The regulations set forth in this chapter are enacted to limit the development of the beach-front or waterfront area of the city to recreational and public purposes.
(Prior code § 23-101)
The particular area of the city's waterfront property available for leasing to and development by applicants shall be subject to the approval of the city council. When an application is made for leasing and developing a portion of the waterfront area, the city council shall review the application and approve or disapprove the development site prior to consideration of the application by the city planning commission.
(Prior code § 23-102)
All lease agreements entered into between the city and developers or lessees, public or private, shall be subject to the approval of the city attorney.
(Prior code § 23-103)
Prior to application for a building permit in connection with beachfront development, prospective developers shall submit preliminary plans and proposed building elevations to the city planning commission, and shall be guided by the following objectives, standards and conditions:
Development along and upon the city's waterfront area shall be designed and used primarily for tourists and recreational purposes.
The city shall reserve such rights-of-way for street and utility purposes as deemed necessary or appropriate.
The general character of development shall be in keeping with the highest standards of architectural design represented in the city area. Wood and timber materials should be used wherever practical. It is the intention of the city council to encourage a festive atmosphere but all elements and aspects of the development shall be carefully designed and in good taste.
The design plan heretofore presented by the city planning commission and adopted by the city council shall be binding and all developers or lessees shall comply with such design plan.
The city planning commission shall examine the size, location, color, proportions, textures, orientation, accessibility, landscaping and other features of each proposed development, to insure that all developments of the city beachfront shall be in substantial accordance with such design plan.
Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the standards relating to zoning as provided in this code, and all additional areas up to fifty percent shall be reserved for off-street parking. All offstreet parking areas should be suitably paved, lighted, and screened by landscaping or other appropriate materials.
(Prior code § 23-201)
All applicants or prospective lessees or developers shall provide a detailed site plan acceptable to the city planning commission prior to commencement of any development work.
(Prior code § 23-202)