The intent and purpose of this chapter is to establish regulations governing off-street parking and loading facilities in the various zone classifications of the city, and to recognize the need to control and require adequate facilities for the parking of vehicles within reasonable boundaries consistent with the overall goals and objectives affecting the city as a whole.
(Prior code § 9208.01)
The chart and text illustrated in Section 18.44.040 of this chapter are hereby adopted and made a part of this chapter.
(Prior code § 9208.02)
The off-street parking and loading regulations chart is divided into three basic categories—residential, commercial, and industrial uses—which are the minimum regulations required for the use and development of property in the various zone classifications. In order to determine the zone in which the regulations governing off-street parking and loading are subject to, application and use of the chart is as follows:
Find the applicable use in the "Land Use" column as set forth in Section 18.44.040 of this chapter.
Read across the chart to the zone column in which the requirement sought appears.
If a specific requirement appears in a zone column, this means that it is the minimum regulation required for the particular zone classification represented by the column in which the regulation appears.
If parenthetic numbers appear in a column, this means that the specific regulation required for the particular zone classification represented by the column in which the parenthetic numbers appear is subject to compliance with the special conditions, requirements and limitations set forth in and corresponding with the numbered conditions of subsection B of Section 18.44.050.
If neither a specific regulation nor parenthetic number appears in a zone column, this means that the governing regulation set forth in Table 18.44.040 in the "Land Use" column thereof does not apply to the zone classification represented by the column, or may not be permitted.
(Prior code § 9208.03)
The basic off-street parking and loading regulations are categorized, enumerated and set forth in Table 18.44.040, Off-Street Parking and Loading, set out following this section.
Land Use
R-E, S-F, R-I, and PUD Zones
R-M Zone
Residential Uses
Parking Spaces and/or Facilities Required
Single-family dwelling units, duplexes and garage conversions
Two parking spaces in a garage for each dwelling unit with the exception of nonconforming dwellings requiring compliance to Section 18.54.060.
a. Guesthouse
One garage or carport attached to the guesthouse.
Multiple-family dwelling units
Two parking spaces in a garage or carport for each dwelling unit.
a. Apartment developments containing eight or more dwelling units
One open guest parking space that shall be provided for each eight dwelling units or fraction thereof
b. Rooming houses and boarding houses, and other similar such uses having guestrooms
Two parking spaces in a garage or carport for each three guestrooms. In dormitories, each 100 square feet of habitable floor area shall be considered equivalent to one guestroom.
Other uses permitted in residential zones
a. Child care centers, day nurseries and such other similar uses
One open parking space for each 300 square feet of net building floor area, or for each 10 children the facility is designed and/or licensed for, whichever is greater.
b. Religious places of worship
One open parking space for each 4 fixed seats or for each 40 square feet of floor area used for seating purposes and educational classrooms, whichever provides the greater number of parking places. No additional parking required for classrooms solely dedicated to the instruction of children under the age of 18. Adequate instructor parking to be provided.
c. Convalescent, nursing and/or resthomes
One open parking space for each two beds and/or residents for which the facility's capacity is licensed
d. Mobilehome parks
Two open parking spaces on each mobilehome site, and one open guest parking space for each four mobilehome sites
e. Senior citizen housing
One parking space for each three dwelling units
Other applicable regulations governing off-street parking requirements
(1, 2-a, 3, 4-10, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27)
(1, 2-a, 3, 4, 6-10, 12-20, 23)
Land Use
P-A, C-N, C-M, C-C, C-G and CTP Zones
Commercial Uses
Parking Spaces and/or Facilities Required
All retail stores and other uses except as provided elsewhere in this section
One open parking space for each 250 square feet of net building floor area
Bowling alleys and skating rinks
Two open parking spaces for each alley, and one open parking space for each three fixed seats or for each 30 square feet of floor area used for assembly and/or seating purposes, whichever provides the greater number of parking spaces
Hotels and motels
One open parking space for each sleeping room without kitchen facilities and one space in a garage or carport for each dwelling unit
Places of public assembly
One open parking space for each three fixed seats or for each 30 square feet of floor area used for assembly or seating purposes, whichever provides the greater number of parking spaces
Religious places of worship
One open parking space for each four fixed seats or for each 40 square feet of floor area used for seating purposes and educational classrooms, whichever provides the greater number of parking places. No additional parking required for classrooms solely dedicated to the instruction of children under the age of 18. Adequate instructor parking to be provided.
Self-storage facilities
One open parking space for 125 storage units, plus one parking space for each 300 square feet of office.
