[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988; as amended by Ord. 2004-1, 3/8/2004; by Ord. 2011-01, 1/3/2011; and by Ord. 2017-05, 11/13/2017]
Maximum speed limits are established on portions of specified streets, as follows, and it shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle, on any part of a street where a maximum speed limit applies, at a higher speed than the maximum prescribed for that part of the street:
Maximum Speed Limit
Academy Street (T-420)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Aderhold Drive (T-278)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Baker Hill Road (T-157)
Entire length
30 m.p.h.
Bank Farm Road (T-370)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Bartlow Drive (T-210)
Entire length
30 m.p.h.
Beeber Drive (T-325)
Entire length
30 m.p.h.
Bennett Street (T-160)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Blue Sky Drive (T-396)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Boak Avenue (T-859)
Entire length
35 m.p.h.
Brookfield Drive (T-272)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Buck Hill Road (T-350)
Entire length
35 m.p.h.
Burns Road (T-112)
Entire length
30 m.p.h.
Cardinal Drive (T-410)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Cemetery Road (T-400)
Entire length
35 m.p.h.
Clarkstown Road (T-863)
Entire length
45 m.p.h.
Conrad Hill Road (T-300)
Entire length
30 m.p.h.
Country Lane (T-330)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Deavor Road (T-115)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Dewald Lane (T-311)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Dibble Road (T-150)
Entire length
20 m.p.h.
Dogwood Lane (T-166)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Dunwoody Road (T-111)
Entire length
30 m.p.h.
Dutchtown Road (T-120)
Entire length
35 m.p.h.
Effie Avenue (T-427)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Francis Drive (T-153)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Genesee Trail Road (T-110)
Entire length
30 m.p.h.
Gregg Run Road (T-270)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Heidi Gray Road (T-165)
Entire length
35 m.p.h.
Henry Avenue (T-428)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Highland Drive (T-869)
Entire length
15 m.p.h.
Hill Lane (T-305)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Horn Hill Road (T-140)
Entire length
30 m.p.h.
Hunter Drive (T-327)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Kahler Hills Drive (T-205)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
King Street (T-431)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Laurel Run Road (T-145)
Entire length
30 m.p.h.
Linvic Drive (T-326)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Logan Lane (T-274)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Lower Rynearson Road (T-135)
Entire length
30 m.p.h.
Maple Lane (T-826)
Entire length
35 m.p.h.
McConnell Parkway (T-276)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Penn Drive (T-250)
Entire length
35 m.p.h.
Pine Tree Road (R-130)
Entire length
30 m.p.h.
Pine Run Road (T-868)
Entire length
30 m.p.h.
Price Lane (T-230)
Entire length
35 m.p.h.
Race Street (T-290)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Railroad Street (T-475)
Entire length
15 m.p.h.
Reservoir Road (T-190)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Richard Avenue (T-425)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Rodney Drive (T-412)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Sawmill Road (T-380)
Entire length
35 m.p.h.
Shipman Hill Road (T-156)
Entire length
30 m.p.h.
Slow Hand Drive (T-395)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Sperry Drive (T-152)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Spring Road (T-203)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Statie Lane (T-307)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Strawberry Lane (T-273)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Sunrise Drive (T-200)
Entire length
30 m.p.h.
Taylor Hill Road (T-201)
Entire length
30 m.p.h.
Temple Hill Road (T-202)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Trinity Drive T-430)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Wistar Road (T-155)
Entire length
30 m.p.h.
Wolf Run Road (T-857)
Entire length
40 m.p.h.
Woodbine Road (T-275)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Woolen Mill Road (T-543)
Entire length
35 m.p.h.
Yeagle Road (T-151)
Entire length
25 m.p.h.
Any person operating a motor vehicle or combination upon a road or bridge in violation of a prohibition or restriction imposed under this Part shall, upon conviction by a District Judge, pay a fine consistent with the applicable section of the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code in effect at the time of the violation.
[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988]
[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988]
[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988]
[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988]
[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988]
[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988]
[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988]
[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988]
[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988; as amended by Ord. 2011-01, 1/3/2011]
It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle traveling upon the first-named street at any of the following intersections, in the direction or directions indicated in each case, to make a left turn and/or a right turn into the second-named street, as indicated, at any time when such a turn is prohibited by this Section:
Vehicles Traveling On
Not to Make Turn
Race Street (T-290)
Left turn
SR 0220
All times
Any person who violates any provision of this Section, upon conviction, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs.
[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988]
[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988]
[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988]
[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988; as amended by Ord. 2004-1, 3/8/2004; by Ord. 2011-01, 1/3/2011; by Ord. 2013-01, 6/10/2013; and by Ord. 2017-05, 11/13/2017]
The following intersections (in addition to intersections with the through highways established by §15-213) are established as stop intersections, and official stop signs shall be erected (or are ratified if previously erected) in such a position as to face traffic approaching the second-named street (the intersecting or through street) on the firstnamed street (the stop street) in the direction or directions indicated for that intersection. Every driver of a vehicle approaching the intersection on that first-named or stop street, in the direction indicated in each case, shall stop the vehicle as required by the Vehicle Code, 75 Pa.C.S.A. §3323(b), and shall not proceed into or across the second-named or intersecting or through street until he has followed all applicable requirements of that Section of the law.
