The purpose of this chapter is to maintain County parks as safe places for recreation. This chapter will set forth the rules governing the public’s use of County parks, establish fines for violation of rules and establish use fees for County park facilities.
(Ord. 99-13)
as defined in ORS 830.005(2), means every description of watercraft, including a seaplane on the water and not in flight, used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on the water, but does not include boathouses, floating homes, air mattresses, beach and water toys, or single inner tubes.
“Motor vehicle”
means every self-propelled vehicle and vehicle designed for self-propulsion, except police and other emergency motor vehicles, and does not include camping or sleeping facility vehicles.
“Park area”
means any lands accepted as a County park pursuant to ORS Chapter 275.
“Park ranger”
means a Clatsop County employee specifically designated to seek compliance with and enforce park ordinances.
“Sleeping facility vehicle”
means any motor vehicle or device designed for overnight camping, including, but not limited to, campers, motor homes, travel trailers, and tent trailers.
means any inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe, grass, plant, liquid, vapor or any other tobacco or tobacco-like product or any substance in any manner or any form. This includes the use of any electronic smoking or inhalant device which creates smoke, aerosol, vapor or any other byproduct, in any manner or in any form.
“Tobacco product”
means any product that contains tobacco or is derived from tobacco and is intended to be put in the human body. “Tobacco product” includes all electronic smoking devices and nicotine delivery devices and products, but does not mean tobacco use cessation products approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration.
“Tobacco use”
means smoking, chewing, inhaling, exhaling, vaping and any other ingestion or consumption of a tobacco or vapor product.
(Ord. 99-13; Ord. 08-13 § 7; Ord. 15-01 § 7)
The following restrictions shall apply to all parks:
Smoking, all tobacco products and tobacco use is prohibited in all Clatsop County Park areas.
Fires may be restricted by the park ranger at any time. All fires, when allowed, shall be confined to a stove, pit, or fireplace designated for fires, attended at all times, and extinguished before its user leaves the fire. As used in this subsection, “fire” includes all open flames except for camp stoves, charcoal cookers, and other contained camping equipment used for cooking.
No person shall drive a vehicle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard to traffic, surface, and strength of roadways, hazards at intersections, and other conditions then existing. The maximum speed limit on all interior roads, drives, and parking lots shall be 15 miles per hour, unless otherwise posted.
No person shall drive a motor vehicle on any walk, path, trail, service road, or other area, unless said walk, path, trail, service road, or area has been officially designated for use by motor vehicles.
No person shall park any auto, truck, trailer, or other vehicle in any area other than an area specifically designed for such purposes.
No person shall:
Allow a dog or other animal to run at large. All animals shall be confined or leashed with a leash of not more than 10 feet. The custodians of said animals are responsible for the animals’ behavior and the removal of the animals’ waste from the park;
Ride, drive, lead or keep a saddle horse or other animal except on such roads, trails, or areas specifically designated for that purpose;
Deposit any rubbish, garbage, glass, or other litter except in receptacles designated for that purpose;
Dispose of hand and dish water other than in the receptacles provided for that purpose, or to dump human waste in gray water receptacles;
Wash any clothing or other materials in a lake or stream, or in any way pollute or defile any stream, spring, well, or lake;
Dump household or commercial garbage, brought from lands outside the park, in park facilities;
Alter, deface, mutilate, or destroy any trail, road, parking lot, bridge, fence, building, sign, barrier, or other facility or structure;
Dig up or remove any soil, stones, rocks, or other substances whatever; make any excavation, or lay or set off any blast therein except within the confines of the County rock pit;
Mutilate, dig, or remove any plant, or in any way burn, destroy, or defile any tree or plant or natural feature found in the park;
Create or erect signs, markers, or inscriptions of any type;
Use abusive, threatening, boisterous, vile, obscene, or indecent language or gestures;
Operate radios, television, musical instruments, or other noise-producing devices, or otherwise cause unnecessary sound in such a manner and at such times so as to disturb other persons;
Cause, attempt to cause, or bring about any public demonstrations or disturbances, or in any way create a public nuisance;
Discharge any firearm, slingshot, arrow, air CO2, spring activated rifle or pistol or other similar device, darts, fireworks or related explosive materials, except in areas designated for such activity;
Throw rocks, sticks or other objects, which may endanger the safety of any other person within said area; or
In any manner pursue, hunt, trap, or molest any bird or animal.
Rules Pertaining to Boats and Boat Trailers.
No person shall leave attended or unattended boats moored to County docks for more than a 30-minute time period in any location where a posted notice prohibits mooring. Posted docks are for the launching and retrieval of watercraft.
No person shall leave a boat or boat trailer unattended in a County park for more than eight hours without written permission from the park ranger unless parked at a designated overnight camping site.
Repair or servicing of boats, other than an emergency repair, is prohibited in County parks.
(Ord. 99-13; Ord. 08-13 § 7; Ord. 15-01 § 7)
The park ranger may, if necessary to protect natural resources or to promote safety in any park, designate areas as access restricted.
No person shall enter into an access restricted area unless that person has the written permission of the park ranger.
(Ord. 99-13)
It is unlawful for any person to camp in a County park or on other County property, except in areas specifically designated by the County as public campgrounds. It is unlawful for any person to camp on a County or public road.
In designated camping areas, residence shall be limited to 10 consecutive days in any park during the period from May 15th to September 15th, and 14 days during the remainder of the year.
No person shall abandon a camp established by that person. Any camp that is uninhabited for more than 24 hours shall be deemed abandoned. Abandoned vehicles and abandoned personal property shall be sold or disposed of in the manner established by Oregon law.
(Ord. 99-13)
No person shall operate a concession, or engage in the business of selling, hawking, peddling or vending any merchandise or material, without a written permit from Clatsop County.
(Ord. 99-13)
Fees for day use, overnight camping, concessions and other Clatsop County park uses shall be set by order of the Board of Commissioners.
No person shall attempt to use a County park in a manner for which a fee is required without paying the established fee.
(Ord. 99-13)
Violation of this chapter shall be a Class B violation under Chapter 1.11 with a separate offense for each calendar day of continuing violations.
In addition to the above imposition of a fine, boats moored in a prohibited location, or boats and/or trailers left unattended for more than eight hours in County parks, except overnight camping sites, are declared to be a hazard. Such boats may be moved and impounded by the park ranger or law enforcement personnel at the owner’s expense. Any trailer towed or impounded under this chapter shall be subject to the provisions of ORS Chapter 819, and the statutory provisions regarding notice, disposition and hearing will be applicable. Any boat that is impounded under this chapter shall be subject to the statutory provisions regarding notice, disposition and hearing under the provisions of ORS Chapter 830.
(Ord. 99-13; Ord. 08-13 § 7)