There shall be the following named advisory boards and commissions which shall have the powers and duties herein stated. In addition, the City Council may create by ordinance such additional advisory boards or commissions as in its judgment are required, and may specify the number of members thereof, their terms and manner of appointment, and may grant to them such powers and duties as are consistent with the provisions of this Charter.
The City Council shall include in its annual budget such appropriations of funds as in its opinion shall be sufficient for the efficient and proper functioning of such boards and commissions. It also may by ordinance fix and establish the compensation, if any, to be paid to members of any such boards or commissions.
The members of each of the board or commissions hereinafter named in this Article shall be appointed by the City Council from the qualified electors of the City, shall remain qualified electors during their term of office, and shall not hold any full time paid office or employment in the City government. They shall be subject to removal by motion of the City Council adopted by the affirmative votes of a majority of the total membership thereof. The members thereof shall serve for terms of four years and until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. The terms shall be staggered so that the number of terms on any such board or commission expiring in any year shall not differ by more than one from the number of terms expiring any other year. Such terms shall expire on December thirty first of the appropriate year. A vacancy occurring before the expiration of a term shall be filled by appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term.
(Amended pursuant to election held November 2, 1982)
The members of the boards and commissions holding office when this Charter takes effect shall continue to hold office thereafter until their respective terms of office shall expire and until their successors shall be appointed and qualified. This section shall apply only to boards or commissions which are continued in existence under this Charter. If the membership of any board or commission is reduced or increased by this Charter, the members to be added or eliminated shall be determined by the City Council. The terms of the members of any existing board or commission shall be adjusted, if necessary, to comply with the provisions of this Charter.
As soon as practicable, following the first day of July of every year, each of such boards and commissions shall organize by electing one of its members to serve as presiding officer at the pleasure of the board or commission. All meetings of said boards and commissions shall be open to the public and all persons shall be permitted to attend such meetings, except that the provisions of this sentence shall not apply to executive sessions to consider the appointment, employment, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against any such officer or employee.
The City Administrator shall designate a recording secretary for each of such boards and commissions who need not be a member of such board or commission, and who shall keep a record of its proceedings and transactions. Each board or commission may prescribe its own rules and regulations, which shall be subject to the approval of the City Council. Copies of such rules shall be kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk where they shall be available for public inspection.
Each member of any such board or commission, and the secretary thereof, shall have the power to administer oaths and affirmations in any investigation or proceeding pending before such board or commission.
There shall be a Planning Commission consisting of seven members. The City Attorney, or one of his assistants or deputies, shall attend all meeting of the Planning Commission unless excused therefrom. The Planning Commission shall have the power and duty to:
Recommend to the City Council, after a public hearing thereon, the adoption, amendment or repeal of a General Plan, or any part thereof, and any specific or precise plans it may deem advisable for guidance in the physical development of the City.
Exercise such functions with respect to land subdivisions as shall be provided by ordinance not inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter.
Exercise such functions with respect to zoning, buildings, land use, redevelopment, conservation, proposed public works and related matters as may be prescribed by ordinance not inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter.
Perform such other functions not inconsistent with this Charter as may be delegated to it by the City Council.
(Amended pursuant to election held November 2, 1982)
There shall be a Library Board consisting of five members which shall be a continuation of the previously existing Board of Library Trustees, and which shall have the power and duty to:
Make recommendations to the City Council as to policy concerning the operation and conduct of City Libraries and all Library facilities for which the City is responsible.
Recommend to the City Council rules and regulations and by-laws for the administration and protection of such Libraries and Library facilities.
Recommend to the City Council the duties and qualifications of the Librarian.
Make recommendations on policy concerning the acquisition, disposition, availability and use of books, journals, reports, maps, publications and other personal property.
Make recommendations concerning the purchase or lease of real property and the rental or provision for adequate facilities, buildings or rooms for Library purposes.
Consider with the Librarian the annual budget for Library purposes during the process of its preparation and make recommendations with respect thereto to the City Council and the City Administrator.
Within 60 days after the close of each fiscal year, report to the City Council on the work, accomplishments and condition of the Libraries during the preceding fiscal year and on such other matters deemed expedient by the Library Board.
Exercise such other functions not inconsistent with this Charter as may be prescribed by ordinance.
There shall be a Board of Civil Service Commissioners consisting of five members, none of the members of which while a member of said Board or for a period of one year after he has ceased for any reason to be a member, shall occupy or be eligible for appointment to any salaried office of employment in the service of the City. The Board of Civil Service Commissioners shall have the power and be required to:
Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council and City Administrator on personnel administration.
After a public hearing thereon, recommend to the City Council, the adoption, amendment or repeal of personnel rules and regulations.
Make any investigation upon request of the City Council or upon its own motion concerning the administration of personnel or conditions of employment in the municipal service and report its findings to the City Council and City Administrator.
