.
In the case of a corner or reverse corner lot, a side yard building setback of not less than fifteen feet shall be maintained along the side lot line abutting a street. Such side yard shall be fully landscaped, and a complete landscape plan, showing the landscape design, schedule of plant material, and location and method of permanent irrigation, shall be prepared, submitted to and approved by the director of building and planning, and such landscaping shall be installed and planted according to such approved plan, and shall thereafter be continuously and permanently maintained. Open off-street parking facilities may be located in any required yard area, except that the parking facilities shall not be closer than ten feet from the street property line.
Whenever the side lot line of a lot located in this zone abuts the side or rear lot line of a lot in the R-E, S-F, PUD or R-M zone, there shall be a side yard building setback of not less than twenty feet. Not less than ten feet of such required side yard shall be fully landscaped. A complete landscape plan, showing the design, schedule of plant material and location and method of permanent irrigation, shall be prepared, submitted to and approved by the city planner, and such landscaping shall be installed and planted according to such approved plan, and shall thereafter be continuously and permanently maintained. This side yard building setback requirement shall apply whether or not an alley intervenes. A line of sight analysis shall be provided ensuring the privacy of the abutting residential properties in the R-E, S-F, R-I, PUD or R-M zone. Should privacy not be achieved with landscaping or other approved methods, the building shall be further set back until sufficient privacy has been determined by the zoning administrator. When not in conflict with building codes, windows facing residential properties shall be offset and/or raised to preserve privacy.
In the case of interior side setbacks for parcels located in the general-commercial (C-G) zone the setback shall not be less than five feet provided that windows are offset or raised to preserve privacy and that a landscaping plan is provided. A line of sight of plan analysis shall be provided for interior setbacks at the discretion of the zoning administrator.
Note 25. 
Rear Yard. The following rear yards shall be maintained, as each case may apply:
Case I. This rear yard building setback shall apply when there are no door or window openings in the rear wall of the dwelling.
Case II. This rear yard building setback shall apply when there are door or window openings in the rear wall of the dwelling.
Case III. This rear yard building setback shall apply when a dwelling contains more than one story.
Note 26. 
Rear Yard. A minimum rear yard building and landscaped setback of five feet shall be required, except, when a lot located in this zone abuts the side or rear lot line of a lot located in the R-E, S-F, PUD or R-M zone, there shall be a rear yard building setback of not less than twenty-five feet. Not less than ten feet of such required rear yard shall be fully landscaped. A complete landscape plan, showing the design, schedule of plant material, and location and method of permanent irrigation, shall be prepared, submitted to and approved by the director of building and planning, and such landscaping shall be installed and planted according to such approved plan, and shall thereafter be continuously and permanently maintained. This rear yard building setback requirement shall apply whether or not an alley intervenes. A line of sight analysis shall be provided ensuring the privacy of the abutting residential properties in the R-E, S-F, R-I, PUD or R-M zone. Should privacy not be achieved with landscaping or other approved methods, the building shall be further set back until sufficient privacy has been determined by the zoning administrator. When not in conflict with building codes, windows facing residential properties shall be offset and/or raised to preserve privacy.
Note 27. 
Projections Permitted into Required Yards. The following projections may be permitted to intrude or encroach into any required yard, but shall not occupy more than fifty percent of any required yard area, except paragraph e of this subsection. In the R-E and R-M zones, none of the following shall extend more than ten feet into a required front yard, and in the S-F zone, not more than six feet into a required front yard nor more than three feet into a side or rear yard, except paragraphs a, d, e and i of this subsection.
Arbor-type entry structures constructed or erected over driveways or other similar-type architectural features not exceeding sixteen feet in height;
Cornices, roof eaves, belt courses, sills, buttresses, bay windows, or such other similar architectural features;
Fireplace structures not exceeding a width greater than twelve feet, measured parallel with the wall or portion thereof of which it is or forms a part;
Stairways and balconies, open-roofed porches, platforms, walkways, and such other similar features. Walkways not exceeding four feet in width may be extended to the front property line. Walkways shall maintain a three-foot landscaped setback from an existing driveway or a one-foot setback if a raised planter is constructed of decorative block or brick between the entire length of the driveway and the walkway. The raised planter shall be permanently mounted onto the ground and must be a minimum of one foot in width and one foot in height. Walkways located directly adjacent to a driveway shall consist of decorative paving materials such as brick, scored or tinted concrete, aggregate concrete or other impervious materials so as to clearly distinguish the walkway from the driveway. Such pavers shall be used either as a decorative border or throughout the entire walkway area. Non-permanent or moveable pavers such as stepping stones, pebbles and river rocks are not permitted adjacent to a driveway. Parking is not permitted on any portion of the driveway;
Constructed landscape planter area not exceeding three and one-half feet in height above finished grade, natural landscape plant material and landscaping earth mounds and other similar features;
Planned unit developments (Column B only) permitted the following projections into the required yards:
Side yards: one-foot projection on interior lot line for fireplace or chimneys.
