An emergency shelter, as defined in Chapter 28.04, is a permitted use in the C-M Zone subject to the development and management standards specified in Section 28.79.020. Notwithstanding any other provision within this title, without the approval of a conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 28.94, an emergency shelter is not a permitted use in any other zone of the City.
(Ord. 5662, 2014)
In addition to all other development standards generally applicable within the zone in which the emergency shelter is located, an emergency shelter shall comply with the following development and management standards:
Capacity. An emergency shelter located within the C-M Zone may provide a maximum of 100 beds and shall serve no more than 100 homeless persons per night.
Length of Stay. A resident of an emergency shelter shall not reside in the emergency shelter for more than 180 consecutive nights.
Intake/Waiting Area. An emergency shelter shall provide at least 10 square feet of interior intake and waiting space per bed. Intake and waiting areas shall be located within the building.
Outdoor Area/Activity. Outdoor gathering areas shall be screened from the public right-of-way and adjacent properties. An emergency shelter shall not allow prospective residents to queue on the public right-of-way or parking areas.
Parking. An emergency shelter shall provide the following parking:
One parking space for every 8 beds; and
One covered and secure bicycle parking space for every 4 beds.
Exceptions. An emergency shelter may propose fewer parking spaces if the emergency shelter can demonstrate by a parking study that the proposed parking will satisfy the anticipated parking demand for the project to the satisfaction of the Public Works Transportation Planning Division. In any case, the required parking for an emergency shelter shall not be more than that which is required for similar residential or commercial uses within the zone.
Lighting. Subject to compliance with the Lighting Ordinance (Chapter 22.75), adequate external lighting shall be provided on-site in order to maintain a safe and secure environment.
Concentration of Uses. No emergency shelter or homeless shelter shall be permitted within 300 feet of another emergency shelter or homeless shelter. The distance between shelters shall be measured in a straight line without regard to intervening structures or objects from the nearest point on the property line of one shelter to the nearest point on the property line of the other.
On-Site Management. On-site management shall be present at all times that the shelter is in operation. A Management Plan for the operation of the emergency shelter must be submitted with the master application and shall be subject to approval by the Community Development Department Director. As appropriate, the Management Plan shall address:
Hours of operation
On-site management and security procedures
Neighborhood relations and communication
Cooking and dining facilities (for residents only)
Shower and laundry facilities (for residents only)
Smoking areas and policies
Outdoor gathering areas and policies
Ability to Pay. No individual or household may be denied emergency shelter due to an inability to pay.
(Ord. 5662, 2014)