Except as provided in Section 16.16.140, within one year after approval or conditional approval of the tentative map, the subdivider shall cause the subdivision or any part thereof to be surveyed and a final map thereof to be prepared in conformance with the tentative map as approved or conditionally approved. Tracing and prints of the final map as required by the county recorder shall be filed with the city engineer.
(Prior code § 29-601 (1); Ord. 579, 1982; Ord. 587, 1983)
At the time of filing of the final map with the city engineer, the subdivider shall also file therewith the following:
In the event any dedication is to be made for the public use, a preliminary title report issued by a title insurance company, in the name of the owner of the land, issued to or for the benefit and protection of the city, showing all parties whose consent is necessary and their interests therein, except where the land embraced in such subdivision is registered under the Land Registration Act (Torrens Act). If the land is so registered, a certified copy of the certificate of title shall be furnished;
The instrument prohibiting traffic over the side line of a major highway, parkway, street or freeway;
Calculation and traverse sheets used in computing the distances, angles and courses shown on the final map and ties existing and proposed monuments;
Two copies of any proposed deed restrictions shall be filed with the city engineer at the time of filing of the final map.
(Prior code § 29-601 (2))
The final subdivision map shall be clearly and legibly drawn upon tracing cloth of good quality. All lines, letters, figures, certifications, acknowledgments and signatures shall be made in black India ink. The map shall be so made and shall be in such condition when filed that good legible prints can be made therefrom. The size of the sheets of tracing cloth shall be eighteen by twenty-six inches. A marginal line shall be drawn completely around each sheet, leaving an entirely blank margin of one inch. The scale of the final map shall be one inch equals not more than one hundred feet.
When the final map consists of two or more sheets, a key map showing the relation of the sheets shall be placed on sheet one. Every sheet comprising the map shall bear the scale, north point, legend, sheet number and number of sheets comprising the map.
Maps filed for the purpose of reverting subdivided land to acreage shall be conspicuously so designated with the title "The Purpose of this Map is Reversion to Acreage."
Record of survey maps shall be prepared and recorded in accordance with the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act of the state.
Wherever the city engineer has established a system of coordinates, the survey shall be tied into such system. The map shall show clearly what stakes, monuments, or other evidences were found on the ground to determine the boundaries of the tract. The corner of all adjoining subdivisions shall be identified by lot and block numbers, tract name and place of record, or other proper designation.
Sufficient data must be shown to determine readily the bearing and length of every lot line, block line and boundary line. Dimensions of lots shall be given as the net dimensions to the boundaries of adjoining streets and shall be used. Lots containing one acre or more shall show net acreage to nearest one-hundredth. Bearings and distances of straight lines and radii and arc lengths of curves shall be shown with data fixing delta of each curve.
(Prior code § 29-602 (1))
Whenever the city engineer has established the monument line of a street or alley adjacent to or in the proposed subdivision, the data shall be shown on the final map, indicating all monuments found and reference to a field book or map. If the points were reset by ties, that fact shall be stated.
The map shall show the location and description of all monuments found in making the survey of the subdivision, and shall include bearings and distances to such other existing monuments as may be necessary to establish the position of the proposed subdivision in relation thereto.
(Prior code § 29-602 (2), (3))
If any portion of any land within the boundaries shown on any final map or record of survey map is subject to overflow, inundation or flood hazard by stormwaters, such fact and such portion shall be clearly shown on such final map or record of survey map, enclosed in a border on each sheet of such map.
(Prior code § 29-602 (4))
In addition, the final map shall be prepared in full compliance with the following requirements:
The map shall show the line of high water in case the subdivision is adjacent to a stream or ocean and/or areas subject to periodic inundation by floodwaters.
The boundary of the tract shall be designated by a Prussian blue border applied to the reverse side of the tracing and on the face of the blue line prints. Such border shall not interfere with the legibility of figures or other data.
Streets and other rights-of-way: The map shall show the monument and side lines of all streets, the total width of all streets, the width of the portion being dedicated and the width of existing dedications, and the widths each side of the monument line —also the width of railroad rights-of-way, appearing on the map.
The map shall how the side lines of all easements to which the lots are subject. The easements shall be clearly labeled and identified. If any easement is not of record, a statement of such easement must appear on the title sheet. Easements for storm drain, sewers and other purposes shall be denoted by fine dotted lines. The width of the easement and the lengths and bearings of the lines thereof and sufficient ties thereto to definitely locate the easement with respect to the subdivision must be shown. If the easement is being dedicated by the map, it shall be properly set out in the owner's certificate or dedication.
City or county boundary lines crossing or abutting the subdivision shall be clearly designated and referenced.