Rear yards: roofed, open sided patios must maintain a five-foot rear setback, inclusive of overhang. Patio coverage not to exceed fifty percent of the rear yard area. Barbecues, decks, or spas permitted to project into rear yard.
Residential infill zone developments permitted the following projections into required yards:
Side yards: One foot projection for fireplaces or chimneys.
Rear yards: Roofed, open sided patios must maintain a ten foot setback, inclusive of overhang. Patio and accessory coverage not to exceed 50% of rear yard area. Patio slabs or decks may encroach within five feet of property line.
Such other features which, in the opinion of the zoning administrator, will produce desired effects not detrimental to the general nature and character of the area.
Porte-cochere structures may encroach up to two feet into the required interior side-yard setback of single-family zoned lots, inclusive of the overhang. Porte-cochere structures may also project up to six feet into the required front-yard setback if attached to a permitted front porch. In such cases, the porte-cochere shall maintain the same setback as the front porch but shall not project more than six feet into the required front-yard setback.
Note 28. 
No building or structure shall exceed this maximum building height, except in the case where the architectural design of a roof structure enhances the overall design features, such roof may project above the maximum height not more than six feet. Mechanical equipment, communications antennae or masts, chimneys, plumbing riser pipes, ventilators and similar such facilities located on or extending above the surface of any roof structure shall not be installed, placed, erected or maintained above the maximum building height permitted except for amateur radio/citizen band radio antenna and antenna support structures which shall be regulated by Section 18.40.050(B)(38). Any such facilities located on or extending above the roof surface shall be adequately screened and/or so designed as to present the monolithic visual appearance of being a part or feature of the building or structure that such facilities are intended to serve.
Note 29. 
Buildings designed in such a manner as to form a split-level pattern that takes advantage of preserving and utilizing contours and terrain features may be permitted to exceed the maximum height, but in no case shall the height of the building be greater than thirty-four feet. Each building shall be so designed, constructed and/or arranged in such a manner that no portion of any given dwelling unit shall occupy an area or space above any part of another dwelling unit which is within same building or within a building that is attached.
Note 30. 
Development on any lot shall not exceed this maximum amount of aggregate total building coverage except as indicated below:
Forty-five percent lot coverage allowed for single-family residential zoned lots containing five thousand five hundred square feet or less.
Note 31. 
The location and relationship of buildings, structures and permitted uses shall be subject to the following requirements:
No building or structure shall occupy any space or portion of a required yard, except as may hereinafter be specifically permitted.
Accessory buildings and dwellings or portions thereof may either be attached by means of a common wall, or there shall be a distance maintained between such buildings of not less than seven feet with the separation of any roof eaves at least four feet. In the case of two or more buildings classified for dwelling purposes, such buildings may be attached by means of a common wall, or there shall be a distance maintained between such buildings of not less than ten feet.
Accessory buildings or structures located in the rear one-third of the lot, and where there is no alley access, may be erected or constructed with a minimum three-foot setback. Where the rear and/or side lot lines of the lot abut an alley, the location of any such accessory buildings or structures shall maintain a distance of not less than fifteen feet from the centerline of such alley. Where the rear lot line abuts a publicly dedicated street, the location of such accessory structures shall maintain a ten-foot setback from rear property line. In any case where such accessory buildings or structures are located on a property line, adequate roof drainage facilities shall be provided to assure that drainage of the roof shall take place on the same lot with the building or structure such facilities are required to be provided for.
Swimming pools and spas may be located anywhere on the lot, except in any required side yard abutting a street or front yard provided that said structure maintains a distance of not less than three feet from all property lines or enclosed structures. A minimum distance of five feet shall be maintained to any residential door opening. Fencing and/or gates no less than five feet in height shall be provided in compliance with the adopted Uniform Building Code.
The location of all buildings, structures and/or accessory uses relative to corner cutoffs shall be subject to the requirements set forth in Chapter 17.28 of this code.
No building or structure shall occupy any space or portion of a required yard, except a freestanding advertising sign as regulated in Chapter 18.46 of this title.
The location of all buildings, structures and/or accessory uses relative to corner cutoffs shall be subject to the requirements set forth in Chapter 17.28 of this code.
Lot Regulations Pertaining and Relating to Open Space. Every lot upon which a dwelling unit is proposed to be developed shall be subject to the following regulations pertaining and relating to open space:
Each lot shall be contiguous to and abut an open-space area or recreational area which has an average minimum width of forty feet, but in no case shall the minimum dimension be less than twenty feet in width.
There shall be not less than three hundred square feet devoted to usable open space for each dwelling unit, and such area shall be a separate private yard adjacent to such dwelling unit.
