No driver of a vehicle shall follow any fire apparatus answering a fire alarm, closer than 300 feet, or park any vehicle within 300 feet of a fire, or operate or park any vehicle in such a manner as to interfere with any fire apparatus or line of fire hose when in use at a fire or when in place for use in response to a fire alarm.
No vehicle shall be driven over any unprotected hose of the Fire Department when laid down on any street, private driveway, to be used at any fire or alarm of fire without the consent of the members of the Fire Department in command.
(Prior code §31.60; Ord. 2713, 1959)
No driver of a vehicle shall drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral procession while they are in motion and when the vehicles in such procession are conspicuously so designated.
(Prior code §31.61; Ord. 2713, 1959)
The driver of any vehicle shall not drive within any sidewalk or parking area except at a permanent or temporary driveway; provided, that by permit granted by the City Council, upon application, a jeep propelled tourist tram may be operated upon and along the sidewalk situated on the southerly side of Cabrillo Boulevard between Castillo Street and State Street; such permit may be granted by the City Council upon such terms and conditions as will insure the safety of pedestrians using such sidewalk. No such jeep and tram vehicle shall be operated under the permit without being equipped with a warning bell adequate to warn pedestrians of the approach of such vehicle, and such vehicle shall not be driven at a speed in excess of five miles per hour upon or along the sidewalk. The permit shall also provide that the Chief of Police may suspend the operation of such vehicle during special events in the Cabrillo Boulevard area, including parades, pageants and other civic events attended by large crowds.
(Ord. 3350, 1969)
No person shall ride or drive any animal, animal-drawn vehicle, or any vehicle over or across any newly made pavement or freshly painted markings in any street when a barrier or sign is in place, warning persons not to drive over or across such pavement or markings, or when a sign is in place stating that the street or any portion thereof is closed.
(Prior code §31.65; Ord. 2713, 1959)
No person shall operate or drive a motor vehicle, including, but not limited to, a motorcycle, minibike, trail-bike, dune buggy, motor scooter, jeep or other similar motor vehicle upon the private property of another or upon any public property which is not held open to the public for vehicular use and which is not subject to the provisions of the Vehicle Code. The provisions of this section shall not apply to governmental agencies, emergency vehicles responding to a call of emergency, nor to persons driving upon such property with the written consent of the owner or the person in lawful possession of such property, nor to the owner him or herself, the members of his or her immediate family and his or her duly authorized employees, agents, or tenants.
(Ord. 3449, 1970)
No person shall drive a vehicle onto or from any limited access roadway except at such entrances and exits as are established by public authority.
(Prior code §31.66; Ord. 2713, 1959)
Unless authorized by the Transportation Engineer, a person shall not move, molest, tamper with, or damage in any way any traffic counting device which has been located within a City street or adjacent thereto by authority of the Transportation Engineer.
(Prior code §31.67; Ord. 2713, 1959)
No person shall ride or drive a horse or drive a horse-drawn vehicle upon any sidewalk in the City except at a driveway.
(Prior code §31.68; Ord. 2713, 1959)
No person shall operate any vehicle along or upon any of the publicly owned beaches within the City closer to the ocean line than 100 feet from the mean high tide line of the Pacific Ocean, except when authorized to do so by permit from the Chief of Police, or except while such vehicle is actively and necessarily engaged in the launching or removal of any boat upon or from the ocean.
No person shall ride any horse or drive any horse-drawn vehicle upon or along any of the publicly owned beaches within the City between Lighthouse Point and the easterly City limits closer to the ocean than 100 feet from the mean high tide line of the Pacific Ocean, except when authorized to do so by a special events permit from the Chief of Police according to Chapter 9.12 and a use permit from the Director of Parks and Recreation according to Chapter 15.05, and if all horses are restrained in conformance with the provisions of Section 6.08.020.
(Prior code §31.69; Ord. 2713, 1959; Ord. 4943, 1996)
No person shall throw or permit to be dropped on to any street, sidewalk or parkway, from any vehicle, any paper, refuse, dirt, gravel, sand, glass, crockery, tin cans, nails or other sharp metal objects.
(Prior code §31.107; Ord. 2713, 1959)
The driver of any vehicle, and the person in charge of any animal, shall obey the instructions of any barrier or sign erected by any of the public departments of the City, or by any other person pursuant to law.
(Prior code §31.108; Ord. 2713, 1959)
No person shall use or occupy any part of a public street or sidewalk for the purpose of soliciting patronage or customers for any motor vehicle which is run, driven or operated over the public streets of the City for the purpose of sight-seeing or showing points of interest, or conveying persons to points within or without the City to show or exhibit lands or houses or other property or interests in property, real or personal, for the purpose of effecting, or attempting to effect, the sale of any such lands or houses or of any other property.
This section shall not prohibit the stopping or standing of sight-seeing buses for loading and unloading of passengers at points of interest on regular tours.
(Prior code §31.110; Ord. 2713, 1959)
All automobile dismantlers shall submit to the Police Department a copy of each notification required to be submitted to the California Department of Motor Vehicles pursuant to Section 11520 of the California Vehicle Code. Such notification shall be submitted within 24 hours of obtaining actual possession of the vehicle.
(Ord. 3265, 1967)