No person shall do any of the following while on district lands:
Pollute or in any manner contaminate any reservoir, stream, channel, spring or other water sources or water supply;
Possess or apply any pesticide, herbicide, fungicide or other poison; and
Impede the quantity or quality of water.
(Ord. 267 §2, 1987)
No person shall do any of the following while on district lands:
Damage, cut, carve, transplant, or remove any vegetation, living or dead, including any tree, plant, foliage, seed, bark, turf, leaf, mold, fungus, grass or wood;
Attach any rope, wire or other object to any tree or plant, except as provided in Section 9.05.02(3); and
Damage or otherwise disturb the natural environment.
(Ord. 267 §2, 1987)
No person shall take, hunt, trap, harass or otherwise harm any kind of animal or the eggs of any animal, whether living or dead, or remove, destroy or in any manner disturb the natural habitat of any animal. Fishing or taking of fish is permitted as regulated in Chapter 9.06.
(Ord. 267 §2, 1987)
No person shall damage, injure, collect or remove soil, earth, rocks, sand, gravel, fossils, minerals or any article of geological interest or value.
(Ord. 267 §2, 1987)
No person shall damage, injure, collect or remove any object of paleontological, archeological or historical interest or value.
(Ord. 267 §2, 1987)
No person shall add to, alter or modify any watershed facility including but not limited to construction, rerouting or alteration of any hiking trail. Possession of trail construction tools including but not limited to a McLeod, Pulaski, shovel, rake or other similar tool by any unauthorized person is prohibited.
(Ord. 388 §2, 1999; Ord. 422 §6, 2011)