Note: Prior history: Prior code §§ 28-101—28-123 and Ord. 565.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms have the following meanings:
means the city employee designated by the city manager to administer this chapter.
means and includes every person in actual charge of or operating any taxicab.
includes self-employment as an independent driver.
"Hearing officer"
means a person who is not a city employee or city official and has been designated by the city manager to hear appeals under this chapter. The hearing officer shall be unbiased and impartial to the parties.
means to pick up or drop off customers.
means and includes every motor vehicle used in the business of carrying not more than eight passengers for hire over the public streets of the city, and not over a defined route and irrespective of whether the operation extends beyond the boundary limits of the city, such vehicle being routed under the direction of such passenger or passengers, or of such person or persons hiring the same.
"Taxicab company"
means every person, firm, or corporation owning or controlling any taxicab.
(Ord. 810 § 2, 2019)
No taxicab company or taxicab driver may operate within the city unless the company and the driver are licensed or permitted by a jurisdiction that regulates taxicabs in accordance with California law.
If a taxicab company or a taxicab driver is substantially located in the city, then the taxicab company or taxicab driver must obtain the proper licenses and permits from the city.
A taxicab company or taxicab driver is substantially located within the jurisdiction where the primary business address of the company or driver is located. A taxicab company or taxicab driver is also substantially located in the jurisdiction within a single county in which trips originating in that jurisdiction account for the largest share of that company or driver's total number of trips within that county over the past year and determined every five years thereafter.
If a taxicab company or taxicab driver that operates in the city is substantially located in a jurisdiction that does not regulate taxicabs pursuant to California law, then the taxicab company or taxicab driver will be deemed to be substantially located in the city and must obtain all appropriate licenses and permits from the city.
(Ord. 810 § 2, 2019)
License Required. All taxicab companies substantially located within the city must obtain a license to operate from the administrator. Permits are valid for one year from the date of issuance.
Application for License to Operate. The application for a taxicab company license to operate must be on a form approved by the administrator and signed under penalty of perjury. The application will not be considered until the license application fee has been paid.
Taxicab Company Requirements. A licensed taxicab company must do all of the following:
Sign an agreement signed to indemnify and hold harmless the city, its elected and appointed officials, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims asserted or liability established for damages or injuries to any person or property that arise from, or are connected with, or are caused by the willful or negligent acts or omissions of the taxicab company, or its agents, officers, employees or contractors.
Maintain a policy(ies) of liability insurance that covers all automobiles owned, leased, or hired for use in the taxicab business. Said insurance must have minimum limits of one hundred thousand dollars per person and three hundred thousand dollars per accident for personal injury and one hundred thousand dollars for property damage. Current certificates of insurance for all vehicles operating as taxicabs for the company must be on file with the city at all times.
Participate in the pull-notice program pursuant to Section 1808.1 of the Vehicle Code to regularly check the driving records of all taxicab drivers, whether employees or contractors.
Maintain a safety education and training program in effect for all taxicab drivers, whether employees or contractors.
Maintain a disabled access education and training program to instruct its taxicab drivers on compliance with the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12101 et seq.) and amendments thereto, and state disability rights laws, including making clear that it is illegal to decline to serve a person with a disability or who has a service animal.
Maintain its motor vehicles used in taxicab transportation services in a safe operating condition and in compliance with the Vehicle Code and obtain a Bureau of Automotive Repair inspection annually for each vehicle.
Provide the city an address of an office or terminal where documents supporting the factual matters specified in the showing required by this subsection may be inspected by the city.
Provide for a taxicab driver fingerprint-based criminal history check and a drug and alcohol testing program pursuant to Section 5.24.090.
Notify the city immediately of any of the following: termination of employment of a taxicab driver, a positive drug/alcohol test result for taxicab driver, and any motor vehicle accident involving a taxicab vehicle.
Denial or Approval of License. The administrator will notify the applicant of a denial of a license to operate in writing. The notice will contain a statement of the facts upon which the administrator has acted in denying issuance of the license and set forth the appeal procedure. If the application is approved, the administrator will issue the taxicab company a license to operate.
Renewal of License. Prior to the expiration of the license to operate, a taxicab company must complete and submit a license renewal application on a form approved by the administrator and signed under penalty of perjury.
Upon receipt of the license renewal fee and a complete renewal application that conforms with the requirements of this chapter, a new license to operate will be issued with new issuance and expiration dates.