Stop Street
Intersecting or Through Street
Academy Street (T-420)
Cardinal Drive (T-410)
Aderhold Drive (T-278)
McConnell Parkway (T-276)
Aderhold Drive (T-278)
Logan Lane (T-274)
Baker Hill Road (T-157)
Wister Road (T-155)
Bank Farm Road (T-370)
Boak Avenue (T-859)
Bartlow Drive (T-210)
Bartlow Drive (T-210)
Sunrise Drive (T-200)
Beeber Drive (T-325)
Buck Hill Road (T-350)
Beeber Drive (T-325)
Clarkstown Road (T-863)
Bennett Street (T-160)
Yeagle Road (T-151)
Boak Avenue (T-859)
Brookfield Drive (T-272)
Gregg Run Road (T-270)
Buck Hill Road (T-350)
Clarkstown Road (T-863)
Burns Road (T-112)
Dutchtown Road (T-120)
Cardinal Drive (T-410)
Cemetery Drive (T-400)
Cemetery Drive (T-400)
Clarkstown Road (T-863)
Conrad Hill Road (T-300)
Country Lane (T-330)
Clarkstown Road (T-863)
Deavor Road (T-115)
Dutchtown Road (T-120)
Dewald Lane (T-311)
Conrad Hill Road (T-300)
Dibble Road (T-150)
Pine Run Road (T-868)
Dogwood Lane (T-166)
Heidi Gray Road (T-165)
Dutchtown Road (T-120)
Effie Avenue (T-427)
Cemetery Drive (T-400)
Francis Drive (T-153)
Sperry Drive (T-152)
Gregg Run Road (T-270)
Penn Drive (T-250)
Heidi Gray Road (T-165)
Wolf Run Road (T-857)
Henry Avenue (T-428)
Cemetery Drive (T-400)
Highland Drive (T-869)
Highland Drive (T-869)
Highland Drive (T-869)
SR 0220
Hill Lane (T-305)
Conrad Hill Road (T-300)
Horn Hill Road (T-140)
Laurel Run Road (T-145)
Horn Hill Road (T-140)
Hunter Drive (T-327)
Beeber Drive (T-325)
Kahler Hills Drive (T-205)
Sunrise Drive (T-200)
King Street (T-431)
King Street (T-431)
Trinity Drive (T-430)
Laurel Run Road (T-145)
Laurel Run Road (T-145)
Pine Run Road (T-868)
Linvic Drive (T-326)
Beeber Drive (T-325)
Logan Lane (T-274)
McConnell Parkway (T-276)
Logan Lane (T-274)
Aderhold Drive (T-278)
Lower Rynearson Road (T-135)
Lower Rynearson Road (T-135)
Maple Lane (T-826)
Clarkstown Road (T-863)
McConnell Parkway (T-276)
Logan Lane (T-274)
McConnell Parkway (T-276)
Penn Drive (T-250)
Penn Drive (T-250)
Pine Tree Road (R-130)
Pine Run Road (T-868)
Pine Run Road (T-868)
Price Lane (T-230)
Penn Drive (T-250)
Price Lane (T-230)
Race Street (T-290)
Reservoir Road (T-190)
Richard Avenue (T-425)
Cemetery Drive (T-400)
Rodney Drive (T-412)
Academy Street (T-420)
Rodney Drive (T-412)
Cemetery Drive (T-400)
Sawmill Road (T-380)
Woolen Mill Road (T-543)
Sawmill Road (T-380)
Shipman Hill Road (T-156)
Pine Run Road (T-868)
Shipman Hill Road (T-156)
Wister Road (T-155)
Slow Hand Drive (T-395)
Slow Hand Drive (T-395)
Sperry Drive (T-152)
Spring Road (T-203)
Yeagle Road (T-151)
Statie Lane (T-307)
Conrad Hill Road (T-300)
Strawberry Lane (T-273)
Brookfield Drive (T-272)
Sunrise Drive (T-200)
Sunrise Drive (T-200)
Taylor Hill Road (T-201)
Temple Hill Road (T-202)
Yeagle Road (T-151)
Trinity Drive (T-430)
Wister Road (T-155)
Wolf Run Road (T-857)
Wister Road (T-155)
Wolf Run Road (T-857)
Wolf Run Road (T-857)
Wolf Run Road (T-857)
Woodbine Road (T-275)
Brookfield Drive (T-272)
Yeagle Road (T-151)
Dibble Road (T-150)
Yeagle Road (T-151)
Pine Run Road (T-868)
Yeagle Road (T-151)
Pine Run Road (T-868)
Any person operating a motor vehicle or combination upon a road or bridge in violation of a prohibition or restriction imposed under this Part shall, upon conviction by a District Judge, pay a fine consistent with the applicable section of the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code in effect at the time of the violation.
[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988; as amended by Ord. 2004-1, 3/8/2004; by Ord. 2011-01, 1/3/2011; by Ord. 2013-01, 6/10/2013; and by Ord. 2017-05, 11/13/2017]
The following intersections (in addition to intersections with the through highways established by §15-213) are established as yield intersections, and official yield signs shall be erected (or are ratified if previously erected) in such a position as to face traffic approaching the second-named street (the through street) on the first-named street (the yield street) in the direction or directions indicated for that intersection. Every driver of a vehicle approaching the intersection on the first-named or yield street, in the direction indicated in each case, shall slow down or stop the vehicle as required by 75 Pa.C.S.A. §3323(c) of the Vehicle Code, and then yield the right-of-way as required by that subsection of the Vehicle Code.
Yield Street
Through Street
Blue Sky Drive (T-396)
Slow Hand Drive (T-395)
Dunwoody Road (T-111)
Genesee Trail Road (T-110)
Any person operating a motor vehicle or combination upon a road or bridge in violation of a prohibition or restriction imposed under this Part shall, upon conviction by a District Judge, pay a fine consistent with the applicable section of the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code in effect at the time of the violation.
[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988]
[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988]
[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988]
[Ord. 1988-1, 9/12/1988]