The police department of the city is created and established.
(Prior code § 5-101; Ord. 580, 1982; Ord. 673 § 5, 1996)
The police department shall exercise its discretion to protect life and property, suppress crime, prevent criminality, apprehend offenders and recover persons or property.
The police department shall also exercise its discretion to respond to all requests for emergency assistance and to provide assistance to other city departments in the proper and effective response to any emergencies.
(Prior code § 5-102; Ord. 580, 1982; Ord. 673 § 5, 1996; Ord. 676 § 5, 1997)
The police department shall, pursuant to Section 13522, Chapter 1, of Title 4, Part 4, of the California Penal Code, while receiving aid from the state pursuant to the chapter, adhere to the standards for recruitment and training established by the California Commission of Peace Officer Standards and Training.
The police department shall, pursuant to Section 13510(c), Chapter 1, of Title 4, Part 4, of the California Penal Code, adhere to the standards of recruitment and training established by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) for public safety dispatchers.
The police department shall adhere to the requirements of Section 13512, Chapter 1, of Title 4, Part 4, of the California Penal Code, that the Commission and its representatives may make such inquiries as deemed appropriate by the Commission to ascertain that the city public dispatcher personnel adhere to standards for selection and training established by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training.
(Ord. 673 § 5, 1996)
Pursuant to California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 217, and from time to time amended, any bicycles or toys, or both, in the possession of the Crescent City police department which have been unclaimed for a period of at least sixty days, may be turned over to the probation officer or welfare department of the county, or to any charitable or nonprofit organization which participates in a program or activity designed to prevent juvenile delinquency and which is exempt from income taxation under federal or state law, or both, for use in any program or activity designed to prevent juvenile delinquency.
(Ord. 681 § 5, 1999)