The city shall always have the position of City Secretary. The position shall be appointed by the City Council. The City Secretary shall be considered an at-will employee of the city and may be terminated by the City Council at any time with or without cause. When appropriate, the City Council may appoint a Deputy City Secretary to perform the duties of the City Secretary when the City Secretary is unable to perform his/her duties.
(Ordinance 2023-O-049 adopted 11/29/2023)
The City Secretary shall perform the following duties for the City Council:
Attend each meeting of the City Council and keep accurate minutes of the City Council's proceedings;
Engross and enroll all laws, resolutions, and ordinances of the City Council;
Keep and maintain the city's corporate seal;
Take charge of, arrange, and maintain the records of the City Council;
Prepare all notices required under any regulation or ordinance of the city;
Notify the state judicial council of the name of each person who is elected or appointed as Mayor;
Keep all contracts made by the city;
Supervise all Deputy City Secretaries, deputy city clerks, and other office staff as determined by the City Council or City Manager;
Coordinate all elections;
Provide support to all boards and commissions of the city as directed by the City Council; and
Perform all other duties required by law, ordinance, resolution, or order of the mayor or City Council.
(Ordinance 2023-O-049 adopted 11/29/2023)
The City Secretary or Deputy City Secretary does not need to execute or post a bond or security before executing his/her duties.
(Ordinance 2023-O-049 adopted 11/29/2023)