The City Council hereby makes the following findings:
In order to increase the City's revenue base, increase job opportunities and to enhance the livability of our City, the City Council seeks to establish an Economic Development Commission to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council, Commissions, or City staff as directed by City Council, and as appropriate in matters pertaining to economic development, including but not limited to manufacturing, marketing, retail, tourism, business expansion, revitalization and agriculture.
The Economic Development Commission will make recommendations to the Blue Lake City Council and Planning Commission with respect to plans, projects, zoning regulations and proposals affecting the Blue Lake Business Park and other areas within the City limits identified for business development.
The Economic Development Commission will review economic trends and make recommendations to strengthen the economic well-being of the City.
The Economic Development Commission shall consist of five members who shall be selected for their interest, knowledge or experience in one or more of the following areas: banking, real estate, the arts, agriculture, small business, tourism, industry, commerce, construction, housing, science and technology, or employee relations. No fewer than two members shall be residents of the City of Blue Lake, and the remaining members must either live, work or conduct business in the geographical area encompassed within a three-mile radius of Blue Lake City Hall. Members will be appointed by the City Council: Commission members shall receive no compensation.
When a vacancy occurs or is anticipated, for whatever reason, the chair of the Commission shall so certify to the City Council through the City Clerk. The City Council shall declare such vacancy at its next regular meeting and publish notice of the vacancy for at least 30 days. Commission members whose terms have expired or who had previously served on the Economic Development Commission and who desire reappointment shall be considered with other nominees.
Commissioners appointed by the City Council will serve a term of two years. Terms of office for each Commissioner will be for two years except those initially appointed for one-year terms. Appointments will expire on January 30th. All Commissioners appointed after January 30th will continue with terms expiring on January 30th of the year closest to the end of their term. When a Commissioner's normal term of office is to expire, the City Council shall declare the vacancy in December at a City Council meeting. The City Council will have the City Clerk notice the vacancy(ies) for at least 30 days and will fill the vacancy(ies) as soon as possible.
A Commissioner's term of office will terminate if a member fails to meet the established membership criteria, or if the member misses, without cause, three consecutive meetings. Economic Development Commission members may be removed from office by a simple majority vote of three or more City Council members.
At its first meeting for the purpose of the first year after adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter, and thereafter at the first meeting of each calendar year, the Economic Development Commission shall appoint among its members a chairperson, vice-chairperson and secretary. The chairperson shall set meeting agendas and provide agenda for public posting 72 hours prior to the meeting; the chairperson will preside at meetings and call special meetings when necessary. The vice-chair shall, in the chairperson's absence, perform the duties of the chairperson. The secretary shall record the minutes of the meetings. The Commission shall designate a Commissioner to represent the Commission at City Council meetings if the Commission wishes to make a presentation to the City Council or if the City Council is considering an item that is under the purview of the Economic Development Commission.
Records of the Economic Development Commission proceedings, including such things as agendas and meeting minutes, shall be kept as public records and filed with the City Clerk.
The Economic Development Commission shall hold regular meetings once monthly or as necessary on call of the Commission chair. Meetings will be held in the City Hall Chamber (Skinner Store), unless adjourned to or scheduled for another place of meeting and written notice has been given. Meetings will normally be held every month at an established time. All meetings and matters of business of the Commission will be conducted in accordance with provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code Sections 54950 through 54926, currently enacted and amended by the State of California. The Economic Development Commission will provide regular updates to the City Council either through formal presentation or written reports on a quarterly basis or upon request by the City Council.
The following shall be the order of business at regular meetings of the Economic Development Commission:
Roll call and establishment of a quorum.
Approval of minutes of previous meetings.
Public input.
Action items
The Economic Development Commission shall serve at the direction of the Blue Lake City Council. The Commission shall have the following duties:
To serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council and as appropriate or directed, the City Manager, designated City staff and Commissions, in all matters pertaining to economic development in the City of Blue Lake.
To review all policy issues as requested by the City Council, and as appropriate or directed, the City Manager and designated City staff, regarding economic development activities and to provide recommendations.
Recommend to the City Council, the City Manager and as appropriate or directed, designated City staff, the creation or amendment of rules, regulations, and ordinances relating to economic development activities in the City of Blue Lake.
To advise the City Council, as appropriate or directed, the City Manager and designated City staff, on the acquisition and/or use of property for economic development purposes.
To foster relationships with other entities in order to promote and develop programs and projects of mutual benefit.
To work with the City Council, as appropriate or directed, the City Manager and designated City staff, on implementation of the City's strategic plan and the strategic vision for the City and to provide recommendations on strategic plan updates.
Perform other duties relating to economic development as may be prescribed by the City Council.
The provisions of the City of Blue Lake's Conflict of Interest Code shall apply to all members of the Blue Lake Economic Development Commission.
If any section, subsection, sentence, phrase, portion or part of the ordinance codified in this chapter is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the chapter. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted the ordinance codified in this chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, part or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, clauses, phrases, parts or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional.