There is established in the city a housing commission in accordance with the provisions of Section 34291 of the California Health and Safety Code.
(Prior code Ch. 7, Art. IV § 1; Ord. 533, 1976)
The housing commission shall consist of seven members, none of whom shall hold any paid office or employment in the city government. Two members of the commission shall be tenants of the housing authority of the city, if the city has tenants, and shall meet the qualifications for tenant members contained in Sections 34286 and 34290 of the California Health and Safety Code.
The members of the commission shall be appointed by the city council and shall be subject to removal by motion of the city council, adopted by the affirmative votes of the majority thereof.
Each of the five members of the commission who are not required to be tenants of the housing authority shall serve for a term of four years and until their respective successors are appointed and qualify; provided, however, that the terms of the commission members first appointed shall expire as designated by the city council at the time of their appointment, as follows:
Three of the commission members shall be designated to serve for terms of one, two and three years, respectively, from the date of their appointment; and
Two shall be designated to serve for terms of four years from the date of their appointment.
Each of the two commission members who are tenants of the housing authority shall serve for terms of two years from the date of their appointment, and their successors shall be tenants.
A vacancy occurring before the expiration of a term of a commission member shall be filled by appointment by the city council for the remainder of the term. If a tenant member ceases to be a tenant of the housing authority, he or she shall be disqualified as a member, and another tenant shall be appointed to fill the unexpired term.
(Prior code Ch. 7, Art. IV § 2; Ord. 533, 1976)
The commission shall, as soon as practical after organization under this chapter, elect a chairman and vice-chairman from among its members. The chairman and vice-chairman shall serve for a term of one year and until the successor of each is appointed and qualifies. The commission shall appoint a secretary who need not be a member of the commission.
The commission shall adopt bylaws for the transactions of its business and shall keep a public record of its resolutions, transactions, findings and determinations.
The commission shall meet at least four times during each calendar year. A regular meeting time and place may be established by the commission. A majority of the members of the commission shall constitute a quorum.
(Prior code § Ch. 7, Art. IV § 3; Ord. 533, 1976)
The housing commission shall have the powers and duties imposed by state law and shall perform such advisory functions as may, by ordinance or resolution, be required from time to time by the city council of the city.
(Prior code Ch. 7, Art. IV § 4; Ord. 533, 1976)
Members of the commission shall not receive compensation for attendance at commission meetings, but shall be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses incurred in the performance of their duties while away from the city in accordance with city council policy and to the extent that appropriations for such travel allowance have been provided by the city council.
(Prior code Ch. 7, Art. IV § 5; Ord. 533, 1976)
There is authorized to be appropriated to the commission such sums as the city council of the city may appropriate to carry out the purposes of the commission.
(Prior code Ch. 7, Art. IV § 6; Ord. 533, 1976)