If the taxicab company no longer meets the requirements under this chapter, then the license to operate will not be renewed. A notice of non-renewal will be given in writing and personally delivered or mailed to the address on file with the city for the taxicab company. The notice will contain the reasons for denying renewal and set forth the appeal procedure.
Suspension or Revocation of License. The administrator shall suspend the license of a taxicab company for failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter until said taxicab company comes into compliance. In the event that: (1) noncompliance cannot be remedied; or (2) the taxicab company has submitted misleading or false information to the city, the administrator shall revoke the license of the taxicab company. Notice of the suspension or revocation and the reasons therefor will be given in writing and personally delivered or mailed to the address on file with the city for the licensee at least ten days prior to the effective date of the suspension or revocation. The notice will also set forth the appeal procedure. Any taxicab company that has had its license revoked, and any of its owners, is not eligible to reapply for a license for five years from the effective date of revocation.
(Ord. 810 § 2, 2019)
Permit Required. Every taxicab driver substantially located within the city must obtain a taxicab driver's permit from the city. Permits are valid for one year from the date of issuance.
Application and Eligibility for Permit. The application for a taxicab driver's permit must be on a form approved by the administrator and signed under penalty of perjury. The application will not be considered until the permit application fee has been paid. To be eligible for a taxicab driver's permit, a person must:
Be eighteen years of age or older;
Have a valid California driver's license;
Be employed by or have an offer of employment by a taxicab company;
Have no felony convictions in the previous ten years, or misdemeanor convictions in the previous twenty-four months, that are reasonably and directly related to the functions involved in the operation of motor vehicles or indicate a potential risk to the public;
Have no more than two traffic violations in the previous twelve months; and
Pass a drug/alcohol test within the thirty days prior to submitting the application.
Denial or Approval of Permit. The administrator will notify the applicant of a denial of a permit in writing. The notice will contain a statement of the facts upon which the administrator has acted in denying issuance of the permit and set forth the appeal procedure. If the application is approved, the administrator will issue a taxicab driver's permit to the applicant.
Content of Permit. The permit issued by the city will include the name of the taxicab driver's employer, the date of issuance, the printed name and signature of the administrator, the name and date of birth of the taxicab driver, and the expiration date.
Termination of Employment. The taxicab driver's permit will become void immediately upon termination of employment. The driver must return the permit to the city upon termination of employment.
Display Permit. The administrator will issue each permitted taxicab driver, a photo permit that the taxicab driver is required to display within the taxicab in a place visible to a passenger at all times while the taxicab is in service.
Contents of Display Permit. The photo permit for display will include, at minimum, the following information: photo and name of taxicab driver, name of the taxicab company and its business address and phone number, the date of expiration of the permit.
Renewal of Permit. Prior to the expiration of the taxicab driver's permit, the taxicab driver must complete and submit a renewal application on a form approved by the administrator and signed under penalty of perjury.
Upon receipt of the permit renewal fee and a complete renewal application that conforms with the requirements of this chapter, a new permit and display permit will be issued with new issuance and expiration dates.
If the taxicab driver no longer meets the requirements of this chapter, then the permit will not be renewed. A notice of non-renewal will be given in writing and personally delivered or mailed to the address on file with the city for the taxicab driver. The notice will contain the reasons for denying renewal and set forth the appeal procedure.
Suspension or Revocation of Permit. The administrator shall suspend the permit of any taxicab driver as follows: (1) for failure to maintain a valid driver's license until proof a valid driver's license is submitted; (2) upon notification of a positive alcohol/drug test until driver has complied with employer's return-to-duty requirements after which the driver may request reinstatement. The administrator shall revoke the permit of any taxicab driver for: (1) conviction of a felony or misdemeanor crime that is reasonably and directly related to the functions involved in the operation of motor vehicles or indicate a potential risk to the public; or (2) termination of employment with a taxicab company licensed by the city. Notice of the suspension or revocation and the reasons therefor will be given in writing and personally delivered or mailed to the address on file for the permittee with the city at least ten days prior to the effective date of the suspension or revocation. The notice will also set forth the appeal procedure.
(Ord. 810 § 2, 2019)
Required. Each taxicab company or taxicab driver that is required to be licensed by the city under this chapter is also required to obtain a vehicle permit for each vehicle operating as a taxicab.
