A person shall not deal, play, carry on, open, cause to be opened or conduct any game played with cards, dice or other device for money, checks, credits or other thing of value. A person shall not bet at any such game.
A person shall not knowingly permit any game prohibited by this chapter to be played, conducted or dealt, in any house or other premises owned by, rented by or in the lawful possession of such person.
A person shall not resort to, attend, visit or be in any house, room or other place in the City where there is any gambling being conducted, played or carried on.
The Chief of Police shall destroy anything which is used, kept, placed or maintained in violation of any statute or of this chapter after any person owning, possessing or having control of such cards, game or thing has pleaded guilty to or has been convicted of such violation and such plea of guilty or conviction has become final.
The Chief of Police shall apply to the judge of any court which has custody of anything subject to destruction under the terms of this chapter for an order releasing such cards, game or thing to him or her for the purpose of complying with this chapter.
The Chief of Police shall deposit in the City Treasury to the credit of the general fund all money contained in anything he or she destroys pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. He or she shall destroy all other contents of such game or thing.
No person, either as principal, agent, employee or otherwise, shall let or lease any telegraph or telephone line or wire knowing that it is to be used for the purpose of conducting or carrying on a pool room, or for the purpose of conducting the business of making books or selling pools on races or other contests, or of betting or laying of wagers upon the result of any race or contest. No person shall transmit any message over any telephone or telegraph line or wire owned, controlled or leased by any person engaged in conducting or carrying on a pool room, or in conducting the business of making books or selling pools on races or other contests, or of betting or laying of wagers upon the result of any race or contest, knowing that such message is to be used in conducting or carrying on such pool room business.
For the purposes of this section, a "pool room" is defined to be a room or place where betting or laying of wagers upon the result of races or contests is carried on as a business.
It is unlawful for any person to have in his or her possession in the City any written or printed form, chart, table, list, sheet, circular or publication of any kind, giving or purporting to give, or represented as giving, any list, or probable or possible list, of entries for any horse race or other contest thereafter anywhere to take place or which is anywhere taking place, if there be written or printed or published as part thereof, or in connection therewith, or in any other publication, printing or writing accompanying the same or referring thereto or connected therewith, any tip, information, prediction or selection of, or advice as to, or key, cipher or cryptogram indicating, containing or giving any tip, information, publication or selection of, or advice as to the winner or probable winner, or a loser or probable loser, or the result or probable result of any such race or other contest or the standing or probable standing of any horse or other contestant therein, or any statement as to, or comment upon, or reference to, the form, condition or standing of any horse or other contestant, or the actual, probable or possible result of any race or contest, or the actual, probable or possible state, past, present or future, of the betting, wagering or odds upon or against any horse or other contestant named in such list, or probable or possible list, of entries unless the names of such horses or other contestants shall be arranged in such list, or probable or possible list, in alphabetical order, and shall all be printed in type of the same size and face and of identical appearance, and shall all be printed flush with the left side of the column in which the same are printed, or all an equal distance therefrom.
This chapter does not prohibit any act either positively permitted or prohibited by state law.
Bingo Defined. "Bingo" means a game of chance in which prizes are awarded on the basis of designated numbers or symbols on a card which conform to numbers or symbols selected at random. Notwithstanding Section 330c of the California Penal Code, as used in this section, the game of bingo shall include cards having numbers or symbols which are concealed and preprinted in a manner providing for distribution of prizes. The winning cards shall not be known prior to the game by any person participating in the playing or operation of the bingo game. All such preprinted cards shall bear the legend, "For sale or use only in a bingo game authorized under California law and pursuant to local ordinance."
Specified Organizations Permitted to Conduct Bingo. No individual, corporation, partnership or other legal entity shall be permitted to conduct a bingo game, except organizations exempted from the payment of the Bank and Corporation Tax by sections 23701a, 23701b, 23701d, 23701e, 23701f, 23701g and 23701 1 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, and by mobilehome park associations and senior citizens’ organizations.
