The purpose of the General Industrial Zone is to provide sites for employment-related industries such as light, heavy, and airport-related industrial activities in the City of Warrenton. These areas are suitable for uses involving manufacturing, fabrication, processing, transshipment and bulk storage. General Industrial areas are near or adjacent to arterial transportation corridors.
(Ord. 1258 § 2, 2022)
The following uses and activities and their accessory uses and activities are permitted in the I-1 zone if the Community Development Director determines that the uses conform to the standards of Section 16.60.040, applicable Development Code standards, and other City regulations:
Production, processing, assembling, packaging or treatment of such products as food and beverage products, pharmaceutical, hardware and machine products. Retail of products made on site is permitted as an accessory use.
Production, processing, assembling, packaging or treatment of articles and products from previously-prepared or semi-finished materials, such as paper, wood, rubber, plastics, fibers and sheet metal.
Research and development laboratories and similar uses.
Printing facilities.
Public utility facilities such as power stations, sewage and water treatment plants.
Storage and distribution services and facilities (i.e., truck terminals, warehouses and storage buildings and yards, contractor's establishments, lumber yards and sales) or similar uses.
Vehicle repair (welding, painting and service, and parts facilities).
Airport support structures: hangars, weather stations, fuel terminals and storage buildings, etc.
Contractor shop or equipment storage yard for storage and rental of equipment commonly used by a contractor.
Cabinet, carpenter, woodworking, metal fabrication shops or similar establishments.
Professional, financial, medical, or business offices.
Public utilities, including structures, pipelines, cables, and utility crossings.
Passive restoration.
Government buildings and uses.
Transportation facilities and improvements subject to the standards of Section 16.20.040.
Dredge material disposal (DMD) subject to Section 16.60.040 (site 20S), and Chapter 16.104.
Community garden(s) (see definitions).
Food and/or beverage trucks or carts.
Similar uses to those listed in this section.
(Ord. 1186-A § 5, 2014; Ord. 1196-A § 3, 2015; Ord. 1605-A § 1, 2016; Ord. 1249 § 2, 2022; Ord. 1258 § 2, 2022)
The following uses and activities and their accessory uses and activities may be permitted in the I-1 zone when approved under Chapter 16.220, and subject to the provisions in Section 16.60.040, Development Standards:
Heavy fabrication of finished or semi-finished products from raw materials.
Airport runway extensions or relocations.
One caretaker unit for each primary industrial use on a lot or parcel subject to the following conditions:
The unit shall be served with public water and sanitary sewerage disposal, in conformance with City engineering and public works requirements.
The unit shall meet all applicable fire, safety, and building code requirements.
The unit shall be located no closer than 10 feet to any property line.
New community or technical college or similar campus type facilities subject to institutional master plan standards in Chapter 16.224.
New mini warehouse or similar storage facilities.
Recreational marijuana production, recreational marijuana processing, or recreational marijuana whole-sale activities, subject to Section 16.60.040(N).
Similar uses as those listed in this section.
(Ord. 1249 § 2, 2022; Ord. 1258 § 2, 2022)
The following standards are applicable in the I-1 zone:
Air Quality. The air quality standards set by the Department of Environmental Quality shall be the guiding standards in this zone, except that open burning is prohibited in any case.
Noise. As may be permitted under all applicable laws and regulations.
Storage. All materials, including wastes, shall be stored and maintained in a manner that will not attract or aid the propagation of insects or rodents or other animals or birds, or otherwise create a health hazard or nuisance.
Fencing. Will be allowed inside a boundary planting screen and where it is necessary to protect property of the use concerned or to protect the public from a dangerous condition. Proposed fence locations and design shall be subject to City review.
Buffer. Where this zone adjoins another non-industrial zone there shall be a buffer area at least 10 feet wide to provide a dense evergreen landscape buffer which attains a mature height of eight feet, or such other screening measures as may be prescribed by the City in the event differences in elevation or other circumstances should defeat the purpose of this requirement.
Vibration. No vibration other than that caused by highway vehicles, trains and aircraft shall be permitted which is discernible without instruments at the property line of the use concerned.
Airport Interference. No use shall create electrical or lighting interference with the operations of the Port of Astoria Airport.
Setbacks. The minimum front, side and rear yard setbacks shall be 10 feet. When across a street from a non-industrial zone, the setback from the property line shall be 10 feet. When a property abuts a nonindustrial zone, the setback shall be as follows:
50 feet for buildings and other structures more than 10 feet in height;
30 feet for buildings and structures more than six feet high but not more than 10 feet high; and
10 feet for structures no more than six feet high (except fences no more than six feet high may be on the property line).
All development shall comply with the wetland and riparian area protection standards of Chapter 16.156.
Building Height. The maximum building height shall be 45 feet, except that it may be lower under either of the following circumstances:
Within 100 feet of a non-industrial zone, where the maximum building height shall be the same as the maximum building height in that zone.
Within the Airport Hazard Overlay Zone, where the maximum building height is described by the Airport Hazard Overlay Zone.
All other applicable Code requirements shall be satisfied.
All new sewer and water connections for a proposed development shall comply with all City regulations.
Prior to undertaking disposal, the dredging project proponent shall consult with the Army Corps and Oregon DSL to determine if the disposal site contains wetlands that are regulated under permit programs administered by those agencies. If the site contains regulated wetlands, the dredging project proponent shall either alter the disposal site boundaries to avoid the wetlands and leave an acceptable protective buffer, or obtain the necessary Corps and DSL permits to fill the wetlands.
Recreational marijuana production, recreational marijuana processing, and recreational marijuana wholesale activities shall be located only east of Highway 101 and at least 1,000 feet from any public or private school, church, public park or child care center, and shall operate exclusively as a single building occupant or with other licensed medical marijuana dispensaries or recreational marijuana retail outlets.
(Ord. 1196-A § 4, 2015; Ord. 1249 § 2, 2022)