Application and Eligibility for Permit. The application for a taxicab vehicle permit must be on a form approved by the administrator and signed under penalty of perjury by the registered owner. The application will not be considered until the permit application fee has been paid. To be eligible for a taxicab vehicle permit, the vehicle must:
Be registered in California as a commercial vehicle;
Be insured in amounts as required herein;
Pass a vehicle inspection performed within the previous thirty days by a facility licensed by the California Bureau of Automotive Repair;
Be marked "taxi" on the exterior of the vehicle along with the name of the taxicab company with which the vehicle is associated.
Denial or Approval of Permit. The administrator will notify the applicant of a denial of a permit in writing. The notice will contain a statement of the facts upon which the city has acted in denying issuance of the permit and set forth the appeal procedure. If the application is approved, the administrator will issue a taxicab vehicle permit to the registered owner. The permit must be kept in the vehicle at all times it is operating as a taxicab within the city.
Content of Permit. The permit issued by the city will include the name of the taxicab company, the name of the registered owner, identifying information of the vehicle, the date of issuance, the printed name and signature of the administrator, and the expiration date of the permit.
Renewal of Permit. Prior to the expiration of the taxicab vehicle permit, the registered owner must complete and submit a license renewal application on a form approved by the administrator and signed under penalty of perjury.
Upon receipt of the permit renewal fee and a complete renewal application that complies with the requirements of this chapter, a new vehicle permit will be issued with new issuance and expiration dates.
If the taxicab vehicle no longer meets the requirements under this chapter, then the permit will not be renewed. A notice of non-renewal will be given in writing and personally delivered or mailed to the address on file with the city for the registered owner. The notice will contain the reasons for denying renewal and set forth the appeal procedure.
Suspension or Revocation of Permit. The administrator shall suspend a taxicab vehicle permit for failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter until said vehicle comes into compliance. In the event that noncompliance: (1) cannot be remedied; (2) is not remedied within one hundred eighty days, the administrator shall revoke the permit. Notice of the suspension or revocation and the reasons therefor will be given in writing and personally delivered or mailed to the address on file with the city for the registered owner at least ten days prior to the effective date of the suspension or revocation. The notice will also set forth the appeal procedure.
(Ord. 810 § 2, 2019)
Availability of Appeal. Any person who has: (1) been denied a license or permit; (2) received a notice of non-renewal; or (3) received a notice of intent to suspend or revoke a license or permit, may appeal the decision using the procedure set forth in this section.
Timing and Manner of Appeal. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the city clerk within ten days of the date that the denial, non-renewal, or notice of intent to suspend or revoke is mailed or personally delivered to the license or permit holder. If no appeal is filed, the decision will be final and nonappealable upon the passing of the appeal period.
Contents of Appeal. The appeal must contain a statement of reasons as to why the administrator's decision is not proper and any documentary evidence to support the appeal. The appeal must state if the appellant is requesting a hearing.
Hearing Officer. Upon receipt of an appeal, the city manager shall promptly designate a hearing officer to review the appeal and to hold a hearing if one is requested by the appellant. The city shall transmit its statement of reasons for the action appealed and any documentary evidence along with the appellant's appeal to the hearing officer. If a hearing is requested, the hearing officer shall set the hearing within fifteen days of the date of receipt of the appeal by the city clerk.
Hearing and Decision. At the hearing, the administrator and the appellant may submit testimonial, documentary and tangible evidence relevant to the issues before the hearing officer. The hearing officer shall issue a written decision either denying or sustaining the appeal within ten days of receiving the appeal if no hearing is requested or within ten days of the hearing if a hearing was requested. The hearing officer's decision is final and non-appealable.
(Ord. 810 § 2, 2019)
It is unlawful for any owner or driver to operate, or cause to be operated, any taxicab that has any defective, unsafe, or unsanitary condition.
No owner or driver may transport any number of persons unless each person can be safely accommodated within the taxicab.
If a taxicab is not-in-service and operating on city streets, an "out-of-service" or "not-in-service" sign must be displayed and clearly visible to the public.
Each taxicab vehicle permitted under this chapter must be of a color scheme and bear the affiliated taxicab company's trade name, monogram or insignia which are distinguishable from the color scheme, owner's trade name, monogram or insignia used on the vehicles of any other taxicab company already operating pursuant to this chapter. No change in the color scheme or distinguishing characteristics of any vehicle shall be made without written permission from the administrator.
