It is the purpose of the Westmont College Specific Plan (SP5-WC) Zone to establish a single residential unit district where affordability of the housing is ensured and where specific development standards are established to protect the natural environment and neighborhood values on property adjacent to Westmont College.
The regulations of this chapter apply within the SP5-WC Zone depicted in Figure 30.110, Westmont College Specific Plan Area, at the end of this chapter, and mapped on the Official Zoning Map.
The uses permitted in the SP5-WC Zone in the SP5-WC Land Use Map depicted on Map A shall be as follows:
Land Use A – Single Unit Residential. Uses permitted in Area A:
Single Unit Residential;
Recreational uses including, but not limited to, spas, jacuzzis, and children's play areas;
Private open space including, but not limited to, patios, decks, and yards for the private use of the residents of individual homes; and
Uses, buildings, and structures incidental, accessory and subordinate to the permitted uses.
Land Use B – Dedicated Open Space. This area is to be maintained in a natural state to preserve the creek habitat, protect the steep slopes from erosion, and maintain the scenic quality of these areas. Uses permitted in Area B are:
Installation of storm drain systems;
Flood control projects; and
Brush removal, not including trees, for fire protection purposes, subject to Municipal Code provisions for vegetation removal.
Land Use C – Common Passive Open Space. This area is to be used for passive recreation. Uses permitted in Area C are:
Walking trails;
Bicycle paths; and
Utilities, storm drains, flood control and other infrastructure as approved by the City.
Land Use D – Private Active Recreation. This area is to be used as common recreation for the residents. Uses permitted in Area D are:
One recreation building not to exceed 1,500 square feet for the exclusive use of residents and their guests for private social functions;
Outdoor decks and picnic areas, barbecue, volleyball court, active recreation lawn area, playground equipment, parking and other incidental amenities appropriate to this use;
Landscaped areas for common use; and
Drainage detention areas and related facilities.
Land Use E – Neighborhood Recreation. This area is to be developed as a common recreation facility available for use by residents of adjoining neighborhoods. Uses permitted in Area E are:
Playground equipment, picnic areas, active recreation lawn areas, and other incidental amenities appropriate to this use;
Landscaped areas for common use;
Open areas required for the protection of scenic, habitat or other resources; and
Storm drainage improvements and detention areas and related facilities.
Land Use F – Circulation. This area is to be used for roads and on-street parking. Uses permitted in Area F are:
Sidewalks; and
On-street parking areas.
Allowable Density and Maximum Number of Residential Units. The maximum density shall be no greater than 1.4 residential units per gross acre. The maximum number of residential units in this zone shall be no greater than 41 units.
Affordability Requirement for Residential Units. All residential units shall be held, conveyed, hypothecated, encumbered, leased, rented, used and occupied in accordance with the Westmont Amended and Restated Affordable Housing Agreement ("Agreement"), as may be amended from time to time. Upon the sale, transfer, or conveyance of any residential unit after December 20, 2018 a new covenant shall be recorded against the residential unit in conformance with the Agreement, as may be amended from time to time. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all residential units sold, transferred, or conveyed prior to the recordation of a new covenant in conformance with the Agreement shall be affordable to moderate income households as the City of Santa Barbara Housing Program or its successor, and the maximum household income level shall not exceed the moderate income level as determined by the Community Development Director. Upon the sale, transfer or conveyance of said residential unit, a new covenant shall be recorded against the property in conformance with the Agreement, as may be modified from time to time. In no event shall less than 21 residential units be affordable to moderate income households at any one time.
Residential Lot Area Requirements. Residential lots shall have no less than 6,500 square feet of net lot area.
Maximum Height. No structure in this zone shall exceed a height of 30 feet nor exceed the height limitations imposed for the protection and enhancement of solar access per the base zone.
Front Setbacks.
Residential lots fronting a street shall have a front setback from curb face of the roadway of not less than 25 feet.
Residential lots fronting common open space or driveways shall have a front setback of not less than 10 feet.
Interior Setbacks. There shall be interior setbacks of not less than 10 feet.
Open Space and Landscaping. Not less than 50% of the gross area of the property in this zone shall be a combination of Dedicated Open Space, Common Open Space, Private Active Recreation and Neighborhood Recreation, as defined in Section 30.110.030, Land Use Regulations, Land Uses B, C, D and E. Open space and landscaped areas shall dominate the site development. Such open space and landscaped areas shall include substantial useable areas for passive or active recreational use. Further, the development should present an open space and landscaped effect so that parking areas and building masses shall not dominate the scene from public view.
Street Requirements. If necessary to preserve natural terrain features or open space, the Planning Commission or City Council may grant exceptions to City street design standards as may be deemed necessary to assure that the intent of this chapter is observed, that adequate public parking is provided, and the public welfare and safety secured.
Parking. Off-street parking shall be provided as required in Chapter 30.175, Parking Regulations. Notwithstanding Chapter 30.175, no more than five spaces shall adjoin each other without intervening landscaping areas. Parking areas shall not dominate open space and landscaping areas.
(Ord. 5861, 2018)
Requirements for Construction Phasing. Phasing of development is permitted consistent with an approved Tentative Subdivision Map. If the sequence of construction of residential portions of the development is to occur in stages (phases) then the open space or recreational facilities shall be developed in proportion to the number of residential units intended to be developed during any given stage of construction as approved by the Planning Commission.
Mitigation Monitoring Program. Prior to the approval of any development on the property, a Mitigation Monitoring Program consistent with the California Environmental Quality Act shall be approved by the Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission or City Council may impose such appropriate and reasonable conditions and restrictions as it may deem necessary for the protection of property in the neighborhood or in the interest of public health, safety and welfare in order to carry out the purposes and intent of this chapter. However, no Variance, Modification, or other approval shall be granted for maximum height, maximum number of residential units, or maximum residential units per acre.
Notwithstanding the applicability standards of Chapter 22.69, Single Family Design Board, of the Santa Barbara Municipal Code, all development within the SP5-WC Zone shall be subject to the review and approval of the Single Family Design Board.