No person shall operate any of the following vehicles in the Central Traffic District between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day:
Any freight vehicle more than eight and one-half feet in width, with load or any freight vehicle so loaded that any part of its load extends more than 20 feet to the front or rear of such vehicle; provided, that the Chief of Police may, by written permit, authorize the operation of any such vehicle for the purpose of making necessary emergency deliveries to or from points within the Central Traffic District.
Any vehicle carrying building material that has not been loaded, or is not to be unloaded at some point within the Central Traffic District, except that such vehicles may travel upon Carrillo Street, Montecito Street or Gutierrez Street.
Any vehicles carrying crude or fuel oil, except that such vehicles may be operated upon Montecito and Gutierrez Streets and may be operated in the district where the same is to be unloaded, in whole or in part, within such District.
(Prior code §31.56; Ord. 2713, 1959)
No person shall operate, drive, tow, draw, transport, move, park or stand any vehicle used for commercial advertising purposes, or for the purpose of displaying such vehicle for sale, or as a prize, on or upon any public street or alley at any time, excepting that the City Council may grant special permission to organizations when it so deems worthy.
(Prior code §31.57; Ord. 2713, 1959)
Whenever any ordinance of this City designates and describes any street, or portion thereof, as a street, the use of which is prohibited by any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight limit of three tons, the City Transportation Engineer shall erect and maintain appropriate signs on those streets affected by such ordinances.
Those streets and parts of streets described in the schedule as set forth in Section 10.60.040 are hereby declared to be streets, the use of which is prohibited by any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight limit of three tons. The provisions of this section shall not apply to private or public school buses or to passenger buses under jurisdiction of the California Public Utilities Commission.
(Prior code §31.58; Ord. 2713, 1959; Ord. 3033 §3, 1965)
Pursuant to Section 35701 of the Vehicle Code of the State of California, Hermosillo Road, from Coast Village Road north to the City Limits, is hereby declared to be a street, the use of which is prohibited to any commercial vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight limit of seven tons.
(Ord. 4027, 1979; Ord. 5611, 2013)
A fee of $10.00 shall be charged by the City for the issuance of each permit after application in writing therefor to the Public Works Department for the movement of vehicles and loads exceeding the size, weight and loading requirements of the Vehicle Code of the State over streets and public places of the City. The City shall determine the route and require a deposit from each permittee to cover the cost of inspection of the route to be taken by the vehicle, or load, for which a permit is required, such inspection to be made both before and after the movement of the subject vehicle or load. Actual costs of inspection, based upon the fourth salary step of the employee classification utilized for inspection, plus 15% for transportation, overhead for supervision, workmen's compensation, retirement, vacation, sick leave and office rental shall be charged against the deposit and billed against the permittee if the deposit proved insufficient. Any balance in the deposit for inspection shall be refunded to the permittee upon completion of inspection. Nothing in this section shall apply to any house trailer being moved under a permit issued by the State Department of Motor Vehicles.
(Prior code §31.59; Ord. 2713, 1959)
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 35701 of the Vehicle Code of the State of California, Robert Troup Road from its intersection with Hollister Avenue, at the Santa Barbara Airport, southwesterly to the City limits and East "A" Road at the Santa Barbara Airport from Building No. 126 south to the City limits and Troup Road from its intersection with West "A" Road, near Hollister Avenue at the Santa Barbara Airport, southwesterly to the City limits are hereby declared to be streets, the use of which is prohibited to any commercial vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight limit of four tons. Providing, however, that this chapter shall not be construed to prevent any commercial vehicle from delivering or receiving a load on the streets within one block of an intersecting street or from crossing the streets at any intersection, nor shall this chapter apply to any vehicle subject to Sections 1031 to 1036, inclusive, of the Public Utilities Code.
(Prior code §31.59A; Ord. 2741, 1959)
The Airport Director shall cause to be erected and maintained appropriate signs on Robert Troup Road, East "A" Road and West "A" Road designating such weight limit.
(Prior code §31.59A; Ord. 2740 §3, 1959)