Other applicable regulations
(1, 2-b, 2-c, 3-6, 9-a, 10-22, 23)
I-L, I-G, IPD Zones
Industrial Uses
Parking Spaces and/or Facilities Required
Industrial uses
Sufficient parking facilities shall be provided, but in no case shall there be less than one open parking space for each 1,000 square feet of net building area
Religious places of worship
One open parking space for each four fixed seats or for each 40 square feet of floor area used for seating purposes and educational classrooms, whichever provides the greater number of parking places. No additional parking required for classrooms solely dedicated to the instruction of children under the age of 18. Adequate instructor parking to be provided.
Other applicable regulations governing off-street parking requirements
(1, 2-b, 2-c, 3-6, 9-a, 10-22, 23)
(Prior code § 9208.04; Ord. 765 §§ 33—38, 1989; Ord. 830 § 8, 1993; Ord. 834 § 11, 1993; Ord. 835 § 4, 1993; Ord. 857 § 14, 1994; Ord. 922 § 12, 1999; Ord. 968 §§ 9—11, 2001; Ord. 1082 § 5, 2014; Ord. 1156 § 7, 2022)
The regulations governing off-street parking and loading requirements set forth in Table 18.44.040, as may be applicable, shall be subject to the provisions of this section, as follows:
Relationship to Chart. Special conditions, requirements and limitations governing off-street parking and loading regulations indicated by parenthetic numbers appearing in the zone column of Table 18.44.040, correspond to the specific numbered conditions, requirements and limitations set forth in subsection B of this section.
Conditions, Requirements and Limitations Enumerated. Special conditions, requirements and limitations governing off-street parking and loading set forth in the charts are as follows:
Note 1. 
Permanent Off-street Parking and Loading Spaces Required. Every building and/or portion of a building erected shall be provided with off-street parking and loading facilities, as provided in this chapter, and such facilities shall be made accessible from an improved street or alley and shall be permanently maintained.
Note 2. 
Location of Off-street Parking and Loading Facilities. Off-street parking and loading facilities shall be located only as follows:
Residential Uses. Required parking facilities for residential uses, as specified in this chapter, shall be located on the same lot or parcel of land with the use in which it is intended to serve. In addition, no owner or operator of a motor vehicle of the passenger automobile variety, self-propelled recreation vehicle, motor truck or commercial vehicle, shall park or store such vehicles within the front yard, and including the side yard adjacent to the street of a corner lot, or land used for residential purposes, and no person in possession of land used for residential purposes shall permit another person to so park or store such vehicles thereon, except on a legally permitted driveway in compliance with this chapter and Section 18.54.060 of this title. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an infraction, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as provided for in Section 1.20.010 of this code.
As used in this section, "front yard" and "side yard" refer to the required front and side yards, as defined in Chapter 18.04 of this title.
As used in this section, "driveway" means a paved area providing vehicular access from a public street or alley leading or adjacent to parking required by this chapter. Such driveway may be widened to but not exceed a width of thirty feet, provided that the width is not greater than fifty percent of the total frontage of the residential property, with the width measured over the shortest distance lying between the vehicular entrance to a garage or carport and the point of access to a street or highway.
Existing driveways located within the front yard setback or side yard setback may be expanded beyond the width of a garage or carport, subject to the following conditions:
The driveway leading to a garage or carport may be expanded towards the adjoining property line.
The driveway approach shall be widened to match the width of the driveway, in compliance with the department of public works' standards and subject to necessary permits and issuance fees. Permits for improvements within the public right-of-way will only be issued to appropriately licensed and insured individuals pursuant to Chapter 12.08 of this code. Accessibility design compliance, topographic feature relocations and an engineering analysis may also be required as a condition of approval, as determined by the city engineer, at the expense of the property owner; and
Driveways, driveway expansions and driveway approaches shall not consist of asphaltic materials, stepping stones, gravel, small stones or mulch; and
Driveways serving side loading garages shall maintain a minimum inside turning radius of fifteen feet; and
Expansion of a driveway that does not lead to a garage or carport is prohibited except as permitted in Section 18.54.060 of this title; and
Walkways adjoining a driveway shall be subject to Section 18.42.050(B)(27) of this title; and
In addition to provisions in Section 18.44.050(B) Note (2)(a)(iii)(1) through (6), nonconforming single-family dwellings with a legally permitted attached one-car garage or carport may expand the driveway to a maximum width of eighteen feet provided that not more than four feet of the width of the driveway is located within the frontage of the residence as shown in Figure A.
