Editor's note: Ord. 6076 renumbered Chapter 28.80 to 28.77 due to Chapter 28.80 already existing in the code.
The purpose of this chapter is to:
Promote a healthy and safe business environment in the City of Santa Barbara that protects residents from the public nuisances attributable to the sale of alcoholic beverages.
Monitor existing establishments to ensure they do not substantially change in mode or character of operation.
Complement the State of California alcohol-related laws. The City does not intend to replace or assume any powers vested in the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.
This ordinance does not apply to on sale alcohol establishments such as a restaurant, bar, or a winery, brewery or micro-brewery that sells alcohol for off-site consumption.
(Ord. 6026 § 7, 2021)
Alcoholic beverage retail establishments, limited to uses permitted in the zone, may be permitted in any zone upon the issuance of a conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 28.94 of this title.
(Ord. 6026 § 7, 2021)
For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:
Alcoholic Beverage.
Alcohol, spirits, liquor, wine, beer, and any liquid or solid containing alcohol, spirits, wine, or beer, that contains one-half of one percent or more of alcohol by volume and that is fit for beverage purposes either alone or when diluted, mixed or combined with other substances, the sale of which requires an Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) license.
California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control or ABC.
The department of the State of California empowered to act pursuant to Article 20, Section 22, of the California Constitution and authorized to administer the provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act.
Hip Flask.
A small flask for potable liquids of a kind designed so that it may be carried in a hip pocket.
Public Nuisance.
Anything which is injurious to health, indecent, offensive to the senses, so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property.
Retail Display Area.
Includes all floor area within the establishment that is accessible and within view of customers, including aisles, and floor area occupied by shelves, counters, and refrigerator coolers.
Substantial Modifications.
Substantial modifications to the mode or character of operation. Such activities include, but are not limited to, the following:
Change in activity so that ABC requires a different type of license.
An increase of the floor area or shelf space devoted to the display or sales of any alcoholic beverage.
Extending the hours of operation.
A change in ownership or transfer of an ABC license, which includes new owners or licensees added to the establishment.
Changes to the conditions provided under the conditional use permit.
Changes from the license applications submitted to the ABC.
(Ord. 6026 § 7, 2021)
A letter of public convenience or necessity (PCN) is a discretionary determination that the business operation will provide some kind of benefit to the surrounding community, which is communicated back to the licensee and the ABC in the form of a letter. The Chief of Police is authorized to issue a PCN letter whenever an applicant for an ABC license is required to obtain one. A PCN letter will be issued prior to the application for a conditional use permit pursuant to this chapter. The Chief of Police will review and act upon the request in compliance with the time periods established by State law. The Chief of Police's decision on whether to issue a PCN letter is final with no further right of appeal.
(Ord. 6026 § 7, 2021)
All applicants and operators of an alcoholic beverage retail establishment are required to notify the Chief of Police within 10 days of submitting an original off-sale application to the ABC, or when business activities will result in a substantial modification to the mode or character of operation for existing businesses.
(Ord. 6026 § 7, 2021)
Approval of a conditional use permit may only be granted for alcoholic beverage retail establishments, located, developed, and operated in compliance with the standards contained in this section. Variations to these standards may be approved by the Planning Commission in order to prevent an unreasonable hardship or for any other reason consistent with the purpose of this chapter. Unreasonable hardship is defined as an action requiring significant difficulty or expense when considered in light of a number of factors that can include but is not limited to the nature and cost of the standard imposed in relation to the size, resources, nature, and structure of the alcohol retailer operation.
Location. Alcoholic beverage retail establishments requesting non-transferred licenses may only be permitted on a site located in an area with capacity for additional off-sale licenses, as defined by ABC, with low to average crime rates, as defined annually by the Santa Barbara Police Department, provided that the site is not subject to a moratorium.
Distance. Alcoholic beverage retail establishments requesting new non-transferred licenses may only be located on a lot that is a minimum of 500 feet away from any residentially zoned lot, or any lot that contains a public or private elementary or high school, health care facilities, social services facility as defined in Section 30.295.030, substance abuse treatment centers, religious facilities, parks or playgrounds. However, an alcohol retail establishment may apply for a modification and obtain approval from the Planning Commission to be located within 500 feet of the above referenced sensitive locations. The distance shall be measured in a straight line without regard to intervening structures or objects from the nearest point on the property to the nearest point on the other property line.
Containers. The sale, distribution, dispensation, and display of all alcoholic beverages is limited to the following type and size of containers:
Wine and Wine Coolers.