Regulations Pertaining to Open Space. As it pertains to a planned residential unit development, "open-space land" means that certain area within the boundaries of a planned residential unit development used exclusively as commonly owned land, excluding vehicular access areas, developed for recreational purposes, and shall include areas of scenic or natural beauty integrated throughout the development, and also means recreational areas of a noncommercial nature, parks and playgrounds, riding, hiking, bicycle and nature trails, and land which lends itself to the use of an open-space nature. Development and reservation of open-space land shall be subject to compliance with the following regulations:
Open-space land shall comprise not less than forty percent of the gross area, excluding streets, alleys and vehicular access areas, and shall be permanently reserved and maintained as open space by means of a landscape maintenance district or other satisfactory means approved by the planning commission and city council, and shall only be used for open-space purposes. No building or structure shall be erected, placed or constructed thereon, except those buildings or structures which are determined to be of such nature so as to perform an open-space function.
All open-space land shall be landscaped and provided with a permanent irrigation system, and recreational facilities shall be installed as may be required through appropriate and applicable proceedings.
A complete landscape and recreational plan, prepared by a licensed landscape architect, showing a schedule and location of all plant material, method of permanent irrigation, finished grades, and other recreational facilities, shall be submitted as a part of the project, approved through appropriate and applicable proceedings and developed in accordance with such approved plan.
Landscaping of open-space land shall be planted and installed during and concurrent with the construction development period of the project.
Planned unit developments utilizing the "B" development column to abide by all of the above except the following "open space land" requirements:
No. of Units
Open Space
250 square feet per unit
200 square feet per unit
175 square feet per unit
150 square feet per unit
81 +
125 square feet per unit
Note 32. 
Fences, Hedges and Walls. Fences, hedges and walls may be located anywhere on the lot subject to the following requirements:
A non-solid fence or wall not exceeding four and one-half feet in height may be permitted in any required front yard building setback area. Solid fences, walls and solid hedges shall not exceed three and one-half feet in height in the front yard setback. Pilasters of four and one-half feet in height constructed alongside and/or front property lines located adjacent to any driveway shall maintain a ten-foot setback from the front and/or side property line. Pilasters of four and one-half feet in height located along the front property line shall also maintain a ten-foot setback from the outside edge of any driveway. Non-solid walls greater than four and one-half feet in height within any required front yard, shall be subject to a precise plan of design, as set forth in Article I of Chapter 18.48 of this title.
Solid gates located within the front yard setback shall not exceed three and one-half feet in height. Wrought-iron gates located within the front yard setback shall not exceed four and one-half feet in height. Placement of gates on lots adjoining major, secondary or collector streets, as defined per the circulation element of the city general plan, shall maintain a twenty-foot front yard setback with the exception of electronically operated gates.
A fence, hedge or wall not exceeding six feet in height may be permitted anywhere on the lot to the rear of the required front yard building setback area.
In the case where a masonry wall is used, the appropriate number of courses necessary for construction thereof may be used for determining the maximum height permitted that would substantially conform with the provisions herein.
The location of fences, hedges and walls relative to corner cutoffs shall be subject to the requirements set forth in Chapter 17.28 of this code.
Whenever a lot located in the R-M zone abuts a lot in the O-S, R-E or S-F zone, a six-foot high, solid masonry wall shall be constructed, installed and erected continuously along all side and/or rear property lines abutting such O-S, R-E or S-F zoned property, except within any required front yard, in which case such wall shall be incrementally reduced to a height of not more than two and one-half feet within the front fifteen feet of the lot. In all cases, a building permit shall be obtained for the design and construction of the wall. If any alley intervenes, the required wall shall be located either on the R-M zoned property contiguous to the alley right-of-way, or on the O-S, R-E or S-F zoned property contiguous to the alley right-of-way.
Whenever a lot located in this zone abuts a lot in the O-S, R-E, S-F, PUD or R-M zone, a six-foot high, solid masonry wall shall be constructed, installed and erected from finished grade of the commercial site continuously along all side and/or rear property lines abutting such O-S, R-E, S-F, PUD or R-M zoned property, except within any required front yard, in which case such wall shall be incrementally reduced to a height of not more than two and one-half feet within the front fifteen feet of the lot. In all cases, a building permit shall be obtained for the design and construction of the wall. If an alley intervenes, the required wall shall be located either on this zoned property contiguous to the alley right-of-way, or on the O-S, R-E, S-F, PUD or R-M zoned property contiguous to the alley right-of-way.
A decorative six-foot block wall shall be constructed for all commercial and residential multi-family developments in rear and side setbacks.
Fence height may be exceeded up to ten feet in any zone provided there is a public safety issue associated with the increase and shall only be approved with a precise plan of design if a conditional use permit is not required as part of a larger development.
Note 33. 
Animal, Poultry and Fowl Requirements. The keeping and maintenance of animals, poultry, fowl or other livestock in this zone may be permitted subject to the specific regulations set forth in Chapter 18.50 of this title.