(Ord. 810 § 2, 2019)
Each taxicab company may set fares or charge a flat rate.
Each taxicab company may use any type of device or technology approved by the Division of Measurement Standards to calculate fares, including the use of Global Positioning System metering, provided that the device or technology complies with Section 12500.5 of the Business and Professions Code and with all regulations established pursuant to Section 12107 of the Business and Professions Code.
Each taxicab company must disclose fares, fees, or rates to the customer. A taxicab company may satisfy this requirement by disclosing fares, fees, or rates on its Internet website, mobile telephone application, or telephone orders upon request by the customer.
Each taxicab company must notify the passenger of the applicable rate prior to the passenger accepting the ride for walkup rides and street hails. The rate may be provided on the exterior of the vehicle, within an application of a mobile telephone, device, or other Internet-connected device, or be clearly visible in either print or electronic form inside the taxicab.
(Ord. 810 § 2, 2019)
The following mandatory controlled substance and alcohol certification program applies to all taxicab companies and taxicab drivers licensed or permitted by the city:
Drivers shall test negative for each of the controlled substances specified in Part 40 (commencing with Section 40.1) of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, before employment. Drivers shall test negative for these controlled substances and for alcohol as a condition of permit renewal. As used in this section, a negative test for alcohol means an alcohol screening test showing a breath alcohol concentration of less than 0.02 percent.
Procedures shall be substantially as in Part 40 (commencing with Section 40.1) of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, except that the driver shall show a valid California driver's license at the time and place of testing, and except as provided otherwise in this section. Requirements for pre-employment, post-accident, random, reasonable suspicion, and return-to-duty testing and other requirements, except as provided otherwise in this section, shall be substantially as in Part 382 (commencing with Section 382.101) of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
A test in one jurisdiction shall be accepted as meeting the same requirement in any other jurisdiction. Any negative test result shall be accepted for one year as meeting a requirement for periodic permit renewal testing or any other periodic testing in that jurisdiction or any other jurisdiction, if the driver has not tested positive subsequent to a negative result. However, an earlier negative result shall not be accepted as meeting the pre-employment testing requirement for any subsequent employment, or any testing requirements under the program other than periodic testing.
In the case of a self-employed independent driver, the test results shall be reported directly to the city, which shall notify the taxicab leasing company of record, if any, of positive results. In all other cases, the results shall be reported directly to the employing taxicab company, who is required to notify the city of positive results.
All test results are confidential and shall not be released without the consent of the driver, except as authorized or required by law.
Self-employed independent drivers shall be responsible for compliance with, and shall pay all costs of, this program with regard to themselves. Employing taxicab companies shall be responsible for compliance with, and shall pay all costs of, this program with respect to their employees and potential employees, except that an operator may require employees who test positive to pay the costs of rehabilitation and of return-to-duty and follow-up testing.
Upon the request of a driver applying for a permit, the city shall give the driver a list of the consortia certified pursuant to Part 382 (commencing with Section 382.101) of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations that the city knows offer tests in or near the jurisdiction.
No evidence derived from a positive test result pursuant to the program will be admissible in a criminal prosecution concerning unlawful possession, sale or distribution of controlled substances.
(Ord. 810 § 2, 2019)
It is unlawful for any licensed taxicab company or taxicab driver to prejudice, disadvantage, or require different rates or provide different service to a person because of race, national origin, religion, color, ancestry, physical disability, medical condition, occupation, marital status or change in marital status, sex, or any characteristic listed or defined in Section 11135 of the Government Code.
(Ord. 810 § 2, 2019)
The city is authorized to levy service charges, fees, or assessments in an amount sufficient to pay for the costs of carrying out the requirements of this chapter. These fees will be adopted by resolution as part of the master fee schedule.
(Ord. 810 § 2, 2019)
It is unlawful to operate a taxicab in the city without valid permits issued by each jurisdiction in which the taxicab company or driver is substantially located.
The minimum fine for violation of subsection A is five thousand dollars and may be imposed administratively by the city.
The minimum fine for all other violations of this chapter is one hundred dollars and may not exceed one thousand dollars and may be imposed administratively by the city.
(Ord. 810 § 2, 2019)
Taxicab companies and drivers licensed by the city as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall have sixty days therefrom to come into full compliance with all provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 810 § 2, 2019)