Permit Required. No individual, corporation, partnership or other legal entity shall conduct a bingo game without first obtaining a permit in accordance with this chapter.
Application for Permit. Written application for a permit required by this section shall be made under penalty of perjury and filed with the City Manager or designee. Such application shall contain:
The name of the organization and the names and addresses of all of the officers of the organization. The application shall be signed by two officers of the organization.
Days and hours of operation of bingo games.
Copy of certificate or letter from the Franchise Tax Board evidencing exempt status under sections 23701a, 2370b, 23701d, 23701e, 23701f, 23701g or 23701 l of Revenue and Taxation Code, if so exempt.
Address of premises where bingo games will be conducted.
Statement of ownership or lease of premises where bingo games will be conducted.
Purposes for which such premises are used by the organization.
Name of each individual, corporation, partnership or other legal entity which has a financial interest in the conduct of the bingo games.
Name(s) of person(s) responsible for the operation of the bingo games.
The location and signatures of the special bank account(s) required by this section.
The application shall be accompanied by the appropriate permit fee.
Investigation and Report. The City Manager or designee shall investigate the application to determine whether it complies with the provisions of this section and Section 4.12.150 of this code. The City Manager or designee shall make a written report and recommendation to the City Council within 60 days from the filing of the application. The City Manager or designee shall have the authority to obtain criminal history information for each person operating or assisting in the operation of a bingo game, for purposes of determining those who have been convicted within the past five years of crimes involving lotteries, gambling, larceny, perjury, bribery, extortion, fraud or similar crimes involving moral turpitude, and to present such information to the City Council. Any such criminal history information shall be confidential and shall be plainly marked "Confidential—Not for public distribution."
Determination on Application. The application shall be heard by the City Council in accordance with Section 4.12.150.
Permit Fees and Term. An annual permit fee of $50.00 shall be paid in advance each year with the application. If the application is denied one-half of the fee shall be returned to the organization. An additional fee of one percent of the monthly gross receipts over $5,000.00 derived from bingo games shall be collected monthly by the City from each permittee with gross receipts in excess of $5,000.00. Any permit issued in accordance with this section shall be for a term of one year.
All receipts of bingo games shall be used only for charitable purposes.
No person shall receive or pay a profit, wage or salary from any bingo game authorized herein, except security personnel employed by the organization conducting the bingo game may be paid from the revenues of the bingo game.
No minors shall be allowed to participate in any bingo game.
An organization authorized to conduct bingo games pursuant to this section shall conduct a bingo game only on property owned or leased by it, or property whose use is donated to the organization, and which property is used by such organization for an office or for performance of the purposes for which the organization is organized.
All bingo games shall be open to the public.
A bingo game shall be operated and staffed only by members of the authorized organization which organized it, excepting security personnel employed by the organization.
No individual, corporation, partnership or other legal entity, except the organization authorized to conduct a bingo game, shall hold a financial interest in the conduct of such bingo game.
All profits derived from a bingo game shall be kept in a special fund or account and shall not be commingled with any other fund or account.
No person shall be allowed to participate in a bingo game, unless the person is physically present at the time and place at which the bingo game is being conducted.
The total value of prizes awarded during the conduct of any bingo game shall not exceed $250.00 in cash or kind, or both, for each separate game which is held.
Each organization conducting a bingo game shall maintain detailed records of all profits, expenditures, prizes and other expenses associated with the operation of bingo games. Said records shall be retained for such period of time as required by state and federal law and for a period of three years for purposes of this section.
Permits granted under this section shall not be transferable, either as to permittee or location. Any attempt to transfer shall render the permit invalid.
Any permit issued in accordance with this section shall contain the following information:
The name and nature of the organization to whom the license is issued.
The address where bingo games are authorized to be conducted.
The date of the expiration of such permit.
The names and addresses of the officers of the organization.
Any special limitations imposed on the operation of the bingo game by the City Council.
Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
A violation of subsection (H)(1) of this section shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000.00, which fine shall be deposited in the general fund of the City.