Note 34. 
Underground Utilities. All utility services and appurtenances, including electrical and communication services, shall be installed and located underground within the boundaries of the subject property, and shall be completely concealed from view. In no case shall there be any new or additional overhead electrical or communication facilities or utility poles placed, installed or erected in order to provide underground utility service facilities. However, when building permits are issued for additions, undergrounding shall be required where practical when the addition exceeds fifty percent of the floor area of the existing residence. The practicality of undergrounding shall be determined by the director of community development or designated representative.
Note 35. 
Drainage Gutters and Downspouts. All building drainage gutters and downspouts located on the exterior wall of any building or structure shall be of ornamental design or such gutters and downspouts shall be completely concealed inside the building or structure.
Note 36. 
Mechanical Equipment. All mechanical equipment located on rooftop, ground level, or anywhere on the building or structure, shall be completely enclosed so as not to be visible from any public street and/or adjacent property with the exception of subsections a—c below.
All other appurtenances of any type whatsoever, including plumbing vents located on the rooftop shall be painted to match the color of the roofing material. Multiple plumbing vents shall be combined wherever possible. Any metal chimney exceeding eight inches in diameter shall require screening designed to be an integral part of the dwelling. Plumbing pipes and vents shall be located within the structure or concealed to appear as part of the main dwelling.
Exterior relocation of water heaters may be permitted for single-family residential and single-family residential estate zoned properties provided that the water heater is placed along the rear half of the building and located within a metal or stucco enclosure painted to match their residence. Exposed vent pipes shall be painted to match the dwelling. Residential additions may incorporate water heaters within the structure.
Roof-mounted air-conditioning units shall not be permitted for single-family residential and single-family residential estate zoned properties unless the unit is physically unable to be installed in a ground-mounted location as determined by the building official.
Residential ground-mounted air-conditioning units shall be installed along the rear building wall or side yard, provided that a three foot side yard setback is maintained and screened from any public right-of-way view of single-family residential estate zoned properties. Exposed heating and air conditioning ducts shall be concealed to appear as part of the main structure.
Residential window air-conditioning ducts shall be permitted without screening provisions for single-family residential and single-family residential estate zoned properties.
New industrial and commercial development must screen roof-mounted equipment by a parapet wall on all sides of the building. Roof mounted equipment change outs must be screened by a parapet wall on all sides of the building unless it is determined by the community and economic development director to be a financial hardship. Accessory equipment such as ground-mounted modular equipment, vent pipes, stacks, catwalks or similar equipment to be painted to match building. Solid architectural or landscape screening may be required if accessory equipment is visible from neighboring residential or commercial property, or public right-of-way, subject to zoning administrator approval.
Note 37. 
Sewerage. All property shall be served by and connected to a public sanitary sewer approved by and to the satisfaction of the city engineer.
Note 38. 
Street Improvements. Any owner, lessee or agent proposing to develop any lot, or arranging for the construction of a building, dwelling or other structure, or portion thereof, on such lot shall also construct and install or cause to be constructed or installed all off-site improvements, as set forth in Chapter 12.44 of this code.
Note 39. 
Drainage. All property shall be graded to drain to such drainage facilities as may be approved by the city engineer. A grading and/or drainage plan shall be prepared, submitted to and approved by the building and safety division of the department of building and planning, and such grading and/or drainage shall take place in accordance with such approved plan. Any change in grading and/or drainage shall first be approved by the director of building and planning and/or the city engineer prior to the commencement of such grading and/or drainage project.
Note 40. 
Conditional Use Permit Required. A residential unit or planned residential unit development shall be established and permitted only by means of issuance of an approved conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 18.56 of this title. Approval and issuance of the conditional use permit shall be based on the findings that the proposed planned residential unit development complies with the intent and purpose of the PUD zone, or that the residential unit development complies with the intent and purpose of the R-I zone.
Note 41. 
Trash Area Requirements. There shall not be less than six square feet of enclosed trash area provided for every dwelling unit, and such trash area enclosure shall be designed and constructed of materials compatible with the main building structure.
Note 42. 
For lots located in a cul-de-sac or facing similar physical constraints, the intent of this section will be met if the lot meets this dimension for a majority of the area of the lot, as shown in the following diagrams:
Note 43. 
Precise Plan of Design Requirements. Any development proposed on a lot having a lot area greater than thirty thousand square feet shall first be subject to a precise plan of design, as set forth in Article I of Chapter 18.48 of this title. Any development proposed on a lot having a lot area greater than fifty thousand square feet shall first be subject to issuance of a conditional use permit, as set forth in Chapter 18.56 of this title.
Note 44. 
Trash Area Requirements. There shall be not less than thirty-six square feet of enclosed trash area for every five thousand square feet of gross building floor area or fraction thereof, and such trash area enclosure shall be designed and constructed of materials compatible with the main building structure.
