The HR-CL zoning district is intended to provide for the development of multifamily residential uses at densities consistent with the General Plan. These uses and regulations are designed to afford livable neighborhoods while incorporating other uses for community facilities and needs to facilitate urban living.
(Ord. 04-245 § 3; Ord. 22-431 § 1)
One-family dwellings limited to:
A single-family dwelling replacing an existing single-family dwelling on a one for one basis,
A single-family dwelling on an existing lot of 8,000 square feet or less, or
Single-family dwellings that are part of a housing development with the majority of units affordable to extremely low, very low, and/or low income households; multifamily dwellings;
Two or more single-family dwellings proposed for the same site limited to:
One of the single-family dwellings is replacing an existing single-family dwelling on a one for one basis,
The dwellings are on an existing lot of 8,000 square feet or less, or
Single-family dwellings that are part of a housing development with the majority of units affordable to extremely low, very low, and/or low income households;
Multifamily dwellings, flats, townhouses or apartments;
Artist's studios; live/work units;
A small family day care home, a substance abuse recovery facility, or a small residential care home as provided in Section 17.32.020 of the Lathrop Zoning Code;
A "large family day care home" as defined and regulated by the State Health and Safety Code for nine to 14 children, inclusive, including children who reside in the home;
Fenced or enclosed swimming pools for either individual, family or communal use or an exclusive non-commercial basis, provided that no swimming pool shall be located within a utility easement or a front yard;
Incidental and accessory structures and uses on the same site as a permitted use;
Neighborhood parks;
Open space;
Public or private playgrounds;
The keeping of animals in accordance with Chapter 17.28 of the Lathrop Zoning Code;
Other uses added to this list according to the procedures in Section 17.16.020 of the Lathrop Zoning Code.
(Ord. 04-245 § 3; Ord. 16-365 § 1; Ord. 20-411 § 1; Ord. 22-431 § 1)
The following uses may be permitted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.108 of the Lathrop Zoning Code:
Enclosed temporary construction materials storage yards required in connection with the development of a subdivision in accordance with Section 17.16.010 of the Lathrop Zoning Code.
Temporary subdivision sales offices and signs, model homes, and model home display areas in accordance with Section 17.16.010.
Home occupations in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.64 of the Lathrop Zoning Code.
Garden structures in accordance with the development standards described in this section.
Tennis courts, including related fencing over seven feet in height located on the same site as a permitted or conditional use.
Incidental and accessory structures and uses on the same site as a use permitted by administrative approval or conditional use.
Other uses added to this list according to the procedures in Section 17.16.020.
(Ord. 04-245 § 3; Ord. 22-431 § 1)
The following uses may be permitted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.112:
A state authorized licensed day care center for 13 or more children;
Churches and other religious facilities;
Modest expansion or remodeling of an existing nonconforming use of a structure or land, up to 50% or less of the value of the structure, or reestablishment of a nonconforming use which has been damaged, except nonconforming signs and outdoor advertising structures, nonconforming uses occupying a structure with an assessed valuation of less than $200, and nonconforming fences, walls and hedges;
Gas and electric transmission lines in accordance with Section 17.108.080 of the Lathrop Zoning Code, electrical distribution substations, gas regulator stations, communications equipment buildings, public service pumping stations and elevated pressure tanks;
Public and quasi-public uses of an educational or religious type, including parochial schools, colleges, nursery schools, private non-profit schools and colleges, churches, parsonages and other religious institutions;
Public uses of an administrative, recreational, public service or cultural type, including city libraries, museums, art galleries, and other public buildings, structures and facilities; and community centers;
Public and private charitable institutions, hospitals, sanitariums, including a state authorized, certified or licensed family care home, foster home or group home serving seven or more mentally disordered or otherwise handicapped persons, including rehabilitation homes for the alcohol and/or chemically dependent, or dependent and neglected children, where such homes provide care on a 24 hour basis;
Rest and nursing homes; convalescent and assisted care facilities and boarding or rooming houses;
Reclaimed water storage and water quality ponds not previously identified in previous approvals;
Spray fields not previously identified in previous approvals;
Storm drain detention and retention ponds not previously identified in previous approvals;
Other uses added to this list according to the procedures in Section 17.16.020 of the Lathrop Zoning Code.
(Ord. 04-245 § 3)
Specific development standards for the High Density Residential (HR-CL) district shall be as established by the Central Lathrop design guidelines review by incorporating the design standards identified in Section 17.62.110.
(Ord. 04-245 § 3)
The Central Lathrop Design Review process shall take the place of the site plan review for which provision is made in Chapter 17.100 of the Lathrop Municipal Code and the architectural design review for which provision is made in Chapter 17.104 of the Lathrop Municipal Code. Design review is required for all proposed structures, whether residential or non-residential, together with related site plans, landscaping, and public improvements associated with new development within the Central Lathrop Specific Plan area.
Housing developments that include a minimum 20% of units affordable to lower income households shall be ministerial and exempt from this section.
(Ord. 04-245 § 3; Ord. 22-442 § 1)
All uses shall be subject to the general provisions and exceptions prescribed in Chapter 17.16 of the Lathrop Zoning Code.
(Ord. 04-245 § 3)