It shall be the purpose of this district to provide areas for the establishment of industrial uses and ancillary uses customarily found within industrial areas together with performance constraints which will enhance the environment adjacent thereto. It is further intended that the development of uses in this district shall be characterized by buildings and activities which are designed for harmony with the surroundings and with open spaces and landscaping providing amenities to adjacent and more restrictive uses.
(Prior code § 30-210)
In the M-P district no building or land shall be used, and no building shall hereafter be erected or structurally altered unless otherwise provided herein except for the following uses. All uses shall be subject to the property development standards set forth in Sections 17.30.070 through 17.30.170 and the use performance standards set forth in Section 17.30.180.
(Prior code § 30-210.1)
General uses permitted in the M-P district include:
Animal hospitals;
Auto services;
Business requiring outside storage;
Eating and drinking places;
Parking lots;
Repair shops;
Service stations;
Transportation, communication, electric, gas and sanitary services;
Wholesale trade.
(Prior code § 30-210.2)
The following are the accessory uses which are permitted in this district subject to the exceptions and limitations stated:
Exterior signs subject to the limitations of Section 17.30.170
Temporary buildings for construction purposes which are maintained at construction site for a period not to exceed the duration of such construction.
Other accessory uses and buildings customarily appurtenant to a use permitted in this district.
(Prior code § 30-210.3)
The following uses are expressly prohibited in the M-P district:
Trailer or mobile parks;
Hotels and motels;
Fraternities, sororities and dormitories;
Foster homes;
Lodging or rooming houses;
All dwellings, including one-, two-, and three-family dwellings, multiple dwellings and group dwellings;
Retail trade (except as noted in Section 17.30.030);
Finance, insurance, and real estate.
(Prior code § 30-210.4)
The planning commission may give special permission to provide for a dwelling unit for a caretaker required to reside on the premises of a permitted use, if cause is shown that such residence is essential to the safe and proper operation of that use.
(Prior code § 30-210.5)
The property development standards set forth in Sections 17.30.080 to 17.30.170 are minimal and shall apply to all land and structures in the M-P district.
(Prior code § 30-210.6)
Each lot or building site in the district shall have an area of not less than one-half acre.
(Prior code § 30-210.6 (A))
Each lot or building site in the district shall have continuous frontage on a public street of not less than one hundred feet.
(Prior code § 30-2 10.6 (B))
Buildings and other structures shall not exceed forty-five feet in height, except that buildings may be erected to a height not to exceed fifty-five feet where front, side and rear yards are increased not less than one foot for each one foot in building height in excess of forty-five feet.
(Prior code § 30-210.6 (C)[1])
Note: Prior code § 30.210.6 contained two subsections lettered (C)
Buildings and other structures in the M-P district may occupy any portion of the lot or building site except the following yards which shall be provided:
A front yard of at least ten feet;
Side yards of at least five feet; and
Rear yard of at least ten feet.
(Prior code § 30-210.6 (C))
All uses permitted in this district, except loading and unloading docks, driveways and parking areas for vehicles, shall be conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building or yard.
(Prior code § 30-210.6 (D))
All buildings and other structures within this district shall be designed, constructed and maintained in a manner in keeping with the purpose and intent of this district as set forth in Section 17.30.010.
(Prior code § 30-210.6 (E))
All yards and other open space in this district shall:
Be graded and drained to prevent flooding, erosion, subsidence, soil-slippage or other hazards to life or property in the vicinity;
Be continuously maintained in an attractive and dust-free condition by landscaping with trees, grass, shrubs or planted ground cover or combination thereof; or, if growing conditions or other circumstances peculiar to the property or its use are judged by the planning commission to warrant such treatment, by covering with asphalt or concrete paving, oil surfacing, rock, redwood bark or other functionally similar materials.
(Prior code § 30-210.6 (F))
Off-street parking and loading space in this district shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.42; except, that all such parking space shall be provided on the same site as that occupied by the use it is intended to serve or at such other location within the M-P district as may be approved by the planning commission and shall be subject to the following additional conditions and limitations:
Off-street parking and loading space designed for use or used by vehicles of one and one-half tons or lesser rated capacity which is adjacent to residentially zoned property or property devoted exclusively to residential use shall be visually screened from such residentially zoned or used properties by a four-foot high solid masonry wall, compact evergreen hedge or uniformly painted solid fence;
Off-street parking and loading space designed for use or used by vehicles over one and one-half tons rated capacity shall be enclosed by six-foot high, solid masonry wall, compact evergreen hedge, or uniformly painted solid fence with solid entrance and exit gates and shall not be located within any required front or street side yard.
(Prior code § 30-210.6 (G))
Artificial illumination of any structure, lot or open area including but not limited to buildings, signs, parking and storage areas, shall be so installed and arranged as to direct light away from adjoining properties. The intensity of illumination provided shall be sufficiently subdued to prevent any nuisance to other properties and uses in the vicinity.
(Prior code § 30-210.6 (H))
Exterior identification sign and exterior signs advertising products manufactured or sold on the premises are permitted subject to the following limitations and conditions:
Such signs shall be mounted only on a wall of a building, the use of which is identified or advertised, and shall be parallel to the wall on which it is mounted.
No signs shall project toward any property line a distance greater than twelve inches as measured from the wall of the building which is both parallel and nearest to each such sign.
No part of any such sign shall exceed the height of the wall on which it is mounted nor the lowest line of the roof adjoining said wall and in no case shall such sign exceed a maximum height of twenty-five feet above grade.
The number of exterior signs permitted shall be limited to one for each public street frontage afforded the property to which the sign pertains.
The total sign area of each sign permitted hereunder shall not exceed two square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of street frontage along the street toward which each such sign faces.
The total sign area of all exterior signs shall not exceed two square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of street frontage of the property to which the signs pertain.
Such signs shall be limited to those which are nonflashing, non-moving, and nonanimated. Illuminated signs shall be illuminated from the interior of the sign only and shall not reflect on adjoining property. The lighting intensity of all illuminated signs shall be both steady and constant and sufficiently subdued to prevent any nuisance to other properties and uses in the vicinity.
Small traffic directional signs and other signs necessary to the functioning of an establishment shall be permitted whenever the type, size and location of such signs are first approved by the planning director.
(Prior code § 30-210.6(I); Ord. 631 Exh. A, 1989)
All activities permitted in the M-P district shall be subject to the following limitations of their external effects and such limitations shall be a condition of all uses permitted in the district:
Noise or vibration created by or resulting from any industrial machinery or process shall not be discernible without instruments at the lot boundaries.
Odors, glare or heat created by or resulting directly or indirectly from any use shall not be perceptible at any point beyond the lot boundaries.
Discharge into the atmosphere of air contaminants including, but not limited to, sulfur compounds, smoke, charred paper, dust, soot, grime, carbon, noxious acids, fumes, gases, mist, odors or particulate matter or any combination thereof, from any single source of emission whatsoever for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in any one hour shall not be permitted which:
Exceeds the legally permissible discharge limits, if any, established by state or local code and enforced by the air pollution control district of the county; or
Is as dark or darker in shade as that designated as No. 2 on the Ringlemann Chart, as published by the United States Bureau of Mines; or
Is of such opacity as to obscure an observer's view to a degree equal to or greater than the smoke described above.
Industrial activities shall be of such nature as not to cause damage or substantial jeopardy to the health or safety of persons, animals, vegetation or other forms of property.
Water supply, drainage, rubbish and waste disposal systems and practices shall reflect conformance with all applicable codes and standards relating to public safety, health and sanitation and public works of Crescent City.
(Prior code § 30-210.7)