No person owning or occupying or having under his control, any premises situated or being within one hundred fifty feet of a public sewer running through any street or alley, in the city, shall construct or maintain or suffer to be or remain upon such premises in the city, any privy, vault or cesspool or any sinks, drain, or similar contrivance, except as in the manner provided in this ordinance.
(Ord. 258 § 1)
Persons making connections to sewers and using the same shall pay such fees and abide by regulations not inconsistent with this ordinance as the city council shall from time to time adopt by resolution.
No person shall construct a building sewer, or a lateral sewer, or make any connection with any public sewer without first obtaining a written permit from the city and paying all fees and complying with all requirements and conditions required by regulations to be adopted under this ordinance by the city council.
Any person discharging anything except domestic sewage into the sewer system at the time this ordinance takes effect shall submit an application to the office of the city engineer within two months after this ordinance takes effect and shall not discharge nondomestic sewage waste into the sewer system after nine months from the date of adoption of this ordinance without a permit therefor.
(Ord. 356, Ord. 518)
No person shall suffer or permit any premises belonging to or occupied by him or her or under his control, located in the city, or any cellar, vault, privy, cesspool, sewer or private drain thereon or therein, to become nauseous, foul or offensive or prejudicial to the public health or public comfort.
(Ord. 258 § 2)
No person, firm, or corporation shall allow or permit any sewage of any kind from his premises to enter any of the storm drains of the city, whether by surface drainage, pipes, or other means, nor shall storm drainage, that is, runoff from precipitation be permitted to enter into the sewage system.
(Ord. 245, Section 4, Ord. 518)
All connections with any public sewer in the city, and all repairs thereof, including excavating and laying pipe from sewer to property line, shall be made or caused to be made under the direct supervision of the city, but at the cost and expense of person, firm or corporation desiring the same to be done.
(Ord. 356)
Whenever it is necessary to excavate from property line to sewers in public streets in the city, such excavation shall be made by the person, firm or corporation making application and all plumbing shall be installed by a licensed plumber, but no filling of excavations shall be made other than by the street department of the city.
(Ord. 356)
When any excavation for a sewer connection will extend for a distance of more than thirty feet in the streets of the city, the applicant for such permit shall apply to the city council for a street excavation permit, and pay such fees as the city council shall direct.
(Ord. 356)