Editor's note: Ord. 6033 renumbers this chapter from 30.57 to 30.58.
The purpose of this chapter is to establish a Mobilehome Park (MP) Overlay Zone in order to maintain, preserve, and promote non-subsidized affordable rental housing uniquely provided by mobilehome and permanent recreational vehicle parks. Additionally, this chapter establishes a Senior Mobilehome Park (SMP) Overlay within the MP Overlay Zone intended to preserve a variety and balance of housing types within the City by providing assurances that existing senior mobilehome parks within the Mobilehome Park Overlay Zone will remain available to seniors.
(Ord. 5967 § 1, 2020; Ord. 6033 § 1, 2021)
The provisions of this chapter apply to properties located within the Mobilehome Park Overlay Zone mapped as the MP Overlay Zone on the Official Zoning Map.
Additionally, the provisions of Section 30.58.050 apply to properties within the MP Overlay Zone designated with the SMP Overlay on the Official Zoning Map.
(Ord. 5967 § 1, 2020; Ord. 6033 § 1, 2021)
Property within the MP Overlay Zone shall be developed and used exclusively under the provisions of this chapter. Uses allowed in the MP Overlay Zone are limited to the following:
Mobilehome Parks as defined in Section 30.300.130, "M".
Permanent Recreational Vehicle Parks as defined in Section 30.300.018, "R".
Accessory uses customarily found in mobilehome parks and permanent recreational vehicle parks, including, but not limited to, pools, community rooms, public restrooms, carports and storage sheds.
(Ord. 5967 § 1, 2020; Ord. 6033 § 1, 2021)
See Section 30.185.280, Mobilehome and Permanent Recreational Vehicle Parks, for development standards.
(Ord. 5967 § 1, 2020; Ord. 6033 § 1, 2021)
Applicability. This section shall only apply to those properties mapped with the SMP Overlay on the Official Zoning Map.
Definition. SENIOR MOBILEHOME PARK. A mobilehome park in which at least 80% of the spaces are occupied by, or intended for occupancy by, at least one person who is 55 years of age or older, or in which 100% of the spaces are occupied or intended for occupancy by persons 62 years of age or older.
Senior Occupancy Restrictions. At least eighty percent of the spaces in mobilehome parks in the Senior Mobilehome Park Overlay Zone shall be occupied by at least one person 55 years of age or older as their principal place of residence. If an existing senior mobilehome park met this qualification upon the adoption of the ordinance codified in this section, and fell below the 80% requirement between that date and the effective date of the ordinance, the Senior Mobilehome Park Overlay District shall be applied to that senior mobilehome park. The signage, advertising, park rules, regulations, rental agreements and leases for spaces in the Senior Mobilehome Park shall state that the park is a senior mobilehome park.
Rental Restrictions. Spaces and mobilehomes in a mobilehome park in the Senior Mobilehome Park Overlay Zone shall be rented only to occupants who meet the age requirement set forth in subsection C above, provided, however, that if the occupants of a space or mobilehome who do not meet this requirement rented the space or mobilehome before the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section, they shall be allowed to remain, and provided further that when such occupants cease to occupy a space or mobilehome, the mobilehome and space cannot thereafter be rented except to occupants who meet that age requirement.
Compliance with Code Of Federal Regulation. A Senior Mobilehome Park located within the Senior Mobilehome Park Overlay Zone shall comply with 24 C.F.R. Section 100.307.
Conversion. No Senior Mobilehome Park located within the Senior Mobilehome Park Overlay Zone shall convert to a non-senior mobilehome park.
(Ord. 6033 § 1, 2021)