Lot numbers shall begin with the number "1" and shall continue consecutively through the block with no omissions or duplications.
Block numbers shall begin with the number "1" or letter "A," continuing consecutively without omission or duplication throughout the tract. The numbers or letters shall be solid and of sufficient size and thickness to stand out, shall be so placed as not to obliterate any figure, and shall not be enclosed in any design. Each block in its entirety shall be shown on one sheet. Where adjoining blocks appear on separate sheets, the street adjoining both blocks shall be shown on both sheets complete with monument line and property line data.
The map shall also show all other data that is or may be required by law.
The final map shall particularly define, delineate and designate all lots intended for private purposes; all parcels offered for dedication for any purpose, public or private, with all dimensions, boundaries and courses clearly shown and defined in every case. Parcels offered for dedication but not accepted shall be designated "Not a Public Street."
(Prior code § 29-602 (5))
The following certificates and acknowledgments and all others now or hereafter required by law shall appear on the final map. Such certificates may be combined where appropriate:
Record Title Interest Certificate. A certificate signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the land subdivided consenting to the preparation and recordation of such map, provided, however, that the signatures of parties owning the following types of interest may be omitted if their names and the nature of their interests are endorsed on the map:
Rights-of-way, easements, or other interest, none of which can ripen into a fee.
Rights-of-way, easements or reversions which, by reason of changed conditions, long disuse or laches, appear to be no longer of practical use or value and for which a signature is impossible or impractical to obtain. In this case, a reasonable statement of the circumstances preventing the procurement of the signatures shall be endorsed on the map.
Any map including territory originally patented by the United States or the state under patent reserving interest to either or both of these entities may be recorded under the provisions of this chapter without the consent of the United States or the state thereto or to dedications made thereon.
Dedication Certificate. A certificate signed and acknowledged as above offering for dedication all parcels of land shown on any final map and intended for any public use, except those parcels other than streets, which are intended for the exclusive use of the lot owners in the subdivision, their licensees, visitors, tenants and servants.
Engineer's Certificate. A certificate by the civil engineer or licensed surveyor responsible for the survey and final map. The signature of such civil engineer or surveyor, unless accompanied by his seal, must be attested.
A certificate for execution by the planning commission;
A certificate for execution by the city engineer;
A certificate for execution by the county recorder;
A certificate of the city clerk and city tax collector certifying that, according to the records of their office, there are no liens against the subdivision or any part thereof for unpaid taxes, or special assessment not yet payable. The subdivider shall submit a statement by each proper officer giving his estimate of the amount of taxes and assessments which are a lien but which are not yet payable.
A certificate of the city clerk as to tax bond must accompany final maps;
A certificate for execution by the city clerk.
(Prior code § 29-602 (2))
Upon receipt of the final map and other data submitted therewith, the city engineer shall examine such to determine that the subdivision as shown is substantially the same as it appears on the approved tentative map, and any approved alteration thereof; that all provisions of this chapter and of any ordinance applicable at the time of approval of the tentative map have been complied with; and that he is satisfied that the map is technically correct. If the map is found to be technically correct and in conformance with regulations and with the approved tentative map, the city engineer shall certify such map and transmit it to the planning commission.
Upon receipt of the final map, the planning commission shall examine the same to determine whether such map conforms with the tentative map and with all changes permitted and all requirements imposed as a condition to its acceptance; and if the planning commission shall thereupon determine that such map is in conformity therewith, it shall certify its approval thereon and shall transmit such map to the city clerk, together with any documents which may have been filed therewith, for transmittal to the city council. If the planning commission shall determine not to approve such map, it shall advise the subdivider of the changes or additions that must be made for such purpose and shall accord him or her an opportunity to make same.
At its first regular meeting following the filing of such map with the city clerk, the city council shall consider such map and the offers of dedication. The city council may reject any or all offers of dedication. If the city council shall determine that such map is in conformity with the requirements of this title and that it is satisfied with the plan of subdivision, it shall approve such map. When the subdivider shall have filed with the city clerk the agreement and bonds, or made the deposit described in Chapter 16.36 , such agreement and bonds may be approved by said city council as to form and as to sufficiency. No map shall have any force or effect until the same has been approved by the city council, and no title to any property described in any offer of dedication shall pass until the map has been recorded in the office of the county recorder.
Within five days after city council approval of the final map, payment of any required fees or assessments, execution of any agreements and deeds, and execution of any other requirements of law or this title, the final map shall be presented by the city clerk to the county recorder for recordation.
If the proposed subdivision lies within or partly within the coastal zone, as identified in Title 17, a coastal development permit shall also be required pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 17.84 .
(Prior code § 29-603; Ord. 587, 1983)