Hear appeals of any officer or employee under the Civil Service System, who is suspended, demoted or removed, and report in writing to the appointing power and City Council, its findings, conclusions, recommendations and decision thereon, and its decision shall be binding on the appointing or removing power.
Exercise such functions with respect to personnel or the Civil Service System, not inconsistent herewith, as may be prescribed by this Charter or by ordinance.
There shall be a Parks and Recreation Commission consisting of seven members. Notwithstanding Section 802 of this Charter, the City Council may, by ordinance, establish a method for transitioning the former Board of Park Commissioners and the former Recreation Commission into a combined Parks and Recreation Commission as well as to provide that one member of the Parks and Recreation Commission may be an individual residing within the City who is of age 16 years or older to be nominated, appointed, and to serve in a manner specified by the ordinance adopted by the City Council. The Parks and Recreation Commission shall have the power and duty to:
Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to parks, recreation, beaches, creeks, plazas, parkways, and street trees.
Consider the annual budget for parks, recreation, beaches, creeks, plazas, parkways, and street tree purposes during the process of its preparation and make recommendations with respect thereto to the City Council and the City Administrator.
Assist in the planning of parks, recreation, beaches, creeks, plazas, and street trees for the inhabitants of the City, promote and stimulate public interest therein, and to that end solicit to the fullest extent possible the cooperation of school authorities and other public and private agencies interested therein.
Perform such other duties not inconsistent with this Charter as may be prescribed by ordinance.
(Amended pursuant to election held November 3, 2009)
There shall be a Board of Harbor Commissioners consisting of seven members which shall have the power and duty to:
Recommend and act in advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to the operation of all vessels and water craft within the Harbor of the City, the use, control, operation, promotion and regulation of said Harbor, the construction, improvement, erection, dredging, maintenance and operation of the said Harbor and all navigable waters, buildings, structures, wharves, docks, piers, warehouses, railroads, appliances, utilities and facilities forming a part of or accessory to or relating to said Harbor or to water commerce, navigation or fishery in or about said Harbor, as the same may now exist or may hereafter be extended.
Recommend to the City Council plans, rules and regulations pertaining to any of the matters listed in (a) above, or to the fixing of rates, tolls, fees, rents, charges or other payments to be made to or by the City in connection with the said Harbor or the use or operation thereof or of anything accessory thereto or connected therewith.
Consider the annual budget for the Harbor Department during the process of its preparation and make recommendations with respect thereto to the City Council and City Administrator.
Make recommendations to the City Council regarding the desirable qualifications and duties of the Harbor Manager or other head of the Harbor Department.
Make recommendations to the City Council concerning the acquisition, disposition or repair of equipment, facilities, materials and supplies relating to the Harbor Department.
Perform such other functions or duties, not inconsistent with this Charter, as may be prescribed by ordinance.
Notwithstanding Charter Section 802, one member of the Harbor Commission need not be a qualified elector of the City so long as he or she is, at the time of appointment, a qualified elector of Santa Barbara County and remains so qualified while a Commissioner.
(Amended pursuant to election held November 3, 2009)
There shall be an Airport Commission which shall be responsible for matters pertaining to management and operation of the Airport facilities of the City.
The City Council shall, by ordinance, provide for the powers and duties of the Commission, the number of members, the qualifications of members and the members' terms of office. All members shall be appointed by the City Council, but the ordinance may authorize appointment of members selected by other public entities. Notwithstanding Section 802 of this Charter, the members of the Commission need not be electors of the City, and may be non-residents.
Notwithstanding other sections of this Charter, the Council may, by ordinance, grant to the Commission the power and duty to manage and operate the Airport including: (1) the selection and appointment of employees; (2) the execution of leases; (3) the construction, improvement, erection, maintenance and operation of all buildings, structures, accessories, equipment, utilities, appliances, materials and supplies related to said Airport and; (4) the acquisition of, disposition of or repair of facilities, equipment and supplies related to the Airport.
The Council may, by ordinance, authorize the Commission to promulgate rules and regulations related to operation and maintenance of the Airport, including the fixing of rates, tolls, fees, rents, charges or other payments to be made to or by the City in connection with the Airport. However, all matters required to be accomplished by ordinance shall be submitted to the City Council for approval and adoption.
(Amended pursuant to election held November 5, 1974)
There shall be a Board of Water Commissioners consisting of five members which shall have the power and duty to:
Recommend and act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to the management, extension and operation of the Water Department and water facilities of the City, as the same may now or hereafter exist, including the development, production, distribution and use of water, the construction, improvement, erection, installation, maintenance and operation of all buildings, dams, reservoirs, structures, accessories, equipment, utilities, appliances and facilities relating to the said Water Department and water facilities thereof.
Recommend to the City Council plans, rules and regulations pertaining to any of the matters listed in (a) above, or to the fixing of rates, tolls, fees, rents, charges or other payments to be made to or by the City in connection with said Water Department or water system or the use or operation thereof or of anything accessory thereto or connected therewith including the distribution, use and consumption of water.
