The enacting clause of all ordinances hereafter enacted shall be, "The city of Warrenton ordains as follows:"
Except as the second and third paragraphs of this section provide to the contrary, every ordinance of the commission shall, before being put upon its final passage, be read fully and distinctly in open commission meeting on two different days.
Except as the third paragraph of this section provides to the contrary, an ordinance may be enacted at a single meeting of the commission by unanimous vote of all commission members present, upon being read first in full and then by title.
Any of the readings may be by title only if no commission member present at the meeting requests to have the ordinance read in full or if a copy of the ordinance is provided for each commission member and three copies are provided for public inspection in the office of the city auditor not later than one week before the first reading of the ordinance; and if notice of their availability is given forthwith upon the filing, by written notice posted at the City Hall and two other public places in the city or by advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the city. An ordinance enacted after being read by title alone may have no legal effect if it differs substantially from its terms as it was thus filed prior to such reading, unless each section incorporating such difference is read fully and distinctly in open commission meeting as finally amended prior to being approved by the commission.
Upon the final vote on an ordinance, the ayes and nays of the members shall be taken and entered in the record of proceeding.
Upon the enactment of an ordinance, the auditor shall sign it with the date of its passage and his name and title of office, and within three days thereafter the mayor shall sign it with the date of his signature, his name, and title of his office.
An ordinance enacted by the commission shall take effect on the thirtieth day after its enactment. When the commission does deem it advisable, however, an ordinance may provide a later time for it to take effect, and in case of an emergency, it may take effect immediately.