The intent and purpose of this chapter is to establish regulations and procedures applicable to unusual uses of land where the circumstances and conditions require special attention, and where the application of this chapter during the course of the administration and enforcement results in the inconsistency with the general intent and purpose thereof.
(Prior code § 9213.01)
Regulations governing the keeping of animals, poultry and fowl shall be as set out in this chapter.
(Prior code § 9213.02)
No person shall keep or maintain more than three dogs and/or cats, or any combination thereof totaling three, being more than three months of age upon any lot or premises located in any residential zone of the city. Such dogs and/or cats shall be kept only for the personal use and enjoyment of the occupants of the premises upon which such dogs or cats are so kept or maintained.
(Prior code § 9213.02 (D))
No person shall keep or maintain any combination of poultry, fowl, rabbits or small animals exceeding nine, or more than three of each type, kind or species upon any lot or premises in any residential zone, except in the R-E zone. In the R-E zone, no person shall keep or maintain any combination of poultry, fowl, rabbits or small animals exceeding twenty for each ten thousand square feet of lot area. These restrictions shall apply regardless of the age of such poultry, fowl, rabbits or small animals.
(Prior code § 9213.02 (E))
Permit—Required When. No person shall keep or maintain on any property zoned or used for residential uses and purposes more than three pigeons, in any residential zone. A conditional use permit is required to maintain pigeons greater than the amount identified above. Compliance with the keeping and care of pigeons is required at all times.
Keeping and Care of Pigeons. In addition to the terms and provisions of any conditional use permit issued for maintenance and care of pigeons, each permittee shall at all times comply with the following conditions:
All feed shall be stored in containers which offer protection against rodents;
All pigeon droppings and food scraps shall be removed from the premises at least once a week, and disposed of in a sanitary manner;
The lofts or pigeon houses shall be soundly constructed, properly maintained and adequately landscaped to blend with and conform to the surrounding area;
The lofts or pigeon houses shall be maintained in a sanitary condition and in compliance with all health regulations of the city of Pico Rivera;
City officers, or the health representatives of the city, shall have the right to inspect each such loft and pigeon house at such time as they deem advisable;
No permittee shall maintain at any time in excess of the number of pigeons authorized under this section or by any conditional use permit;
The lofts or pigeon houses shall not be located closer than thirty-five feet from any opening in a habitable building.
(Ord. 1007 § 4, 2004; Ord. 1015 § 4, 2004)
No horse shall be kept or maintained on any lot or parcel of land in any residential zone, except in the R-E zone. In the R-E zone, no such horse shall be kept or maintained on any property having less than ten thousand square feet of lot area. Any lot or parcel of land containing ten thousand square feet of lot area or more may keep and maintain such horse(s), including their respective offspring (up to one year of age); provided, however, that there shall be not less than ten thousand square feet of lot area for horses so kept and maintained for the first two and not less than five thousand square feet of lot area for each animal thereafter. A maximum of four horses (to include offspring up to one year of age) may be kept on premises. Such horses shall only be kept for the personal use and enjoyment of the occupants of the property or premises.
All areas devoted to and utilized for the keeping and maintenance of horses shall be subject to the following minimum requirements, and such requirements shall also be subject to the provisions of Chapter 18.42 of this title relative to property development regulations:
Corral Size. Every corral to be provided shall have a minimum dimension of not less than twelve feet, and shall contain not less than two hundred forty square feet of area.
Box Stalls. Every box stall to be provided shall have a minimum of twelve feet of length and width.
Fencing. Fencing to be provided shall be subject to the following:
Materials and Construction. Fencing may be constructed of wood, chain-link, masonry, or metal equivalent in structural strength to the use and employment of two-inch by six-inch wood railings installed horizontally and spaced vertically eighteen inches on center; for use in conjunction with stud stalls, such railings to be installed horizontally shall be spaced vertically twelve inches on center.
Fence Posts. Fence posts may be constructed of wood, metal or concrete, equivalent in structural strength to four-inch by six-inch wood posts installed vertically and spaced horizontally six feet on center; for use in conjunction with stud stalls, such posts to be installed vertically shall be spaced horizontally four feet on center.
Fence Height. Fences to be provided for enclosures shall be maintained not less than five feet in height. For use in conjunction with stud stalls, such fence shall be maintained not less than six feet in height.