Consider the annual budget for the Water Department during the process of its preparation and make recommendations with respect thereto to the City Council and City Administrator.
Make recommendations to the City Council regarding the desirable qualifications and duties of the Superintendent of Water Works, or other head of the Water Department.
Make recommendations to the City Council concerning the acquisition, disposition or repair of equipment, facilities, equipment and supplies relating to the Water Department or water system.
Perform such other functions or duties, not inconsistent with this Charter, as may be prescribed by ordinance.
There shall be an Architectural Board of Review composed of seven members. At least two members of such Board shall be licensed architects, and at least three other members shall possess professional experience in related fields, including, but not limited to, landscape architecture, building design, structural engineering or industrial design. Notwithstanding Charter Section 802, three members of the Architectural Board of Review need not be qualified electors of the City at the time of their appointment so long as they are qualified electors of Santa Barbara County and remain so qualified during their terms on the Board. Four members shall constitute a quorum, one of which shall be an architect. The Board shall have the power and duty to:
Review and approve, conditionally approve or disapprove all applications for a building permit for the erection or exterior alteration of any type, nature or kind of building, structure or sign that may be specified by ordinance as requiring such action within any area, district or zone of the City, except for those applications subject to review by the Historic Landmarks Commission. Any application for a building permit, except for those applications subject to review by the Historic Landmarks Commission, for the erection or exterior alteration of any such type, nature or kind of building, structure or sign within any such area, district or zone shall be referred to said Board before issuance, together with plans, elevations and site plans therefor. Any applicant may appeal in writing to the City Council from any action or decision of the Architectural Board of Review, whereupon the City Council may approve, conditionally approve or disapprove such application, and the decision of the City Council shall be final. No such building permit shall be issued except in accordance with the approval of the Architectural Board of Review, or on appeal of the City Council. The City Council shall, by ordinance consistent with this Charter, implement the provisions of this section, including those ordinance provisions deemed necessary to properly transition the Board from nine members to seven members.
Consider and be guided by in approving, conditionally approving or disapproving any such application or permit, the protection and preservation as nearly as is practicable of the natural charm and beauty of the area in which the City is located and the historical style, qualities and characteristics of the buildings, structures and architectural features associated with and established by its long, illustrious and distinguished past.
Perform such other functions or duties, not inconsistent with this Charter, as may be prescribed by ordinance.
(Amended pursuant to elections held November 2, 1982; November 2, 1993; November 3, 2009)
See Section 1101 of this Charter.
There shall be a Board of Fire and Police Commissioners composed of five members. The Board of Fire and Police Commissioners shall have the following powers and duties:
Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council and City Administrator in all matters relating to efficient and adequate Fire and Police protection for the City of Santa Barbara.
Recommend to the City Council and City Administrator rules and regulations concerning the operation and conduct of the Fire and Police Departments.
Consider with the Chiefs of the respective Fire and Police Departments an annual budget of such Departments and make recommendations with respect thereto to the City Council and City Administrator.
Recommend to the City Administrator and City Council appointments to the offices of Fire Chief and Chief of Police.
Exercise such other functions, powers and duties not inconsistent with this Charter as may be prescribed by ordinance.
There shall be an Historic Landmarks Commission consisting of nine members. Commission members shall have demonstrated knowledge of the history and architecture of the City of Santa Barbara. Notwithstanding Section 802 of this Charter, up to four members of the Commission need not be electors of the City, and may be non-residents. At least two members shall be licensed architects, one member shall be a professional architectural historian, and one member shall be a licensed landscape architect. In addition, there shall be one or more members who may not qualify for the above categories and who shall represent the public at large.
The Historic Landmarks Commission shall have the power and duty to:
Recommend to the City Council that certain structures, natural features, sites or areas having historic, architectural, archaeological, cultural or aesthetic significance be designated as a Landmark;
Designate certain structures or objects having historic, architectural, archaeological, cultural or aesthetic significance as Structures of Merit;
Review and approve, disapprove, or approve with conditions, plans for exterior alteration, demolition, relocation, moving, or construction of or on: (1) any structures or real property within El Pueblo Viejo Landmark District, (2) any structures or real property within any designated Landmark District, (3) any additional property authorized by action of the City Council; (4) a designated Landmark. The area described in Section 22.22.100 of the Santa Barbara Municipal Code as it exists at the time of this amendment shall comprise El Pueblo Viejo Landmark District. Its boundaries may be expanded by the City Council through the adoption of appropriate ordinances. Any applicant may appeal in writing to the City Council from any action or decision of the Historic Landmarks Commission, whereupon the City Council may approve, conditionally approve or disapprove such application and the decision of the City Council shall be final. Any structure, natural feature, site or area owned or leased by any public entity shall not be subject to the provisions of this Section with the exception of those owned or leased by the City unless the City Council determines in its discretion that such review is unnecessary;
Perform such other functions or duties, not inconsistent with this Charter, as may be prescribed by ordinance.
(Approved by election held November 2, 1993)