Wine must be in a container with a volume of 750 milliliters or greater in size, except multipack containers of wine, and multipack wine coolers containing no more than six percent alcohol by volume.
Multipack wine and wine coolers shall not be sold in containers smaller than 12 ounces and in units of less than one four-pack for off-site consumption.
Distilled Spirits. Distilled spirits, except pre-mixed cocktails, must be in a container with a volume of 375 milliliters or greater in size. Miniature, single-serving, travel-sized "airline bottles" are prohibited. Distilled spirits shall not be permitted in 375 milliliters hip flask containers.
Beer, Ale, and Malt Liquor.
Beer, ale, and malt liquor must be in a container with a volume greater than 32 ounces. This restriction is not intended to prohibit the sale of such beverages in kegs or other types of containers, with a volume of two or more gallons, which are clearly designed to dispense multiple servings.
Multipack beer, ale, and malt liquor in containers of 32 ounces or less shall not be sold in units less than one three-pack for off-site consumption.
Drive-through facilities. Alcoholic beverages shall not be sold or distributed from a drive-through facility or a walk-up window.
Product display. Alcoholic beverages shall not be displayed for sale:
From an ice tub, ice chest, ice barrel or similar stand-alone container;
Within five feet from any store entrance or exit;
On a check-out counter or any display case or rack located adjacent to a checkout counter or checkout waiting area.
This subdivision does not prohibit display of alcoholic beverages from behind a counter or from a built in refrigerated display case that is accessible only by store employees.
Lighting. Lighting shall comply with the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance (Santa Barbara Municipal Code Chapter 22.75); adequate external lighting shall be provided on-site in order to maintain a safe and secure environment.
Noise. Noise levels generated by the operation of such establishment shall comply with the City's Noise Ordinance (Santa Barbara Municipal Code Chapter 9.16). Amplified sound at the property line shall not exceed 60 dB(A).
Litter. Business owners shall be responsible for keeping their premises clean of any litter or debris and shall provide adequate trash and recycling receptacles for customer use on site.
Pay phones. Pay phones are not permitted outside of the alcoholic beverage retail establishments.
Signage. There shall be no advertising of alcoholic products, or tobacco and paraphernalia, or similarly controlled products visible from the exterior of the building.
Window obstructions. To ensure a clear and unobstructed view of the interior of the premises, including the area in which the cash registers are maintained, from the exterior public sidewalk or entrance, windows shall not be tinted and no more than 15% of windows and entry doors shall be blocked by either interior or exterior obstructions such as signs, vending machines, refrigerators, coolers, shelves, racks, or storage.
Drug paraphernalia. An alcoholic beverage retail establishment shall be prohibited from selling drug or tobacco paraphernalia products as defined in Santa Barbara Municipal Code Section 9.45.010, and Health and Safety Code Sections 11014.5 and 11364.5.
(Ord. 6026 § 7, 2021)
A conditional use permit for an alcoholic beverage retail establishment may only be approved if the Planning Commission makes the following findings in addition to the findings required pursuant to Chapter 28.94, Conditional Use Permits, and any other findings required by this title:
The proposed use shall not potentially have a significant adverse effect on the crime rate or nuisance activities as provided under Section 28.77.300 in the area of the proposed site. Particular attention shall be given to those crimes involving public drunkenness, the illegal sale or use of narcotics, drugs or alcohol, disturbing the peace and disorderly conduct, and alcoholic beverage sales to minors.
That its upkeep and operating characteristics are compatible with, and will not adversely affect, the livability or appropriate development of abutting properties and the surrounding neighborhood.
(Ord. 6026 § 7, 2021)
The Planning Commission may impose conditions of approval in furtherance of the purpose of this chapter, such as, limit the hours or other operational characteristics of the use; restrict outdoor storage and display; require a special security plan; make alterations to the entries/exits or other floor plan changes; or add requirements for buffering, screening, lighting, planting areas, or other site elements to avoid adverse impacts on adjacent lots or the surrounding area.
(Ord. 6026 § 7, 2021)
Any changes to the structure, site development, use, or substantial modifications to the mode or character of operation of any alcoholic beverage retail establishment which becomes lawfully established with a conditional use permit on or after the effective date of this chapter and is licensed by the ABC, shall require an amendment to the conditional use permit or approval. If the use is abandoned pursuant to Section 28.87.360, Abandonment and Revocation of Permits and Approvals, or ceases to be licensed by ABC, it shall not continue without approval by the original review authority and shall be processed in the same manner as the original approval.
