Whenever any words or phrases used in this title are not defined in this chapter but are now defined in the Vehicle Code of this State, such definitions are incorporated herein and shall be deemed to apply to such words and phrases used in this title.
(Prior code §31.1(a); Ord. 2713 §1, 1959; Ord. 3033 §1, 1965)
Whenever in this title the following words and phrases set forth in this chapter are used, they shall for the purpose of this chapter have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this chapter.
(Prior code §31.1(b); Ord. 2713 §1, 1959; Ord. 3033 §1, 1965)
Whenever in this title any California Vehicle Code section number is immediately followed by a bracketed number, such bracketed number represents the corresponding section number of the revised California Vehicle Code as re-enacted by the Legislature as Chapter 3, Statutes of 1959.
(Prior code §31.114; Ord. 2713 §1, 1959)
Within the meaning of this title, holidays are the first day of January, the 12th day of February, the third Monday in February, the last Monday in May, the fourth day of July, the first Monday in September, the ninth day of September, the second Monday in October, the 11th day of November, Thanksgiving Day, and the 25th day of December. If January 1st, February 12th, July 4th, September 9th or December 25th falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is a holiday.
(Prior code §31.1(b); Ord. 2713 §1, 1959; Ord. 3033 §1, 1965; Ord. 3456 §1, 1970)
Whenever certain hours are named in this title, they shall mean standard time or daylight saving time as may be in current use in this City.
(Prior code §31.1(b); Ord. 2713 §1, 1959; Ord. 3033 §1, 1965)
For the purposes of sections of this title, "residential district. Those zones established and in effect under the current Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended, and designated as A-1, A-2, E-1, E-2, E-3, R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 Zones in Title 28, and RS-1A, RS-25, RS-15, RS-10, RS-7.5, RS-6, R-2, R-M, and R-MH Zones in Title 30.
(Prior code §31.1(a); Ord. 3033 §2, 1965; Ord. 5798, 2017)
means both sides of any street within a one hundred address designation. For example, the 000 Block, 100 Block, 200 Block of a street.
"Bus loading zone."
The space adjacent to the curb or edge of a roadway reserved for the exclusive use of buses during the loading or unloading of passengers.
"Central Traffic District."
All streets or portions of streets within the area described as follows: Commencing at the southeasterly corner of the intersection of Cabrillo Boulevard and Santa Barbara Street; thence northwesterly along the northeasterly line of Santa Barbara Street to its intersection with the northwesterly line of Micheltorena Street; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly line of Micheltorena Street to its intersection with the southwesterly line of De la Vina Street; thence southeasterly along the southwesterly line of De la Vina Street to its intersection with the southeasterly line of Gutierrez Street; thence northeasterly along the southeasterly line of Gutierrez Street to its intersection with the southwesterly line of Chapala Street; thence southeasterly along the southwesterly line of Chapala Street to its intersection with the southeasterly line of Cabrillo Boulevard; thence northeasterly along the southeasterly line of Cabrillo Boulevard to the point of beginning.
"Commercial vehicle loading zone. "
That space adjacent to the curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading or unloading of passengers or materials.
The City Council of the City of Santa Barbara.
The Chief of Police of the City of Santa Barbara.
The Director of Public Works of the City of Santa Barbara.
That portion of a street other than a roadway or sidewalk.
"Passenger loading zone."
That space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading or unloading of passengers.
Any person afoot.
"Police officer""
means every member of the Police Department sworn to perform regular police duties, or any other peace officer sworn to perform general or special police duties involving enforcement of all or any portion of the California Vehicle Code or all or any portion of the provisions of this title, or both.
A section of this title unless some other title, ordinance or statute is specifically mentioned.
"Stand" or "standing""
means "stop" or "stopping."
"Stop" or "stand""
when prohibited means any stopping of a vehicle except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the direction of a police officer or official traffic control device.
"Transportation engineer."
The Director of Public Works of the City of Santa Barbara or any deputy of the Director designated as the transportation engineer or designated to carry out the duties of a transportation engineer by the Director.
(Prior code §§31.1(b); Ord. 2713 §1, 1959; Ord. 3033 §1, 1965; Ord. 4781, 1992)