Note 45. 
Uses of Land Restricted. Except for off-street parking and loading facilities, every permitted use of land shall be conducted within an entirely enclosed building unless specifically permitted in Section 18.40.040(D) and (E).
Note 46. 
Mobilehome Parks. Development of mobilehome parks shall be subject to the property development regulations of the R-M zone classification in which the mobilehome park is to be located.
Note 47. 
Outdoor Living Space. The following living space shall be provided:
R-E and S-F Zones. There shall be not less than one thousand square feet of outdoor living space located anywhere on the lot contiguous to a dwelling unit, except in any required front yard building setback area, and such dimension space shall have a minimum dimension of not less than ten feet.
R-M and R-M Variable Density Zone. There shall be one hundred fifty square feet of private open space provided for each unit for the first floor unit and one hundred square feet per unit for the upper floor. Such space shall have a minimum dimension of six feet. There shall be two hundred square feet of common open space provided for each unit. Such space shall have a minimum dimension of ten feet.
Note 48. 
The building height may be increased one foot for each one foot setback from the front property line, in addition to the required setback.
Note 49. 
Design Standards. Each single-family dwelling unit, including foundational mobilehome units, shall comply with the following design standards:
Exterior Siding. Each dwelling structure and additions thereto shall have exterior siding of wood, stucco, masonry, asbestos shingle, or other approved material which is formed and finished to give the appearance of such materials described in this subsection.
Roofing Materials. Each dwelling structure shall have a roof constructed of wood shake, shingle, asphalt composition, fiberglass shingle, crushed rock, tile, or other approved material. Metal roofing shall be prohibited, except that which is formed and finished to represent wood shake or tile or shingle, and excepting metal patio covers, when located on or to the rear of the structure.
Note 50. 
All construction activities on any lot or parcel shall take place only between the hours of seven a.m. and seven p.m. except for purposes of emergencies.
Note 51. 
All new construction and additions five hundred square feet or greater shall be subject to approval of a precise plan of design. All new construction and additions of one thousand five hundred square feet or greater shall be subject to approval of a conditional use permit. If a conditional use permit is required for a project, then a precise plan of design is not required.
Note 52. 
The following standard shall apply to all hazardous waste facilities:
Buffer zones and screening walls for all facilities shall be in accordance with federal, state and county guidelines and/or shall be determined by the director of building and planning after evaluation of any submitted risk assessment.
Note 53. 
Development to comply with water efficient landscaping provisions set forth in Chapter 13.90 of this code.
Note 54. 
Storage on the roof is prohibited except for legally permitted mechanical equipment.
Note 55. 
Any new public facility, institutional, commercial, industrial building, or residential development of five units or more, or new construction that would add thirty percent to the existing floor area of same, shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 18.43 (recycling space allocation) of this title.
Note 56. 
Zero lot line development permitted on one interior lot line, with a minimum eight-foot opposite side yard setback.
Note 57. 
New construction must comply with Article II of this chapter, the public image enhancement program.
Note 58. 
The maximum height from grade allotted is sixty feet or five stories for properties on major roadways as described per the Circulation Element of the General Plan. For properties not located on a major roadway, the height shall be that of the underlying base zone.
Note 59. 
The maximum intensity (non-residential component of mixed-use project) shall be 1.0 floor area ratio (FAR). Podium or underground parking is not counted toward the FAR.
A minimum distance between buildings of ten feet for buildings up to twenty-five feet in height and twenty-five feet for buildings above twenty-five feet.
Note 60. 
A minimum of a five-foot front landscaped setback required. The five-foot setback shall be allowed only when the setback is:
In-line with the front yard setback of adjacent buildings within plus or minus ten feet.
Has a major entrance from the front yard setback.
Achieves a pedestrian scale. See Design guidelines Note 63.
Should (a) above not be achieved the setback shall be fifteen feet and shall require that (b) and (c) are met.
Note 61. 
The minimum interior setback requirement shall be five feet for buildings under forty-two feet in height and/or located on major roadways as described per the Circulation Element of the General Plan. The minimum interior setback requirement shall be ten feet for properties not located on a major roadway and/or over forty-two feet in height.
Note 62. 
Balconies, porches, decks and stairways shall not be permitted to encroach into setbacks less than ten feet. Balconies shall not be permitted in rear and side setbacks when facing a residential structure(s).
Cornices, eaves, fireplaces and similar architecture features may encroach into any required setback provided a minimum of five-foot setback remains free and clear.
Walkways four feet in width permitted in front yard setbacks provided the walkway is perpendicular to a main entrance. Walkways located directly adjacent to a driveway shall consist of decorative paving materials such as brick, scored or tinted concrete, aggregate concrete or other impervious material so as to clearly distinguish the walkway from the driveway.