(Ord. 6026 § 7, 2021)
Alcoholic beverage retail establishments lawfully existing prior to the effective date of the ordinance adopting this chapter, and licensed by ABC, may be continued, repaired and maintained. Notwithstanding Section 28.87.030.E, Nonconforming Uses, the right to continue an existing alcoholic beverage retail establishment may be revoked with the right to appeal under Section 28.87.360, Abandonment and Revocation of Permits and Approvals, and if revoked a conditional use permit is needed in order to continue the sale of alcohol. Revocation of the use can only be initiated by those with the responsibility to enforce under Section 28.77.600, below, when any of the following occur:
Public nuisance. The use has been declared a public nuisance pursuant to Section 28.77.300, below.
Discontinued use. The use has been discontinued or ceases for a period of one year or more, or ceases to be licensed by the ABC.
Substantial modifications. There are substantial modifications to the mode or character of operation.
Violations. There is or has been a violation of, or failure to observe the terms or conditions of this chapter, or the use has been conducted in violation of the provisions of this title, or any applicable law or regulation, including, but not limited to, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act.
(Ord. 6026 § 7, 2021)
The display of alcoholic beverages is subject to the following standards:
From an ice tub, ice chest, ice barrel or similar stand-alone container;
Within five feet from any store entrance or exit;
On a check-out counter or any display case or rack located adjacent to a checkout counter or checkout waiting area.
This section does not prohibit display of alcoholic beverages from behind a counter or from a built in refrigerated display case that is accessible only by store employees.
(Ord. 6026 § 7, 2021)
The following requirements apply as a condition of approval to all new and existing alcoholic beverage retail establishments. All store owners and current employees of existing establishments must comply with the mandatory training within six months of the effective date of this chapter. All new store owners and employees are required to be trained within 60 days from the start of their business or employment. Failure to comply will result in the termination of the right to continue an existing establishment.
Mandatory training. All store managers and their employees shall complete the Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training and are required to carry a valid certification while selling alcoholic beverages. To satisfy this requirement, a certified program must meet the standards of the ABC Responsible Beverage Service Advisory Board or other certifying or licensing body designated by the State of California.
Presentation of documents. A copy of any City conditions of approval, applicable ABC conditions, the ABC license, and any required training requirements, shall be posted in at least one prominent place within the interior of the establishment where it will be readily visible and legible to the employees and patrons of the establishment; and shall be presented to any City, County, or State enforcement officer or official upon request.
(Ord. 6026 § 7, 2021)
A public nuisance shall be deemed to exist if the following activities are repeated within the premises or in close proximity of the premises such as: disturbance of the peace, illegal drug activity, public drunkenness, drinking in public, harassment of passersby, gambling, prostitution, sale of stolen goods, public urination, theft, assaults, batteries, acts of vandalism, excessive littering, loitering, graffiti, illegal parking, excessive loud noises, especially in the late night or early morning hours, traffic violations, curfew violations, or lewd conduct. The City Administrator may take any action necessary to abate such public nuisances, including but not limited to revocation proceedings.
(Ord. 6026 § 7, 2021)
If the City Administrator or the Chief of Police determine there has been a violation of this chapter or any of the conditions set forth in a conditional use permit issued in compliance with this chapter, a report of those violations shall be presented to the Planning Commission for review that may include the date, time, and specificity of the violations. The Planning Commission shall require an annual review of any new and existing alcoholic beverage retail establishments.
(Ord. 6026 § 7, 2021)
The City Council shall establish by resolution, an annual regulatory fee that shall be imposed on all new and existing alcoholic beverage retail establishments. The annual fee shall be assessed for each alcoholic beverage retail establishment that consists of the following factors:
The City Council may establish by resolution fees for administration of this chapter, including, but not limited to, flat or graduated annual fees, hourly fees, and supplemental fees, any or all of which may reflect whether and to what extent the new and existing alcoholic beverage retail establishments upon which the fee is imposed has complied with this chapter.
Owners and operators shall be jointly and severally liable for any fee or charge imposed under this chapter.
The City may collect any past due fees or charges imposed under this chapter by use of all available legal means, including, but not limited to, means available for the collection of judgments, liens and action for recover of money. The City may also recover its collection costs.
(Ord. 6026 § 7, 2021)
The provisions of this chapter shall be administered and enforced by the City Administrator in conjunction with the Chief of Police. Such officer, or their duly authorized representatives, may enter upon private or public property to examine an alcoholic beverage retail establishment for the purposes of enforcement and regulation of the conditions of approval, performance standards, and other applicable regulations set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 6026 § 7, 2021)