The State Street Promenade is intended for use primarily by pedestrians as defined in Vehicle Code Section 467, bicycles as defined in Vehicle Code Section 231, and other forms of wheeled personal transportation consistent with use of a multi-use area, such as skateboards and scooters, but excluding automobiles, motorcycles, and similar motor vehicles. Under Vehicle Code Section 467, a pedestrian includes persons using electric personal assistive mobility devices, self-propelled wheelchairs, motorized tricycles, or motorized quadricycles as specified in that section. Under Vehicle Code Section 231, bicycle includes an electric bicycle. As used in this section the term motor vehicle has the same meaning as defined in Vehicle Code Section 415 but does not include bicycles or mobility devices used by pedestrians.
The State Street Promenade is closed to motor vehicles, except:
Emergency service vehicles;
Vehicles providing shuttle service by a government agency under terms and conditions established by the City Council;
Vehicles used for deliveries, maintenance, solid waste collection service, farmers' markets, construction activities, and special events, at times and under regulations established by the City Administrator.
The City Administrator is authorized to establish regulations for use of the roadway portion of the Promenade by pedestrians, bicycles, and other forms of wheeled transportation. Notwithstanding Section 10.06.010 of this Code, skateboards, roller skates, in-line skates, and similar devices are permitted within the roadway portion of the Promenade, subject to regulation adopted under this subsection. Sidewalks are reserved for exclusive use by pedestrians.
The Public Works Director is authorized to install and maintain traffic control signs, devices, fixtures, striping, and structures as approved by the City Engineer and the City Traffic Engineer necessary or convenient to implement this section, including signs advising of regulations adopted under subsection C.
Traffic regulations promulgated by the City Administrator under Ordinance No. 6055 will continue in effect unless amended or rescinded by the City Administrator as authorized by this section.
The City Administrator, with the consent of the City Traffic Engineer and as directed by the City Council, may authorize motor vehicle use of the portions of the Promenade and modify the roadway portion of the Promenade used by pedestrians, bicycles, and other forms of wheeled transportation.
(Ord. 6125, 2023)
The City Administrator, in consultation with the Fire Marshal and the City Traffic Engineer, may maintain modified traffic patterns on Victoria Street between State Street and Chapala Street and the 1300 block of State Street.
(Ord. 6125, 2023)
This chapter will remain in effect until the date of adoption of a master plan for downtown State Street or until December 31, 2026, whichever is earlier, unless before that date this section is amended or repealed.
(Ord. 6125, 2023)