Open patios, carports in the rear one-third of the lot, may encroach into the rear side setback provided a minimum five-foot setback remains free and clear. Surface parking spaces in commercial developments may encroach in the rear setback provided a minimum five-foot setback remains free and clear.
Swimming pools may encroach into the rear yard setback provided a minimum five-foot setback remains free and clear. A minimum distance of ten feet shall be maintained to any building structure.
Note 63. 
A conditional use permit shall be required for all mixed use developments whether stand-alone residential or commercial. A minimum of twenty dwelling units per acre and maximum of thirty dwelling units per acre shall be required.
Note 64. 
Objective Design Standards for Multi-Family, Mixed-Use Development. The objective design standards shall apply to all ministerial reviews per state housing law.
Site Design. Site planning refers to the arrangement of and relationships between buildings, parking areas, common and private open space, landscaping and pedestrian connections.
Building entries shall be visible at the street and shall incorporate a minimum of one of the following:
A projection (e.g., porch) or recess, or combination of projection and recess with minimum area of fifty square feet.
A change in roof pitch or form, such as a gable, that extends a minimum of one foot past the sides of the door jamb.
A difference in roof height of at least one foot.
All building entries shall incorporate wood, stone, tile, or brick accent materials covering a minimum of thirty percent of the entryway wall surface area, inclusive of windows and doors.
Shared entries for larger residential buildings shall be through a prominent entry lobby or courtyard facing the street.
Buildings that are not adjacent to a street shall have front entries that are oriented to interior common areas such as paseos, courtyards, and useable open space.
Where applicable, active commercial uses, including retail, restaurant, and personal services shall be located on the ground floor fronting the sidewalk.
Where applicable, private amenities, such as plazas and open space, shall be located in the interior of the site or otherwise away from the public right-of-way.
All structures, entries, facilities, amenities, and parking areas shall be internally connected with pedestrian pathways.
Direct pedestrian access shall be provided between the public sidewalk and primary building entrance.
Direct pedestrian access shall be provided between any back of house retail entry and the public sidewalk and between mid-block courtyard space and surface parking.
Garage Doors. For projects containing five or more units, garage doors shall not face a public street(s) but may be oriented toward an alley or a private street/driveway that is internal to the project. All garage doors shall be recessed a minimum of six inches from the surrounding building wall and shall include trim of at least one and one-half inches in depth.
Building Form, Massing and Façade Articulation. The design shall incorporate building form, massing and façade articulation of individual units, or groups of units, through varied heights, projections, setbacks, and recesses. Materials and colors emphasize changes and hierarchy in building form.
Treat the ground floor with materials such as stone, concrete, or other similar masonry or cementitious materials that are distinct from the remainder of the structure.
All exterior building façades visible from the primary street shall not extend more than thirty feet in length without either an architectural element or a five-foot variation in depth in the wall plane. In addition, all façades shall include at least two of the following features: windows, trellises, arcades, balconies, different exterior material, or awnings.
Buildings shall be designed and articulated with details articulation, materials, and elements on all sides. The street-facing façade(s) shall feature additional elements or materials. Entirely blank walls are not allowed along any façade.
Architectural window detailing, such as sills, trim, and/or awnings shall be provided.
Windows located on upper floors within fifteen feet of an adjacent structure shall utilize one or more of the following techniques to minimize privacy impacts on adjacent properties and/or structures:
Use clerestory windows located at a minimum height of five feet measured from the finished floor;
Use of non-transparent or frosted glazing.
Locate the taller portions of residential projects away from adjoining residential properties, in order to provide height transitions between taller and lower buildings, and to maximize light, air, and privacy for units.
Corner Buildings—Treatment of Corner Buildings. Corner buildings, end units of town-houses or other attached housing that face the street shall include the following features on their building frontage:
A minimum of thirty percent fenestration area.
At least one façade modulation with a minimum depth of eighteen inches and a minimum width of two feet. Examples: Wraparound front porch, bay window.
A different material application, color or fenestration pattern of windows from the rest of the façade.
Roof and Parapets.
Roofs shall consist of a single style and slope throughout the project. On a building with a pitched roof, no portion of the main roof shall be flat.
Parapets shall be capped with precast treatment, continuous banding, or projecting cornices, dentils, or similar edge treatment.
Where rooftop equipment is located within ten feet of a roof edge, a parapet shall be provided that is a minimum of six inches taller than all roof-top equipment.
Interior side of parapet walls shall not be visible from a common open space or public right-of-way.
Parapet material shall match the building façade.
Materials and Colors.
Affordable units and market rate units within the same development shall be constructed of the same materials and details such that the units are not distinguishable from one another.
The primary exterior siding material for buildings shall be wood, composite wood, stone, stone veneer, granite, slate, brick, brick veneer, stucco, plaster, fiber cement, vinyl, aluminum, or steel. The use of exposed plywood or glass curtain walls is prohibited.