Figure A
Side-loading one-car garages and carports may also expand the driveway to a maximum width of eighteen feet provided that a minimum interior turning radius of fifteen feet is provided, as shown in Figure B. Corner lots containing a one-car garage or carport may expand the driveway to a maximum width of eighteen feet provided that no portion of the driveway nor the approach is located between the points of curvature as shown in Figure C.
Figure B
Figure C
Existing driveways located in the rear one-third of interior lots may be widened to a maximum width of forty feet, with the exception of corner lots. Corner lot properties may not expand existing driveways beyond a thirty foot width. Driveway expansions adjoining an alley shall be provided with a six-foot high solid gate.
Circular driveways are permitted within the front yard on lots that contain a minimum of fifty-eight feet in width. Circular driveways shall be designed to lead to an enclosed garage or carport. The circular driveway shall not exceed ten feet in width and shall be provided with a continuous twenty-six-foot turning radius. Properties with lot widths of one hundred feet or wider and lot depths of over thirty feet may contain a circular driveway with a width of sixteen feet and a turning radius approved by the community and economic development director. Vehicles parked on circular driveways may not be parked perpendicular to the circular driveway.
Existing driveways and approaches shall be removed upon conversion of a garage or carport and replaced with landscape screening as required by the zoning administrator.
Uses Other Than Residential. Required parking facilities for all uses other than residential, as specified in this chapter, shall be provided in one of the following ways:
On the same lot or parcel of land with the use in which it is intended to serve; or
By membership in a vehicle parking district that provides off-street parking facilities for several such other uses; or
As may be provided for in an adopted specific plan of development; or
On a lot or parcel of land located within a radius of three hundred feet, measured from the external boundaries of the lot for the use of land it is intended to serve, subject to the execution and recordation of a covenant and agreement regarding use and maintenance of conjunctional parking space.
Loading Facilities. Required loading facilities shall be located on the same lot or parcel of land with the use in which they are intended to serve, and shall be exclusive of the required parking facilities.
Note 3. 
Required Parking Spaces. The regulations included in this chapter indicate the spaces and facilities required for off-street parking, and shall apply at the time a building or structure is erected or placed on the ground. These regulations shall also apply when an existing building or structure is altered or enlarged by the addition of dwelling units or guestrooms, or the use in question is intensified by the addition of floor space, seating capacity or change of use except nonconforming conditions requiring compliance to Section 18.54.060 of this title.
Note 4. 
Parking Requirements for Unspecified Uses. Where the parking requirements for a use are not specifically listed in this chapter, the parking requirements for such a use shall be determined by the zoning administrator. Such a determination shall be based upon the requirements for the most comparable and/or similar use listed in subsections A, B or C of this section. The findings on such matters shall be set forth by a written determination of the zoning administrator.
Note 5. 
Waiver of Parking Provisions. The zoning administrator may, by written determination, waive and/or modify the off-street parking provisions, as set forth in this chapter, for uses such as electrical power generating plants, electrical transformer station, utility, and/or those uses which involve a very limited number of persons.
Note 6. 
Computation of Required Number of Off-street Parking Spaces. In computing the required number of off-street parking spaces, fractional requirements of one-half space or more shall be construed as one full parking space.
Note 7. 
Parking and/or Storage of Mobilehomes, Trailers, Dismounted Campers, Boats and/or Vehicles Incapable of Movement Under Their Own Power Prohibited. No mobilehome, trailer, dismounted camper, boat and/or vehicle incapable of movement under its own power shall be stored or parked on private property in the front yard in any residential zone.
Note 8. 
Storing and/or Parking of Commercial Vehicles in O-S, R-E, S-F, PUD, R-M and P Zones Prohibited. It is unlawful to store and/or park any commercial vehicle exceeding a gross weight of six thousand pounds on any lot in the O-S, R-E, S-F, PUD, R-M or P zones, and on any street serving and/or adjacent to such zoned property.
Note 9. 
Size and Access. The following provisions governing the size and access of all off-street parking facilities shall apply:
Each open off-street parking space shall have a minimum width of not less than nine feet and a minimum length of not less than twenty feet. The access to such open off-street parking space shall be as specified in the Parking Standards Diagram for Note B21 of Section 18.44.050, following Note B21 of this section.
Each off-street parking space in a garage or carport shall have a minimum width of not less than nine feet and a minimum length of not less than twenty feet. All carports shall have not less than one hundred sixty cubic feet of enclosed storage space for each off-street parking space therein. Access to each such parking space shall be provided with a paved driveway having a minimum width of not less than nine feet, except as follows:
A two-way driveway serving more than two dwelling units shall have a minimum width of not less than twenty feet.
