This chapter establishes a process for consideration and review of Development Plans.
Approval of a Development Plan is required for uses or developments specifically identified in any section of this title that refers to a requirement for a Development Plan.
The following bodies shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny applications for Development Plans based on consideration of the requirements of this chapter.
Planning Commission. The following projects require action on a Development Plan by the Planning Commission:
Any project that requires a Development Plan and also requires another discretionary action from the Planning Commission.
Any nonresidential construction project (including a public utility facility) that involves the construction, addition, or conversion of more than 3,000 square feet of new nonresidential floor area.
Any project that requires a Development Plan and also requires the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report.
Staff Hearing Officer. Any nonresidential construction project that involves the construction, addition, or conversion of more than 1,000 but not more than 3,000 square feet of new nonresidential floor area, and which also requires another discretionary action from the Staff Hearing Officer, shall require action on a Development Plan by the Staff Hearing Officer.
Design Review Body. Any nonresidential construction project that involves the construction, addition, or conversion of more than 1,000 but not more than 3,000 square feet of new nonresidential floor area, and does not require discretionary action by the Planning Commission or Staff Hearing Officer shall require action on the Development Plan by the appropriate Design Review body.
Applications for Development Plans shall be accepted and processed pursuant to Chapter 30.205, Common Procedures, and the specific requirements of this chapter. In addition to any other application requirements, the application for a Development Plan shall include data or other evidence in support of the applicable findings required by Section 30.230.060, Required Findings, below.
All applications for Development Plans shall require public notice and hearing pursuant to Chapter 30.205, Common Procedures.
A Development Plan shall only be approved if the Review Authority makes all of the following findings in addition to any other findings required by this title.
The proposed development complies with all applicable provisions of this title;
The proposed development is consistent with the principles of sound community planning;
The proposed development will not have a significant adverse impact upon the community's aesthetics or character in that the size, bulk or scale of the development will be compatible with the neighborhood based on the Project Compatibility Analysis criteria found in Sections 22.22.145 or 22.68.045 of the Santa Barbara Municipal Code; and
The proposed development is consistent with the policies of the City of Santa Barbara Traffic Management Strategy (as approved by City Resolution No. 13-010 dated as of March 12, 2013) as expressed in the allocation allowances specified in Section 30.170.030, Traffic Management Strategy.
In approving a Development Plan, the Review Authority may impose reasonable conditions or restrictions deemed necessary to:
Achieve the general purposes of this title or the specific purpose of the zoning district in which the project is located;
Achieve the findings for Development Plan approval stated in this title; or
Mitigate impacts identified as a result of environmental review conducted in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act.
The Review Authority may require reasonable guarantees and evidence that the applicant is complying, or will comply, with the conditions of approval. Violation of any such condition may be grounds for suspension or revocation of the Development Plan approval or any permit or certificate of occupancy issued with respect to the Development Plan.
Development Plans are effective, and may only be extended or revised as provided in Chapter 30.205, Common Procedures, except as provided below.
Beginning Date – Development Plans Already Approved. The adoption of Ordinance 5609 shall not alter the date of approval of a Development Plan approved prior to the adoption of Ordinance 5609.
Specific Plan Development Plan Approvals. For the purposes of calculating the expiration date of a Specific Plan project Development Plan approved in accordance with the Airport Industrial Area Specific Plan (SP6-AIA), Development Plan approvals shall be deemed to expire eight years after the date of the final City action approving the project Development Plan and shall include any related project approvals or Modifications granted by the City in connection therewith.