No person at or near a fire shall obstruct or impede fighting of the fire, interfere with Fire Department personnel or Fire Department apparatus, behave in a disorderly manner or refuse to observe promptly any order of a member of the Fire or Police Department.
For purposes of this section, members of the Fire Department are endowed with the same powers of arrest as are conferred on peace officers for violations of City ordinances.
(Ord. 851-A § 2, 1989)
No person shall drink or consume an alcoholic beverage in or on a street, alley, mall, parking lot or structure, motor vehicle, public grounds or other public place unless the place has been licensed for that purpose by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission. Consumption of an alcoholic beverage is permitted in a park if reviewed and approved by the Chief of Police or designee prior to any consumption.
(Ord. 851-A § 3, 1989; Ord. 1178-A § 1, 2013)
No person shall create or assist in creating or permit the continuance of unreasonable noise in the City. The following enumeration of violations of this section is not exclusive but is illustrative of some unreasonable noises.
Keeping an animal that, by loud and frequent continued noise, disturbs the comfort and repose of a person in the vicinity.
Using an engine, thing or device that is so loaded, out of repair or operated in such a manner as to create a loud or unnecessary grating, grinding, rattling or other noise.
Using a mechanical device operated by compressed air, steam or otherwise, unless the noise created by it is effectively muffled.
Construction, excavation, demolition, alteration or repair of a building or infrastructure, including streets, embankments, sewer and water lines, between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. that is loud enough to disturb persons in its vicinity or in a manner that makes it a public nuisance. However, in the case of an emergency repair, the City Manager may grant permission to make emergency repairs after hours for a period of 72 hours, in order to assist public safety, maintain public services, or reduce loss to property or life safety. Any scheduled repairs that require work to be done between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. shall be brought to the City Commission for approval.
Using or operating a sound-amplifying device so loudly that it disturbs persons in its vicinity, or in a manner that makes it a public nuisance. However, on application to the City Commission, permits may be granted to broadcast music, news, speeches or general entertainment.
(Ord. 851-A § 4, 1989; Ord. 1271, 3/12/2024)