Roofed Area. In conjunction with corrals, a roofed area shall be provided having minimum dimensions of not less than eight feet in width and twelve feet in length.
Water Facilities. Running, potable water facilities shall be provided within fifty feet of each stall and/or corral, and such facilities shall be maintained accessible thereto by the animals to be served thereby.
Maintenance. All stalls and corrals shall be continuously maintained with preservatives, fasteners and other materials so as to maintain appearance and prevent deterioration and animal escape.
Containment Devices. Substantial and acceptable locking and/or latching devices shall be provided and installed on all gates and doors to animal areas located thereon in such a manner so as to be inaccessible to animals and small children for the prevention of animal escape and unauthorized entry.
Feeding Facilities. Feeding facilities and/or boxes shall be provided in each corral and/or box stall, located in such a manner so as to be maintained above ground, and such facilities shall be maintained accessible thereto by the animals to be served thereby.
Hay and Grain Storage. The storage of hay shall take place on a Portland cement concrete slab floor, or stored not less than eighteen inches above ground. Such storage of hay shall not exceed a height above ground level greater than twelve feet, and shall not be located less than five feet from any property line. The storage of grain shall be confined to rodent-proof containers only.
Drainage. All areas adjacent to any pen, coop, stable, stall, barn, corral, grazing or workout or training areas, or other building structures and areas where animals are kept and maintained, shall be graded to drain away from such facilities so as to prevent ponding and insect harborage.
Dust Control. All areas used as arenas for exercising, training or exhibition of animals shall be continuously maintained in a dust-free manner at all times by dampening with an approved sprinkler system or other acceptable means for the prevention of detrimental and nuisance affects of dust emission to surrounding properties.
(Prior code § 9213.02 (F); Ord. 1126 § 9, 2018)
The keeping and maintenance of animals, poultry and/or fowl, as provided for in this chapter, shall comply with all regulations and provisions of the health and sanitation laws of the city. In addition thereto, no animal, poultry or fowl, nor any pen, coop, stable, barn, corral, grazing area or other structures or areas where animals, poultry or fowl may be kept or maintained shall be kept or maintained within thirty-five feet of any residence, dwelling or other building used for human habitation or occupancy. No such keeping or maintenance shall be within twenty-five feet of any public street, nor within ten feet of any portion of an adjoining residential zoned property. When such adjoining property is a lot containing twenty thousand square feet or more lot area such ten-foot distance is not required.
All premises and facilities upon which animals, poultry or fowl are permitted to be kept shall be maintained in a clean, orderly and sanitary condition at all times. All manure shall be removed at least once each week, and all premises and facilities shall be treated weekly with biologically, ecologically and environmentally approved pesticides for the control of odors, insects and rodents which in any way can be considered a clear and present nuisance or detriment to the health, safety, comfort, welfare, peace and/or tranquility of the general public.
(Prior code § 9213.02 (G))
No person shall keep or maintain any sheep, goats, cattle, jacks, jennies, burros or any other type or kind of livestock on any property or premises within the city in any residential or commercial zone classification, except as may otherwise be regulated and permitted as set forth in Sections 18.50.040, 18.50.050 and 18.50.060 of this chapter.
(Prior code § 9213.02 (B))
No person shall keep or maintain upon any property or premises in the city, any crowing rooster, peacock, guinea fowl, geese, or any other animal, poultry or fowl which by any sound or cry shall unreasonably disturb the peace, quiet, urban environment, tranquility or welfare of the public generally.
(Prior code § 9213.02(C))
No person shall keep, maintain, cause or otherwise permit to be kept or maintained, any of the following on any property or premises within the city:
Oxen or swine;
Dangerous or poisonous reptiles, except in scientific biological laboratories or educational institutions;
Lions, tigers, elephants; all species of monkeys, apes, chimpanzees; or similar such animals which shall be considered wild and/or dangerous by their nature or ancestry;
Bees. No person shall keep or maintain, or allow to be kept or maintained, upon premises owned or controlled by him, her or it, in the city, a hive of bees. This provision shall not apply to the keeping of bees within an educational institution for study or observation, or within a physician's office or laboratory for medical research, treatment or other scientific purposes, provided they are not permitted to fly at large; or
Any other animals, poultry or fowl not specifically provided for in this chapter.
(Prior code § 9213.02(A); Ord. 765 § 48, 1989)