The Director of Public Works is authorized to prohibit parking on designated City streets and private streets open for public use, for limited periods of time on designated days, for street sweeping purposes, when debris and/or refuse on a given street have accumulated to such an extent as to constitute a public nuisance.
(Ord. 3403 §1, 1970)
A public nuisance under the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to exist if the Director of Public Works submits to the City Administrator a written statement that debris and/or refuse has existed on a City street for a prolonged period of time exceeding five days, and because of continual presence of parked vehicles it has not been possible to remove such debris and/or refuse by normal street sweeping methods.
(Ord. 3403 §1, 1970)
Notice of intention to prohibit parking, stating the date and time, shall be given in writing to owners of abutting properties along the street or streets where such public nuisance is deemed to exist, at least 10 days prior to the prohibition of parking on such street or streets as herein provided.
(Ord. 3403 §1, 1970)
Any person objecting to the prohibition of parking on any street as herein provided may file a protest with the City Council prior to the actual posting of signs prohibiting parking, in which case the prohibition of parking shall be postponed until a hearing on such protest and a determination thereof by the City Council.
(Ord. 3403 §1, 1970)
The prohibition of parking on any given street shall be effective upon the posting of temporary signs thereof along the street.
(Ord. 3403 §1, 1970)
The Director of Public Works shall terminate such prohibition of parking when and if he or she determines that the same is no longer required for the abatement of a public nuisance.
(Ord. 3403 §1, 1970)