A neutral color, such as beige, tan, cream, sand, light gray, etc., shall be the dominant wall color; bolder colors may be used if city staff determines they are consistent with the character of the project, surrounding properties, and/or the streetscape. Material with integral color, such as brick, shall be left natural.
Changes in material or color shall occur at inside corners of intersecting walls or at architectural features that break up the wall plane, such as columns.
Windows and Doors.
Windows and doors shall be located so they do not directly align with windows and doors of adjacent dwelling units.
Windows shall either be recessed at least three inches from the plane of the surrounding exterior wall or shall have a trim or windowsill at least one-half inch in depth.
Windows facing a public street shall feature enhanced window treatments, such as decorative architectural brackets, trim, shutters, awnings, and/or trellises.
Fences and Walls. Site walls shall be constructed to match the primary building colors and materials. Fences and walls shall be constructed of materials such as wood, vinyl, wrought iron, brick, and stone. Chain link is prohibited. For additional regulations see Section 18.42.050 Note 32.
Both sides of all perimeter walls and fences shall be architecturally treated. Walls shall be finished with a trim cap.
Where fences and walls of different materials or finishes intersect, a natural transition or break (such as a column or pilaster) shall be provided.
All walls shall be painted with anti-graffiti coating.
Parking Design.
Parking areas shall be located behind or within the building or buildings so that it is not visible from the primary street frontage.
Vehicle access shall be located on alleys or side streets where available.
Paving treatment using patterned and/or colored pavers, brick, or decorative colored and/or scored concrete shall be used for entrance driveways, a minimum of fifteen feet in length, and spanning the width of the entrance driveway.
Projects with controlled entrances, including vehicular access gates to parking areas, shall accommodate at minimum the length of one vehicle (twenty feet) entering the site without queuing into the street or public sidewalk.
Landscaping. Landscaping shall be used for all outdoor areas that are not specifically used for parking, driveways, walkways, and open space.
Landscaping must comply with Chapter 13.90, Water Efficient Landscape, where applicable.
Plant materials are limited to native or non-invasive drought-tolerant species.
A landscape buffer of minimum width of five feet shall be located between all ground-level restricted open spaces and pedestrian walkways. The buffer shall be planted with dense evergreen shrubs and/or vines which grow to or are maintained at a minimum height of four feet.
Rear and side lot lines adjoining residential properties shall provide a minimum five-foot-wide landscape planter with a combination of trees and bushes to provide a privacy buffer.
Pedestrian walkways shall be flanked on both sides with landscaping, and shall include a mix of turf, groundcover, and shrubs. Both sides of walkways shall provide trees which shall be spaced to shade at least twenty-five percent of the overall walkway length at maturity.
A minimum of one fifteen-gallon tree or equivalent box size and ten five-gallon shrubs shall be planted for every one thousand square feet of required landscape area.
Groundcover shall be sized and located to cover at least seventy-five percent of all landscape areas that are not planted with shrubs or trees within five years of installation.
Artificial or synthetic plants, except for turf, are prohibited. Artificial turf is not permitted in front or street side setbacks.
Landscaping shall not obstruct solar access to adjacent solar collectors for water heating, space heating or cooling, or electricity generation.
All entryways, porch areas, pedestrian pathways, parking areas, and gates shall include lighting for safety and security. Lighting shall be fully shielded, directed downward (not above the horizontal plane), and shall not spill onto adjacent properties.
The average maintained lighting levels for mixed-use and multi-family units shall not exceed the following:
One-half foot-candle at lot line boundaries.
One foot-candle at buildings, parking lots or other areas.
Lighting shall not spill beyond the intended area and shall not extend across a property line.
Usable Open Space Defined. Usable open space areas are an open area or an indoor or outdoor recreational facility which is designed and intended to be used for outdoor living and/or recreation. Usable open space shall not include any portion of parking areas, streets, driveways, sidewalks, or turnaround areas. The following standards shall apply to the requirements for open space:
Private Residential Open Space.
For stand-alone multi-family residential projects or as part of a mixed-use development, each residential unit shall be provided with at least one area of private open space accessible directly from the living area of the unit, in the form of a fenced yard or patio, a deck or balcony at a minimum area of one hundred fifty square feet per unit for 1st floor units or one hundred square feet per unit for upper floors. (Mechanical equipment may not be located within the open space area.)
The minimum dimension, width or depth, of a patio, deck or balcony shall be six feet.
The minimum dimension, width or depth, of a yard shall be ten feet.
Common Residential Open Space.
For stand-alone multi-family residential developments of over twenty units, each residential unit shall be provided with at least two hundred square feet of common residential open space.
All common open space shall be conveniently located and accessible to all dwelling units on the site.
Common open space areas may include landscaping, pedestrian paths, and recreational facilities. These recreational facilities could include:
Swimming pool.
