The executive director of the Crescent City/Del Norte County Chamber of Commerce is designated as the individual ("designee") who is to work directly with the film industry in a cooperative and responsive manner whenever application is made for a permit to carry on filming activities in the city. In the absence of the designated individual, the visitor center director of the Chamber of Commerce shall perform the duties of the designated individual ("alternate designee").
(Ord. 644 § 5, 1990)
Production companies may submit film permit application information by telephone to the designee or the alternate designee, or in person, at the election of the production company. The designee, or the alternate designee, shall expedite the permit process by coordinating all city department reviews and approvals. The city manager or designated representative will approve each permit in writing prior to its issuance. In the event non-city agencies have exclusive or joint jurisdiction over the filming activity, the designee or alternate designee shall inform the permittee of such fact in writing on the permit which is issued and, to the extent possible, coordinate the securing of approvals or permits from such other agencies.
(Ord. 644 § 5, 1990)
The city council may, by resolution, from time to time, establish the amount of permit or application fees which shall not exceed the actual cost of issuing the permit. In the event a permit fee is a part of the application process, the designee, or the alternate designee, shall specify the amount of the cancellation fee, which shall be a portion of the permit fee, in the event the production company elects to cancel the permit after three p.m. the last working day prior to the scheduled filming activity.
(Ord. 644 § 5, 1990)
No business license fee shall be applicable to filming activity conducted pursuant to a permit.
(Ord. 644 § 5, 1990)
Permits shall be issued within two working days following the receipt of all necessary information from the production company unless the filming activity involves traffic control exceeding three minutes or stunts or special effects. Where either traffic control, stunts or special effects are involved, the permit shall be issued within four working days. If the filming activity involves road closures, the permit shall be issued within ten working days.
(Ord. 644 § 5, 1990)
The designee and the alternate designee shall make use of the standardized permit application forms and the standardized insurance forms adopted by the California Film Commission.
(Ord. 644 § 5, 1990)
Prior to the issuance of a permit, the production company shall supply evidence of public liability insurance coverage with an endorsement including the city as an additional insured during the filming activities. The amount of the coverage shall be as determined by the designee or the alternate designee, giving due consideration to the risks involved in the particular filming activity to be carried out. In addition, the production company shall show proof of worker's compensation insurance including a waiver of subrogation against the city.
(Ord. 644 § 5, 1990)
Prior to completion of the filming activity, the permit may be amended to accommodate minor changes which do not increase the burden on local facilities.
(Ord. 644 § 5, 1990)
The production company shall have a copy of the permit on-site at all time during filming activities.
(Ord. 644 § 5, 1990)