No operator of a vehicle shall proceed from one street to an intersecting street by crossing private property. This provision shall not apply to the operator of a vehicle who stops on the property for the purpose of procuring or providing goods or services.
(Ord. 842-A § 9, 1989)
No operator shall permit a passenger and no passenger shall ride on a vehicle upon a street except on a portion of the vehicle designed or intended for the use of passengers. This provision shall not apply to an employee engaged in the necessary discharge of a duty or to a person riding within a truck body in space intended for merchandise.
No person shall board or alight from a vehicle while the vehicle is in motion upon a street.
(Ord. 842-A § 10, 1989)
No person shall use the streets for traveling on skis, toboggans, sleds or similar devices, except where authorized.
(Ord. 842-A § 11, 1989)
The operator of a motor vehicle shall not drive upon a sidewalk or roadside planting strip except to cross at a permanent or temporary driveway.
No unauthorized person shall place dirt, wood or other material in the gutter or space next to the curb of a street with the intention of using it as a driveway.
No person shall remove a portion of a curb or move a motor vehicle or device moved by a motor vehicle upon a curb or sidewalk without first obtaining authorization and posting bond if required. A person who causes damage shall be held responsible for the cost of repair.
(Ord. 842-A § 12, 1989)
A party to a vehicle accident or a person causing broken glass or other debris to be upon a street shall remove the glass and other debris from the street, except when commercial tow/wrecker is involved.
(Ord. 842-A § 13, 1989)
No person shall store or permit to be stored on a street or other public property, without permission of the Commission, a motor vehicle or personal property for a period in excess of 24 hours. Failure to move a motor vehicle or other personal property for a period of 24 hours shall constitute prima facie evidence of storage of a motor vehicle.
(Ord. 842-A § 14, 1989)