All driveways shall be unencumbered from the pavement upward, with the exception of legally permitted porte-cocheres.
Note 10. 
Off-street Parking Plan. The plan of proposed off-street parking facilities shall be subject to approval by the city planner.
Note 11. 
Off-street Parking Facilities for Mixed Occupancies Within a Building Structure and/or a Lot. In the case of mixed uses in a building structure and/or a lot, the total number of off-street parking spaces shall be the sum total required for the various uses computed separately. Off-street parking spaces for any other use except as specified in Note 12 of this subsection.
Note 12. 
Development and Maintenance of All Paved Parking Areas. Every lot or parcel of land used for off-street parking purposes, including vehicle sales areas and service station sites, shall be subject to this chapter.
Note 13. 
Surfacing and Drainage. All off-street parking areas used by motor vehicles shall be paved and maintained with an impervious material so as to eliminate dust or mud, and shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of all surface water. Drainage shall be taken to the curb or gutter and away from adjoining property. In no case shall such drainage be allowed across the surface of a public sidewalk. The paving required above may be waived by the zoning administrator through the approval of a precise plan of design as allowed in Chapter 18.48.
Note 14. 
Walls and Barricades. Driveways and open off-street parking areas which abut property in any residential zone shall be separated therefrom by a six-foot-high solid masonry wall. Such wall shall be reduced to forty-two inches in height abutting any required front or side yard of the adjacent property. All parking areas not separated by a wall from any street, alley, property line and/or side property line upon which it abuts, shall be provided with a six-inch-high concrete curb and/or a six-inch-high, six-inch-wide and three and one-half foot long concrete wheelstop, located not less than four feet from any such property lines. Such curb and/or wheelstop shall be securely installed as specified in the Parking Standards Diagram following Note 21 of this subsection.
Note 15. 
Parking Area Lighting. All parking areas shall be provided with outdoor lighting. Performance standards and specifications for such outdoor lighting shall be subject to approval by the director of building and planning. All outdoor parking area lighting shall be permanently maintained, directed away from residential dwellings, and concentrated toward the parking area it is to serve.
Note 16. 
Entrance and Exit Identification. Whenever an entrance or exit to off-street parking facilities is provided from a street, such entrance or exit shall be clearly marked and visually identified.
Note 17. 
Loading Space Requirements. Every hospital, institution, hotel, commercial and/or industrial building hereafter erected or established shall have and maintain loading space and/or space as hereinafter set forth:
General Requirements. When the lot upon which the loading space is located abuts upon an alley, such loading space shall adjoin and/or have access from the alley and shall be established as follows:
The length of the loading space shall be measured perpendicular to and/or parallel with the centerline of the alley. Where such loading space is parallel with the alley, the loading space shall extend across the full width of the lot, except that if only two spaces are required, the length of the loading area need not exceed sixty feet.
No loading shall be permitted in any required off-street parking area, nor shall any part of an alley and/or street be used for loading maneuvering purposes.
Requirements for Various Uses. All hospitals, institutions, hotels, motels, motor hotels, commercial, industrial and large-scale office building uses shall provide commercial loading spaces having not less than ten feet in width, forty feet in length, and unencumbered to fourteen feet in height. Hotels, motels, motor hotels and large-scale office buildings shall also provide passenger loading and unloading spaces having not less than ten feet in width, twenty feet in length, and unencumbered to twelve feet in height. The number of such loading spaces shall be determined as set out in Table for
Note 17 of Section 18.44.050, following this section.
Table for Note 17, Section 18.44.050
Total Square Feet of Gross Building Floor Area
Commercial Loading Spaces
Passenger Loading and Unloading Spaces Required
Commercial Buildings
105,001 or greater
Industrial Buildings
110,001 or greater
Hospitals and Institutions
90,001 or greater
Hotels, Motels and Office Buildings
90,001 or greater
Note 18. 
Landscaping Requirements for All Off-street Parking Areas. The following shall be required in all zones, and shall be substantially of the design as specified in the Landscape Standards Diagram following Note 22 of this subsection.
A minimum of three percent of all off-street parking areas, including vehicle sales lots and service station sites, shall be landscaped with trees and other suitable plants, and shall be permanently maintained.
All landscaping shall be contained in planting areas. Each planting area shall be bound by a concrete curb having a minimum height and width of not less than six inches. Raised planters constructed of similar materials may be permitted and shall be subject to review and approval by the zoning administrator.
