As used in this chapter, a "public poolroom or billiard room" shall mean any business establishment whose principal business is to provide pool, billiard or similar tables and accessory equipment for use by the public upon payment of a fee.
(Ord. 3809, 1975)
It is unlawful for any person under the age of 18 years to enter or visit a public poolroom or billiard room in the City unless accompanied by an adult.
(Ord. 3621 §1, 1974; Ord. 4145, 1982)
The owner or operator of a poolroom or billiard room desiring the patronage of minors shall apply in writing to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of the City for permission to allow minors in such pool or billiard room. Such application shall show the name of the person, firm or corporation desiring to conduct, manage or carry on such place of business, the place where the same is to be located, and a general statement describing the proposed mode of operation of such establishment. Such application shall also show whether or not alcoholic beverages are sold or dispensed on the premises, or whether or not an application for the sale of alcoholic beverages will be made to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control of the State in connection with such premises. Such application shall be accompanied by a fee of $25.00 to cover the cost of investigation of such application.
(Prior code §32.29(a); Ord. 3024 §2, 1965)
Upon receipt of such application, the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners shall cause an investigation to be made of such applicant or applicants as to his or their moral character and whether he or she or they have been convicted of crimes involving violence against persons, violation of public decency and morals, or violation of public health and safety, together with an investigation of the proposed location of such poolroom or billiard room, and any other matters or things pertinent to such application and permit. Upon the completion of such investigation, the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners shall make a finding and determination as to whether the granting of such application will or will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare of the people of the City. Upon the basis of such finding and determination, a permit may be denied or granted with conditions set by the Fire and Police Commission, provided that such permit, if granted, shall be for a period of six months, and at the expiration of such six month period, the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners shall cause an examination of the premises and establishment to be made. As a result of such investigation such permit shall be renewed for successive six month periods, so long as it is not determined that renewal is or will be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare of the people of the City of Santa Barbara.
(Ord. 3621 §1, 1974; Ord. 4145, 1982)
It is unlawful for any person who keeps or conducts a public pool or billiard room, or any permittee under Sections 5.68.0105.68.030, whether as proprietor, lessee, agent or clerk, to permit any minor to enter, visit, attend or patronize such pool or billiard room except under the conditions set forth in Section 5.68.040.
(Prior code §32.30(a); Ord. 3024 §4, 1965)
Any permit issued pursuant to Sections 5.68.010 - 5.68.030 may be suspended or revoked by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners when, upon a hearing before the Board, held after at least five days written notice to the permittee, it appears:
That such permittee has been convicted of any misdemeanor described in Sections 5.68.010 - 5.68.030 or 5.68.050; or
If it be found and determined by the Board upon such hearing that any minors have been permitted or suffered to enter, visit, attend, remain in or patronize any such permitted pool or billiard room contrary to the provisions of Section 5.68.040.
(Prior code §32.30(b); Ord. 3024 §4, 1965)
It is unlawful for any person to gain admission to a public pool or billiard room by presenting to the owner, proprietor, or any of their employees, a forged or spurious written authorization which may be required to be presented under any provision of Section 5.68.040, and any such violation shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed $100.00 or by imprisonment of not more than 10 days.
(Prior code §32.301; Ord. 3024 §5, 1965)