If and whenever the district constructs or causes to be constructed facilities to supply water to a specific area, the board may by resolution determine and declare that such facility shall be a limited purpose facility and subject to the restrictions of this section. In any such case, the facility shall be deemed to be a special or limited purpose facility not designed or intended to serve any properties other than the specific area described in such resolution, and the district shall not be deemed to have assumed to serve any other areas unless and until and to the extent that the board of directors expressly so declares by later resolution. In any such case, no person shall have the right to connect with or receive service from such facility, except upon payment of a pro rata contribution toward its cost, either for retention by the district or for repayment to the party who financed the initial construction, as applicable. Repayments to the party who financed the initial construction will be made for a period of five years after the date the limited purpose agreement was entered into for such construction and said repayment period may be extended by the board of directors for additional five-year periods.
(Ord. 176 §1, 1978; Ord. 314 §2, 1990)
Where a limited purpose facility is installed pursuant to this chapter, and the initial applicant owns all, or a part of, the additional, prospective "service area" adjacent to or near the facility installed, the district may require the recordation, at the applicant's expense of a special agreement designating the specific area served, and the additional area which is not served, so that future purchasers of the area not served will have notice for the pro rata charge as to their property for water service. In addition, and in all cases, where the initial applicant owns none of such surrounding area, the district may give notice of the prospective charge by mail to the owners in the area and to the planning commission, or other agency having jurisdiction over the area, so that future subdividers or developers of the area will be made aware, prior to approval of subdivision maps and/or building permits, that the property is subject to an additional, pro rata charge for the cost of the limited purpose facility.
(Ord. 176 §1, 1978; Ord. 314 §2, 1990)