Tennis court.
Basketball court.
Racquetball court.
Weightlifting facility.
Children's playground equipment.
Day care facility.
Other recreational amenities deemed adequate by the community development director.
In projects containing over twenty units, the minimum width and depth shall be twenty feet.
Where roof decks are proposed, landscape planters such as planter boxes, potted plants, and/or boxed trees, shall be located along the edges of the roof deck to provide a screening buffer.
For mixed-use developments, the open space provided for residents must be secured and accessible only from the residential area of the project. Publicly accessible open space, such as plazas and courtyards, does not count as open space for residential uses.
Trash Enclosure. Service areas, garbage receptacles, utility meters and mechanical and electrical equipment shall be located away from streets, pedestrian traffic and activity areas, and building entries. Screening of these areas shall be integrated into the overall building and landscape design.
Trash enclosures shall be constructed to match the color, texture and architectural detailing that shall be consistent with the overall site and building design and with a six-foot high wall/gate.
Roofs of enclosures shall be designed to complement the project buildings, roof style and colors.
Where trash compactors are visible, they shall be screened from public view within a trash enclosure or within a building.
Mechanical Equipment. Rooftop equipment that is not able to be concealed within the architecture of the building shall be screened from view behind a parapet wall. If parapets are not be used, the mechanical equipment shall be enclosed within the attic space or ground mounted.
Above-ground utilities, transformers, and other mechanical equipment placed behind the front yard setback shall be screened from view by a solid fence, wall, or landscaping.
Backflow prevention devices shall be fully screened from public view through the use of landscaping, berms, low walls or other screening techniques. They shall be located inside the building where possible.
All wall-mounted utility elements shall be located to ensure they are concealed from public view. All flashings, sheet metal, vents, exhaust fans/ventilators, and meter boxes shall be painted to match building wall material and/or color.
Signage. All development within the R-40 overlay zone shall have a "sign program" as part of the project design. The sign program shall identify the location for all signage that may be located on the building or freestanding, the allowable sign materials, lighting methods and sign design. The sign program will also require coordination for multiple buildings within a defined complex. In addition, temporary signs and banners will be included in the sign program, as to whether or not they are allowed, and if they are allowed, then where these signs may be located within the development project. At no time, shall the sign program allow for signage in excess of those standards within Chapter 18.46 (Signs and Advertising). "Box" signs, "canister" or "can" signs, painted signs, foam letters and neon signs are prohibited.
Mixed-Use Standards.
The ground floor of a mixed-use building shall have a minimum floor height of twelve feet, measured from finished ground floor to the bottom of the finished second floor.
Exterior walls facing a public street shall include transparent windows and doors for at least fifty percent of the building wall area located between three and seven feet above the elevation of the sidewalk. Parking garages are not required to meet the ground floor transparency requirement.
Note 65. 
Bedrooms must be connected via a common hallway.
Note 66. 
The underlying zone shall dictate whether an entitlement is required for standalone development. Residential developments located on the Housing Element sites (2021-2029 Housing Element sites identified in the General Plan) shall be approved by-right (without discretionary approval) provided the development standards for the zone and the streamlined administrative review under Section 18.40.050 Note 76 are met. A minimum of twenty dwelling units per acre and maximum of forty dwelling units per acre for the housing opportunity sites shall be required and shall prevail over base zoning if applicable. In order to utilize the streamlined approach, the developer must restrict at least twenty percent of the units as affordable to lower income households as defined under Section 50079.5 of the Health and Safety Code. A mixed-use project shall require the residential use to be at least fifty percent of the gross floor area. Projects located on the Housing Element sites (2021-2029 Housing Element sites identified in the General Plan) may be one hundred percent residential. No minimum percentage of nonresidential uses is required.
Calculations for the required affordable housing resulting in a fraction of 0.5 or more shall be rounded up to the next whole number. A streamlined housing project proposed under SB 35 shall comply with all requirements of Government Code Section 65913.4.
(Prior code § 9207.05; Ord. 664 § 4, 1983; Ord. 764 § 4, 1989; Ord. 765 §§ 24—32, 1989; Ord. 785 § 9, 1990; Ord. 823 § 5, 1993; Ord. 830 § 7, 1993; Ord. 834 §§ 3—10, 1993; Ord. 852 § 45, 1994; Ord. 856 § 4, 1994; Ord. 857 § 13, 1994; Ord. 880 §§ 4—8, 1996; Ord. 887 § 4, 1996; Ord. 922 §§ 7—11, 1999; Ord. 1049 § 5, 2008; Ord. 1082 § 9, 2014; Ord. 1083 § 12, 2014; Ord. 1089 § 13, 2014; Ord. 1116 §§ 19, 22, 23, 2018; Ord. 1126 § 13, 2018; Ord. 1174 §§ 8—10, 2023; Ord. 1182, 3/12/2024)