All planting areas shall be served by an approved permanent water irrigation system.
Landscape planter areas shall be located throughout the parking areas in order to obtain the maximum desirable amount of dispersion.
Note 19. 
Additional Facilities. Additional off-street parking facilities may be required by the planning commission when a use of land is subject to the approval and issuance of a conditional use permit.
Note 20. 
Additional off-street parking facilities may be required by the zoning administrator when a use of land is subject to the approval of a precise plan of design.
Note 21. 
The chart entitled "Parking Standards, City of Pico Rivera," and set out in the Parking Standards Diagram for Note B21 of Section 18.44.050 following this subsection, is adopted and made a part of this chapter.
Note 22. 
The chart entitled "Landscape Standards, City of Pico Rivera," and set out in the Landscape Standards Diagram for Note B22 of Section 18.44.050 following this subsection, is adopted and made a part of this chapter.
Note 23. 
Compact Parking Spaces—Whenever compact parking is proposed, it shall be subject to the following:
Compact parking stalls shall measure as a minimum 7.5 feet x 15 feet.
Maximum percentage of allowed compact parking shall not exceed 25% of the required parking for commercial and industrial uses.
No compact parking allowed for residential uses unless assigned to specific residents and not to exceed 25% of the required residential parking.
Back-up distances and aisle width to be the same as that required for standard stalls.
Identify compact spaces by signs or other markings to be approved by the zoning administrator.
Note 24. 
Carport placement shall be limited to the rear third of the lot. The design of the carport and/or garage shall match the architectural roof style of the main residence for single-family residential zones only.
Note 25. 
Conversion of any portion of a one or two-car garage requires construction of a two-car garage in conformance to this title.
Note 26. 
New nonresidential development of twenty-five thousand square feet or greater shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 18.47 of this title.
Note 27. 
Porte-cocheres shall be subject to the following conditions:
Porte-cocheres must be placed over a driveway which leads to a permitted garage or carport.
Porte-cocheres must be attached to the residence as follows:
A porte-cochere must be fully attached to the side of the residence. The porte-cochere may not project beyond the adjacent front porch, as shown in Figure F, or the adjacent street-facing residential building wall, as shown in Figure G, and shall not be located within any required setback area; or
Properties with a permitted circular driveway may also place a porte-cochere over the circular driveway if the length of said structure is fully attached to the front of the residence, as shown in Figure H; or
Where the existing location of an attached garage makes it impossible to place the porte-cochere attached to the side of the residence, the porte-cochere may be constructed attached to the front of the garage provided that the porte-cochere does not exceed six feet in depth and is not located within any required setback area as shown in Figure I; or
A porte-cochere which projects beyond the adjacent street-facing residential building wall may be constructed if such porte-cochere is attached to the residence via a five-foot long shared wall and maintains a forty-foot front-yard setback, as shown in Figure J.
Figure F
Figure G
Figure H
Figure I
Figure J
All porte-cocheres must comply with setback requirements except as permitted in Section 18.42.050(B) Note 27.
Porte-cocheres must have a minimum width opening of nine feet, a maximum length of forty feet and a maximum sheltering capacity of two vehicles at nine feet by twenty feet per vehicle. The porte-cochere can accommodate the two vehicles in tandem or side-by-side.
The roof style, colors, finish, materials and plate height of the porte-cochere shall match the residence, as shown in the following figure:
Porte-cocheres shall be limited solely to roof supporting posts or columns and shall not be enclosed nor have any walls except for the common walls of the residence and/or garage. Storage space may be provided within the attic space of the porte-cochere provided that access to the storage area is by means of a pull-down ladder. Said ladder shall remain closed when not in use. Habitable space, storage rooms and/or roof decks cannot be located above the porte-cochere.
The roof height for a porte-cochere shall not exceed the roof height of the dwelling.
Metal or plastic supporting columns are not permitted unless encased with masonry, wood or other decorative and compatible treatment so as to match the residence.
Porte-cocheres shall be used solely for the shelter of operable vehicles and shall not be used for the storage or shelter of any articles, furniture or other property.
(Prior code § 9208.05; Ord. 720 § 1, 1986; Ord. 736 § 1, 1987; Ord. 765 §§ 39—41, 1989; Ord. 830 § 9, 1993; Ord. 834 §§ 12, 13, 1993; Ord. 835 § 3, 1993; Ord. 922 § 13, 1999; Ord. 1082 §§ 6—8, 2014; Ord. 1116 § 24, 2018; Ord. 1126 § 12, 2018)