The regulations contained in this chapter shall apply in the OC Zone unless otherwise provided in this title. This zone strives to achieve balanced use of the City's Waterfront and maintain the small scale, local character that is unique to the Waterfront area. Land uses shall be encouraged in this zone that maintain and enhance the desirability of the Waterfront as a place to work, visit, and live. This zone is intended to foster a vital, mixed use neighborhood and preserve and protect the coastal environment in terms of light, air, and visual amenities.
Land classified in the OC zone may also be classified in the HRC-2 (Hotel and Related Commerce 2) zone and those land uses authorized within the HRC-2 zone are also allowed uses within the dual OC/HRC-2 zone.
(Ord. 5343, 2005)
Any of the following uses are permitted, provided that such operations, manufacturing, processing, or treatment of products are not obnoxious or offensive by reason of emission of odor, dust, gas, fumes, smoke, liquids, wastes, noise, vibrations, disturbances, or other similar causes which may impose hazard to life or property:
Ocean-dependent and ocean-oriented uses such as:
Aquaculture facilities.
Boat and boat trailer rental.
Marine equipment and accessories manufacturing, sales, repair, storage, or rental.
Marine-oriented government facilities.
Marine research and development facilities.
Offices of businesses engaged in ocean-related activities.
Boat and sail manufacturing and repair.
Seafood processing, wholesaling, storage, and related activities.
Services necessary for commercial fishing activities, including such facilities as net repair areas, ice machines, and storage areas.
Ocean-oriented educational facilities.
Commercial recreational uses such as:
Bicycle, roller skating, moped, dive gear, boating, surfing, and other recreational equipment rental, sales, manufacturing, and repair.
Public or private parks or recreational facilities.
Arts related uses such as:
Art galleries (may include sales).
Art schools.
Art studios/workspaces (may include sales).
Blueprinting, photostatting, printing, lithographing, or publishing establishments.
Industrial arts and crafts uses, including, but not limited to, framing, jewelry making, metallurgy, pottery, sculpture, specialty sewing/monogramming, and weaving (industrial arts and crafts uses may include sales).
For the purposes of this chapter, the term "art" shall be defined as the creative application of a specific skill, the purpose of which is to create objects of form or beauty.
Residential Uses.
Generally. Any use permitted in the R-3 zone is allowed in the area bounded by Helena Avenue on the west, the existing railroad right-of-way on the south, Garden Street on the east and Highway 101 on the north, subject to the restrictions and limitations contained in this chapter so long as the R-3 use is constructed as a project providing a mix of allowed nonresidential and residential use where the residential use will not exceed 70% of the total building floor area of the development project.
Any parcel of 5500 square feet or less in size which exist as of the date of the adoption of the ordinance codifying this amendment to Chapter 28.71 and which is not contiguous to another adjacent parcel(s) which is held in common ownership with the first parcel shall be exempt from the above-described mixed-use requirements.
Affordable Housing Projects. Development projects comprised exclusively of units affordable to very low, low, or moderate income households (as evidenced by the recordation of long-term affordability covenants consistent with the City's Affordable Housing Policies and Procedures) shall be exempt from the above-stated mixed-use requirements for this zone.
Existing Residential Buildings. Residential buildings which exist at the time of the adoption of the Ordinance enacting this chapter (as established by the existence of a valid certificate of occupancy issued by the City), shall not be deemed nonconforming to the requirements of this chapter and such buildings may be rehabilitated or remodeled (but not demolished) and expanded so long as any such permitted expansion (or expansions in total) does not exceed 20% of the floor area of the existing dwelling unit with the floor area and percentage calculated as of the date of the adoption of the Ordinance enacting this chapter.
Small Stores. Stores that sell liquor, groceries, or food that do not exceed 2,500 square feet in gross floor area.
OC Uses Found Consistent. Other ocean-dependent, ocean-oriented, commercial recreational, or arts-related uses that are found to be consistent with the intent of the OC zone by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 5343, 2005)
Alcoholic beverage retail establishments. In the OC Zone, alcoholic beverage retail establishments may be permitted with a conditional use permit issued in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 28.94 of this Code except where specifically prohibited elsewhere in this chapter.
Automobile related uses. In the OC Zone, automobile rentals and parking lots shall be permitted with a conditional use permit issued in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 28.94 of this Code.
Small hotels. In the OC zone, small hotels shall be permitted upon the issuance of a conditional use permit in the OC zone area designated for "small hotel" on the map attached to the ordinance codified in this chapter as Exhibit A subject to the following express limitations:
A small hotel may not have more than six guest rooms;
The size of each hotel guest room shall be limited to a maximum of 300 square feet of floor area (including hallways, closets, baths, interior circulation and other similar floor area) and the room may not include an individual kitchen area;
A common kitchen / dining / lobby area is allowed but may not be located within a guest room;
A manager's residential unit is allowed with a maximum of 600 square feet of floor area provided that the manager's unit is located adjacent to, or with immediate access to, the common or lobby area and provided that it not have a separate access from outside the common area.
Findings required for small hotels. Planning Commission approval of small hotels in the area of the OC zone for which they are authorized by subsection B of this section shall be subject to all of the following CUP findings:
That the small hotel:
Will support the goals of the Local Coastal Plan and OC zone to promote a vital, mixed use neighborhood in the waterfront comprised of a diversity of land uses;
Is part of a mixed-use project and in a mixed-use setting within a property having pre-existing legal uses or permitted OC uses;
Is compatible with the surrounding land uses and OC uses;
May include a manager's unit if it is necessary to support the hotel or other improvements on the site;
Will not be materially detrimental to the public peace, health, safety, comfort and general welfare and will not materially affect property values in the particular neighborhood involved;
Has a sufficient area for the site and has a design for the facilities of an appropriate magnitude in view of the character of the land and in view of the proposed development that significant detrimental impact on surrounding properties is avoided;
Will provide adequate access and off-street parking in a manner and amount so that the demands of the development for such facilities are adequately met without altering the character of the public streets in the area at any time; and
Will have an appearance (in terms of its arrangement, height, scale, and architectural style of the buildings, location of parking areas, landscaping, and other features) which is compatible with the character of the area.
(Ord. 5343, 2005; Ord. 6026 § 6, 2021)
All development in the Coastal Overlay Zone (S-D-3) is subject to review pursuant to Chapter 28.44 of this code.
(Ord. 5343, 2005; Ord. 5417, 2007)
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, no application for a land use permit for a nonresidential construction project will be accepted or approved on or after December 6, 1989 unless the project complies with the provisions outlined in Development Plan Approval, Chapter 28.85.
(Ord. 5343, 2005; Ord. 5609, 2013)
No building or structure in the OC zone shall exceed three stories nor exceed 45 feet in height.
(Ord. 5343, 2005)
Lot Area and Frontage Requirements. All buildings or portions thereof used for dwelling purposes shall comply with the lot area and frontage provisions of the R-3 Zone.
Outdoor Living Space. All buildings or portions thereof used for dwelling purposes shall comply with the outdoor living space provisions of the R-3 zone.
(Ord. 5343, 2005)
Off-street parking and loading space shall be provided as required in Chapter 28.90 of this title.
(Ord. 5343, 2005)